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Latest tweets by The Donald

I wonder how long 1000 ventilators will last before the auction style bidding will start again between the different states, over the same equipment. Maybe it will have no bearing.

I remember hearing or reading that some of the richer states (like California) were outbidding their poorer neighbours by $10k or $15k for ventilators, pushing the price from $25000 to $40000 in some cases!

And in countries like Italy, many hospitals were being duped by Chinese "merchants" online, selling them overpriced equipment that the poor Italians never received!
Also piracy, USA basically stealing equipment bound for Europe by taking them half way enroute by corrupting the couriers. Germany in particular is particularly upset.
Donald Trump being sarcastic again on Twitter.

“When will all of the “reporters” who have received Noble [sic] Prizes for their work on Russia, Russia, Russia, only to have been proven totally wrong (and, in fact, it was the other side who committed the crimes), be turning back their cherished “Nobles” so that they can be given the REAL REPORTERS & JOURNALISTS who got it right. I can give the Committee a very comprehensive list. When will the Noble Committee DEMAND the Prizes back, especially since they were gotten under fraud,” wrote the president.

Donald Trump


As is often the case, it’s unclear who the president is talking about. The Nobel Prizes were awarded for Physics, Chemistry, Medicine, Literature, Peace and Economics in 2019. The 2019 prize for literature went to Austria’s Peter Handke “for an influential work that with linguistic ingenuity has explored the periphery and the specificity of human experience.” It is unclear what views Handke holds on disinfectant.

Trump may well have meant to criticize the Pulitzer Prizes for journalism. Several winners in 2019 have investigated Trump’s regime.
Gotta create fake lines to combat Trumps real lines.
Bidens got enough real problems:

Remember the lunacy around Kavanaugh. Surely Biden is going to get dropped.
Sarah Cooper is a comedian who has a great line in acting out some of Trumps most memorable interviews or tweets.
Basically you hear his unedited words coming from her mouth.
They have been shared millions of times for the same reason.

“Coming out of my mouth, you realize how much more stupid it is – I’m not sure whether that’s a good thing or a bad thing!” she says. But Cooper thinks there is something else going on here: her videos reassure people that what comes out of the president’s mouth really is as crazy as it sounds.^tfw|twcamp^tweetembed|twterm^1253474772702429189&ref_url=

Sarah Cooper did an interview with The Project. Obviously it was about her skill at acting out Trumps range of responses to all topics.

What is very interesting in the interview is Sarahs capacity to understand Trumps thinking processes as he basically just makes up stuff.

Well worth checking out IMV.

In case you missed The Don's Fox business interview .

The 42 most shocking lines from Donald Trump's Fox Business interview

President Donald Trump was up bright and early Thursday morning -- calling in to Maria Bartiromo's show on the Fox Business Network to riff on everything from Kamala Harris to Bill Barr to cows. (Yes, cows.)
I went through the transcript of the interview and pulled out the lines you need to see.

Those quotes by the man, are so funny, they are scary. I would prefer that a drunk or drug addict was in control of the whitehouse than a man that thinks he is sane.

It is scary, that we want democracy and Donald Trump is what we get.
Yes BUT, he did not just walk into the job, he was elected by the American people.

I find the obsession with Trump here on ASF rather odd, not one of my circle of friends ever mentions anything about him.
I find the obsession with Trump here on ASF rather odd, not one of my circle of friends ever mentions anything about him.

I can understand you POV and really I don't see anything unusual about your situation Macca.

I believe you see Donald Trump as basically an OK guy who is doing a fair job as Prez and doing nothing untoward. Now those in your circle of friends/ acquaintances who know your POV and also share it clearly won't need to say any more about the dude.

Those friends/acquaintances who also know your POV but take a completely opposite perspective will also clearly not want to say anything about him to you.

All makes sense Macca.
In my group of friends we still agree or disagree with each other when in each others company, it is true that many people only disagree when anonymous and online but we are happy to agree to disagree.

As I live in Australia I don't vote or live in USA so there is not much I can do about who is President. Whether or not he or any other President of the USA does a good job is way beyond my control

As I said before, no one is interested in the USA as a point of discussion

I believe it is quite unhealthy to go looking for problems and I think we have more than enough here at home without borrowing some from the USA.
I find the obsession with Trump here on ASF rather odd, not one of my circle of friends ever mentions anything about him.

I see him as no different to a moving average. Just another indicator. Another tool in the box which at times might be of use.

As with any indicator, it needs interpreting you don't take it literally and assume it's 100% accurate.

As for my friends, well there's two who would mention him yes. One takes him as comedy and nothing more and the other is keeping a watch on him for purely financial reasons as am I.
Why should we be interested in how Donald Trump governs the US ?
How does he affect Australia and the rest of the world ?

In no particular order

1) He has undermined the international co operation with the EU by threatening to pull out of NATO
2) On the same point he has attacked traditional allies like France, Germany, Canada while praising Russia, Poland and other strongly authoritarian administrations.
3) He has attacked the United Nations and undermined its capacity to act as a world bodyu
4) He has pulled out of international CC action and run 100% on undermining US action
5) He has created tensions in Asia with repeated attacks on China. The deterioration of relations with China has already affected Australia.

6) He has destroyed the US standing in the rest of the world. The US is now regarded as a dangerous power interested only in it's theoretical best interest and headed by a person who can't even asertain hat is in the US interest - only his own interest.
Umm no. He actually told them all to start pulling their weight. They were using the US as protection while reducing their own military budgets to low levels.
He actually made the right call.
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