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Latest tweets by The Donald

... and a lot of the world's most stupid people.
That's what the stupidest person on the planet would say.
Belle I need your IQ scores asap. You have obviously downed to much Christmas cheer (bottle form).
The thing that surprises me, is that Bas hasn't been done for defamation. I see those mothers in Qld, that defamed a headmistress on Facebook, were done for heaps.
What Bas says, is beyond the pale, but gives me a great laugh.

Seriously !! How could anyone be done for defamation when describing the behaviors of Donald Trump ? I mean for a start its all "Fake News" isn't it ?

The fact that Biden won the election ? Just fake news.

Questions relating to the probity of Trump giving pardons to friends and close political allies who were part of the innumerable questionable activities around the administration of this government ? Just more outrageous slurs against the Word Of God...

But to return to current world reality, Trump has indeed opened a can of worms with his pardons to the various allies who have protected his back. How ? Consider this scenario of possible post President legal actions.

In fact the action of pardoning people to ensure their silence is the clearest case of using ones office for the obstruction of justice.

Check out this analysis from the Financial Times to appreciate just how dangerous Trumps position has become because of his actions.

Donald Trump’s pardons must not obstruct justice
Abuses of constitutional clemency power should be investigated and prosecuted
Laurence Tribe

Donald's middle raised finger or kick to the groin to the GOP perhaps?
In the overall package every special interest got some pork. I'm sure it was over a trill. Millions on gender studies in Pakistan. Some good, some bad. But so much was tacked onto the bill it was ridiculous. And Republicans let it pass, so obviously they had sht in there.

These politicians are the swamp. As successful as their media narrative was against Trump. He couldn't hold a candle to their breed of corruption.
I'm glad he is burning them on the way out.
Seriously !! How could anyone be done for defamation when describing the behaviors of Donald Trump ? I mean for a start its all "Fake News" isn't it ?
You have posted numerous false posts. I never saw a retraction when you were caught out.
You have posted numerous false posts. I never saw a retraction when you were caught out.

Frankly in the realm of defamation I think that statement about my contributions to ASF is far more more likely to be deemed and proven defamatory in a court of law than anything I have said about the Liar in Chief.

But we all have "Free Speech" here don't we ?
Are you saying you haven't posted bs that was caught out?
The president generally has 10 days to veto legislation, or it becomes law. However, in this case, the session of Congress ends on Jan. 3, before the 10-day period is up, which would cause the bill to expire and not become law if the president doesn't sign it.
Consequences for US citizens as Trump plays funny buggers with the COVID relief bill..

Millions lose benefits as Trump refuses to sign Covid relief package
11 million people will lose aid from expiration of unemployment programs as Trump heads to the golf course instead of signing bill

Millions of Americans battling the financial hardships of the coronavirus pandemic lost their unemployment benefits on Sunday as Donald Trump continued to refuse to sign a relief package agreed in Congress and headed instead to the golf course.

The president’s belligerence over the bipartisan Covid relief and spending bill, that would have extended the benefits and given direct cash payments to most American families, drew the ire of senior Republicans, who accused Trump of inflicting more misery on citizens.

“He should have weighed in eight months ago,” Larry Hogan, the governor of Maryland, said on CNN’s State of the Union in response to Trump’s claim that he would only sign if the relief package included $2,000 in direct payments instead of the $600 agreed.

“The paycheck protection plan ran out in July. Tomorrow, unemployment benefits run out. So sign the bill, get it done. And then, if the president wants to push for more, let’s get that done too.”

In a later appearance on ABC’s This Week, Hogan asserted: “Millions of Americans are going to suffer.”

Trump, who is spending the Christmas and New Year holiday at his Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida, raised objections to the $900bn relief bill only after it was passed by Congress last week, having been negotiated by his own treasury secretary Steven Mnuchin.

The latest legal attempt to overturn the US Federal Election has been rejected by the courts.

Of course that doesn't mean the Fat Lady has started to sing. According Republician Congressman Gohmert it seems like this will now have to be resolved on the streets.

Gohmert and his fellow plaintiffs said they would appeal. In an interview with the broadcaster Newsmax, the congressman said the ruling was “an example of when the institutions that our constitution created to resolve disputes so that you didn’t have to have riots and violence in the streets, it’s when they go wrong.”

“All this stuff about it [election fraud] being debunked, unsubstantiated, those are absolute lies,” he said, without evidence. “Basically in effect the ruling would be that you got to go to the streets and be as violent as antifa and BLM [Black Lives Matter].”

Having discovered that legal means to overturn the US election results aren't going to work, Trump has decided to go the old fashioned way - persuade/threaten/squeeze the vote counters to come up with the right number of votes to enable a "victory".

He spent an hour on the phone with Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger using all his formidable charm and political skills to (unsuccessfully) convince Brad he should find 11,780 freshly minted Trump votes that would enable him to claim Georgia (but not of course the election).

The party line phone call included his Chief of Staff Mark Meadows and a few more attorneys throwing in their suggestions on how to rewrite the election results.

Isn't it fantastic how Ted Cruz and the rest of the determined Trump followers want Congress to have an emergency audit of the election results and suddenly, Poof ! all the evidence of how corrupt the system of government has become is laid out in one comprehensive call.

Absolutely nothing new here folks. Just another day in the office..

That was an incredible phone call. He should be jailed for treason on that call alone.

Another source:

Trump, in Taped Call, Pressured Georgia Official to ‘Find’ Votes to Overturn Election

Talk about shooting your toes off given the runoff is only a few days away.

In fact in the Politco story there is a swathe of legal opinions on the dangers Trump faces as a result of this conversation.
So will he go down for corruption and attempting to pervert elections or just criminal insanity for believing he could get away with it. ?

Or ? ?
The problem, IMO, is that we now have blatant evidence of a coup attempt by vote suppression and coercion of election authorities, BUT what can be done to stop it. Intervention is needed immediately. Potential future criminal charges will hold no sway if he is successful and remains president.

I agree. Given the evidence of his attempts to entice/force Brad Rafensperger to change the Georgia electoral results there should be a decisive move by the DOJ and FBI to call the President in to explain his behaviour.

But then there have been so many blatant examples of unacceptable actions in this Presidency that have not been tackled, this process seems unlikely. And I'm certain that millions of people and thousands of politicians will still insist he has done nothing wrong and that this is all TDS or Fake News.

So that is where we are in 2021. A US President who has decisively lost the Presidency is refusing to accept the result. He is denouncing the election officials who presided over the contested results as incompetent or corrupt. His legal challenges to the election have been thrown out across the country and mostly by Judges he appointed to the bench. Nonetheless he is still repeating allegations of fraud that have no basis in fact. To this end he is inciting his supporters to rally at Washington to pressure the Congress not to elect the next rightful President.

And now he is on record in an hour long conversation with one of key Election Officials attempting to have the votes in Georgia , which were counted three times, recounted to find a mysterious 11,780 extra votes for Donald Trump as President.

And yet we can't see a way that this behaviour will result in a swift response from the Justice Department.

If there was a speck of integrity left in Senator Mitch McConnell he would be the man to denounce Trump and demand action.
2021 prediction:
Biden will become President without much fuss.

Nothing has happened to Trump previously because majority of it was bs or overblown.
This is the exact reason why the vote conspiracies are doing so well. There has been an utter line of bs during his presidency to take him down. Obvious media bias. And super kook conspiracies. It now seems to be being repaid in kind. Which is a bloody waste of time. Its no wonder that people think the vote was rigged.

He is gone. Most right wing pundits have already moved on. He has no chance of staying.

Drop the dribble till after January
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