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Labor's carbon tax lie

Thanks for that link, IF. As usual, Denis Shanahan applies an objective logic to both sides.

Extract as follows particularly reflects how I feel about the opposition:
So you reckon JU-LIAR is doing a good job?

How much more damage do you think she can do IFocus?

Or perhaps you can't see the wood for the trees.

Noco currently agree with Richardson on Labors position, besides Labors gone for all money the plan for them should start to be to limit the damage the current threads shrilling Labors woes are really quite pointless and irrelevant given the wider picture.

Given the polls Abbott will surely have a mandate to roll back any of Labors policies he sees fit but given the holes in Coalition $70 bil cuts I wont be shocked if he actually increases tax"s as there is very little credibility in any of the leaked cuts touted.

Abbott and his front bench really genuinely concerns me as that's the future of Australia yet very much 2nd / 3rd string Howard ministers there is absolutely no scrutiny, exactly what do the coalition stand for other than NO.

BTW the continued calls for an election by Abbott are foolish at best or just plain arrogant.

His arrogance in continually breaking parliamentary conventions and crossing the line is a serious and bleak insight to the sort of power at all costs mentality.

Exactly where will it stop once he becomes PM.

Troubled times from all sides of politics in Australia presently and at a time when there are very real serious threats to Australia's interests.

Firstly, you are wrong to say he only knows "NO" to everything, when in fact some 157 pieces of legislation has been passed this year.

Secondly, it is the oppositions duty to scrutinize and hold this government to account on legislation which is not in the best interest of the Nation.

Thirdly, Abbott is not likely to reveal the Coalitions policies before the nexr election, for if he has some good ideas, this Green/Labor socialist left wing governement will attempt to use them, twist them around and claim the credit, leaving him with an empty hand.

If he is arrogant as you say, why has he got the Coalition so far ahead in the polls. He must be doing something right or are you quoting the Labor Party lines........... Arrogant......... scaremongering.......fearmongering..........NO, NO, NO...............BLACK HOLES............ The Labor Party do have prepared lines for their parrots.........I THINK THEY CALL IT PROPAGANDA. ...........Anything to discredit the opposition is the Labor Party's modus operandi.
IFocus, it's just a shame that labor is likely to leave the economy is such terrible state when they are voted out and I wonder if their goal is to make such a mess that it will be difficult for the coalition to put humpty back together again.

Perhaps it is a different perception, but I do believe that Abbott is listening to the people. I suspect his forcefulness at this stage is not so much for a personal agenda, but to rid Australia of a government who is not only inept, but there is also potential severe damage to our country with this strange and unbelievably stupid labor brand.

Opinion polls have shown that the majority of Aussie voters do want a new election, don't want carbon tax and want the Pacific Solution re-instated. Abbott is simply doing his job to give us a voice.

Go find someone else to pick on because it sounds ratjer shallow when labor supporters have so little say in defence of labor debacles, and instead, they simply keep attacking Abbott. He must be doing a great job to warrant so much attention...
Ammmhmm whats that phase cognitive forgetfullness behavioral bias I am perfect and its everyone else?

A bold claim indeed............

No, you just take offense and whinge when your logic is destroyed.

I have just learnt to take it like a man when mine is.
If he is arrogant as you say, why has he got the Coalition so far ahead in the polls.

. He must be doing a great job to warrant so much attention...

If the rise in the Coalition's popularity is due to Tony Abbott, why does he have a dissatisfaction rating of 55%?

I'd see the rise in the Opposition's ratings as more of a reflection of the electorate's gross disgust with the government than necessarily a firm belief that the Opposition really has the talent these days to run the country as well as it was run under John Howard.

Some of the voters who are sorely disappointed with Labor are going to The Greens - their vote is up again - but the others who realise what The Greens are actually about, have nowhere to go but the Libs.

There is a real disconnect between the rising rating for the Opposition and Tony Abbott's personal dissatisfaction rating.
What I find interesting is in the "BEST" PM, the uncommitted is 23%.
I belive at the next election this number of people are going to be thinking more clearly.
I do not believe that they will be swayed by "yap".
They will be looking at policy.

On policy I would be quite until close to the next election.
Because if you come out with some policy now, Gillard will call it her own, and run like the wind because she has no "integrity".

The election when it comes, (and it will) will be most satisfying!!!!!


Yes joe, that is exactly my point.

