Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Latest tweets by The Donald

The Donald would prefer to attend this event than the silly old boring correspondents dinner:
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"I have been the most transparent President and administration in Amercian History"
Yep. Everyone can see right through you. :)

Fly on the wall: Donald:" that's worked out very well, worked out extremely good, very well indeed. I was going to implement those 25% tariffs anyway. Good to get the Chinese men over here so it appears we negotiated fairly and they would just not move. Make sure we continue talks in China to cement that idea, that we are the one's who want to fairly negotiate with these unbending Chinamen.
Donald's Secretary: "and we will let Congress spend all their time chasing your tax returns. Then we'll release them much later and, surprise surprise, all in order."
Donald: "don't laugh"
As I have said on here a number of times, Trump is a great salesman.

"The US president, Donald Trump, has boasted about having “automatic chemistry” with the Queen during his state visit to the UK.

Trump, during an interview with Fox News, said people had noticed how well he and the Queen had connected.

He said: “The meeting with the Queen was incredible. I think I can say I really got to know her because I sat with her many times and we had automatic chemistry, you will understand that feeling. It’s a good feeling. But she’s a spectacular woman.”

When asked by the broadcaster’s Laura Ingraham if he fist-bumped the Queen, Trump said: “I did not, but I had a great relationship, we had a really great time.

“There are those that say they have never seen the Queen have a better time, a more animated time. We had a period we were talking solid straight, I didn’t even know who the other people at the table were, never spoke to them. We just had a great time together.”

Trump, when asked if he would keep the conversation going, added: “Yes I am, she is a spectacular woman, an incredible woman.”

The controversial billionaire-turned-politician was feted with a ceremonial welcome and a grand state banquet at Buckingham Palace during his stay in London this week and sat next to the Queen at the D-day commemorations in Portsmouth on Wednesday."
about having “automatic chemistry” with the Queen

Yes he grabbed her P ?

Hilarious sad little man ... Mexico trade deal .... nothing beyond measures ALREADY announced prior to his blackmail. NOT a thing new.

Market of course will rally .... because even the USA Fed despite 3.6% unemployment supposedly, is thinking of lowering rates.

Meanwhile, LA county had 60,000 homeless and DOUBLE that living out of a car. America is so great it now has 1.8 million without a home and 3.5 million living in the back of a car, 40% cannot even muster $500- for an emergency and this is via the USA fed survey and as for a $1,000 emergency the number who cant afford that is 64%.

I thanks the stars for where we live.

The Donald: How dare they, "It's time for me to upgrade myself". Either that or bomb the nuclear facilities in Iran and knock out all their ports.
What a real President could have said about the latest shootings.

Barack Obama‏Verified account @BarackObama

The El Paso shootings were a terrible thing. That young guy posting his Manifesto on the Great Replacement as he was shooting up every quasi non American he could find. And naturally the media and Donald Trump treated it as another terrible thing ...

But if the shooter happened to be a Muslim ??? We know what would have happened ..

If the El Paso shooter had been Muslim ...
Moustafa Bayoumi
Can you imagine what Trump and the media would have said if the shooter had been a Muslim instead of a white male? I can

Tue 6 Aug 2019 10.08 EDT Last modified on Tue 6 Aug 2019 11.02 EDT

If the El Paso shooter had been a Muslim, the entire Muslim American community would be blamed for the actions of this one person.

If the El Paso shooter had been a Muslim, the president would be lobbing accusations such as “Islam hates us” in the direction of Muslims and not lecturing the public about video games.

If the El Paso shooter had been a Muslim, we would have a Muslim ban on immigration to this country. More precisely, we would have an expanded Muslim ban on immigration to this country.