Because Tony Abbott does not have the genes of Clarke Gable and Bob Hope, the women portray him as an outcast from the bush, hence his popularity is not as high as it should be. They call it charisma and Tony Abbott could do with some to make him more attractive to women.

Julia Gillard comes across with that mother come teacher attitude with a stupid giggle and the naive fall for it.

Tony Abbott is a Rhode scholar. No doubt he has a higher IQ than Gillard and will come up with policies in the interest of all Australians at the right time..

I know at least one "rusted on" Labor voter and life long union member who will be voting Liberal because they see no credible alternative.

I'm not referring to myself there by the way, I'm not rusted on to voting for anyone in particular, but I will also vote Liberal for much the same reasons. There is no sensible alternative who could actually form government.

Exactly my point. It comes down to a choice of the least worst option.
If an election were to be held tomorrow I, too, would be voting Liberal, but it would be on the basis of getting rid of the government, and absolutely not because I have any faith in Mr Abbott or his team.
Imo you're over-simplifying the reaction of the electorate to Mr Abbott. I know plenty of blokes who find him lacking in substance. I'm female, and I'm not looking for someone with attractive appearance. Just someone with a consistent approach and some gravitas, rather than someone who seems little able to speak in more than three word slogans.

John Howard was no oil painting, neither did he have the attractive voice and physical demeanour of, say, Malcolm Turnbull, but he had a solidity and consistency that convinced people he meant what he said and that he had firm convictions.

Mr Abbott, on the other hand, changes his position according to the person to whom he is speaking at the time. This hardly gives him credibility.

Julia Gillard comes across with that mother come teacher attitude with a stupid giggle and the naive fall for it.
I don't believe many 'fall for it' at all. Her patronising tone of voice and girlish laugh strikes everyone I know as superficial and false.

Tony Abbott is a Rhode scholar. No doubt he has a higher IQ than Gillard and will come up with policies in the interest of all Australians at the right time..
I've no wish to appear to be defending the Prime Minister, and I'm not, but unless you actually have access to the IQs of both these people, noco, I don't believe you can make such an assertion.

I'd say both of them are well above average in intelligence. Being a good Leader is not just a matter of intelligence. Far from it. Way more important, imo, is sound political judgment, a quality neither of them have demonstrated in any measure so far.

"Julia Gillard had criminal allegations made against her in 1995 when she was accused of helping her boyfriend steal over $1,000,000 from the Australian Workers Union (AWU) and helping him spend the money on such things as her personal home renovations and dresses.

Julia Gillard has never denied helping him rip off the $1,000,000 plus dollars, what she has done is denied doing it knowingly. Her part was helping set up an account called the “AWU Members Welfare Association No 1 Account” and possibly other accounts that the money was laundered through when she was a lawyer working for Slater and Gordon who were the solicitors representing the Australian Workers Union.

...Julia Gillard is alleged to have ripped off $57,500 for herself. Of which $17,500 was spent on clothing at Town Mode, which was a women’s fashion house in Melbourne. Mr Cambridge has given evidence about the likely proceeds of this. And $40,000 was spent on renovations to her house in Melbourne. This shows up in the Victorian Parliament Hansard on the 28th February 2001 and the 2nd May 2001..."


This is also related to my post #1545 Re: The Gillard Government. Read the link.

Miss Gillard must have had a pretty low IQ to have have implicated herself with a criminal and to have used some of the money for her own purpose.

She is not very bright at all. Just cunning and stupid and is not fit to be Leader of this great country of ours.

I would not believe Tony Abbott would entertain such stupidity.

If it all comes out in the wash, Gillard is gone. She may well finish up sharing a cell with Thomson.
..Being a good Leader is not just a matter of intelligence. Far from it. Way more important, imo, is sound political judgment, a quality neither of them have demonstrated in any measure so far.
And integrity and character.

I always marvelled at the visceral hatred of John Howard from the extreme Left. I think it was because they knew they couldn't push him around, or get him to mouth their inane platitudes. The more they criticized him, the stronger his polling grew, which infuriated them even further.

We look for strength of character in our leaders. Punishment at the polling booth is inevitable for any politician found wanting in this respect.

Well Ifocus, I have worked in blast furnaces and in the 80's worked with Germans on a solar power station at Meekatharra.
There is no doubt we are technologically behind them, so why are we putting ourselves at a disadvantage to them by taxing the only advantage we have. Dumb and Dumber.
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