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Kevin Rudd

Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Well it might be another case of voting one out as opposed to voting one in you think.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

And if the Libs get up we will still get hammered, the excuse that they have to increase tax to cover all the spending of the previous government and we go round and round it's called politics

Of course the next elected government will have to pay back Rudd's massive spendings. It's going to hurt.

But what if Rudd can't stop the compulsive spending sprees if he gets another three years - the extra pain borne by taxpayers may not actually repay the debts he has incurred. With his current track record, he could easily spend any extra he extracts from taxpayers and still keep growing the debt. Scary...

At least the coalition's track record is better at fixing the financial mess so often left them by labour. Probabilities are better, IMO.

If we've got to be hit with higher taxes, it would be nice to think the debt is actually being paid off rather than allowing another three years of potential damage.

History is all we've got to go by here - I feel much safer with a government that has a good track record with fiscal policy.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

I agree - a Liberal government is far more likely than Labor to implement responsible fiscal policy capable of undoing the damage done by Rudd.
When Rudd and his crazy mates get billions of dollars of additional revenue by hitting smokers and miners (and various others too if he gets re-elected), who's to say they won't blow that money on further crazy and poorly implemented schemes like the various debacles we've seen from them so far?
The Rudd government is not worth risking for another term - give someone else a try - a party that delivered the goods last time they were elected following a debt blow out by the ALP government.
A few years of Liberal government killed the legacy of debt from the Hawke/Keating years. I believe the Libs can do it again without throwing cold water on resource-based investment like Rudd is on the verge of doing.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Whatever happend to Employment Participation Minister Mark Arbib and his 50,000 National Green Corp jobs programme? Apparently less than 6,000 participated in this wonderful scheme !! Another Rudd FAIL.

Achievement - bolster the employment figures by giving "WORK FOR THE DOLE" a greener title ! Pffffffffffft !

Wrong thread I know to be slipping this on but when the hell are we going to wake up to this spendaholic sociopath?
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Watch Rudd back down on his proposed new mining tax. It won't be a complete backflip necessarily, but he'll modify it to something more palatable and less damaging to Australia's resources industry - I don't think he'll have any choice.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Well today another classic Rudd day in the market. I wonder what will happen if Telstra says you build your own infrastructure. Optical fibre network interconnecting exchanges around Australia conduits to the node and then conduits to the house. Then we will compete with you on a level playing field with no political intervention, carriers can chose between suppliers, therefore no ACCC intervention. BRING IT ON.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Pretty much just that question was put to Senator Conroy on the 7.30 Report this evening.
Is Kevin Rudd an 'economic conservative'?

Ok Krudd was out there again on the airwaves calling himself and Swan 'economic conservatives'. This was a line they used last election to say to the electorate 'we are just like John and Peter'.

I would suggest that the Krudd track record suggests that Rudd and Swan are anything but 'economic conservatives'. Rather there has been an element of economic recklessness evident over the last term. Evidence of this includes:
1. stimulus (as Swan calls it, rather than 'the stimulatory fiscal policy' or some such wasetful use of the Enlgish language'. This includes frittering away the budget surplus on handouts to 'not working families' to spend in shops or on credit card debt. This could have paid for his superannuation promise which the miners now have to fund.
2. The enormously wasteful BER and insulation programs. There was no project management or cost accounting skills demonstrated (key skills, no doubt, of an economic conservative). Once again, the wasted resources could have been spent funding superannuations.
3. Countless reviews (i.e. Henry) where the recommendations have been ignored.
4. An ill-thought out resources 'super profits' tax that will ensure that the level of capital expenditure plummets for our mainstay mining industry at the worst time for this.

So, IMO, Rudd cannot call himself an 'economic conservative' of the ilk of Peter and John. To do so makes a mockery of the Oxford Dictionary.

To be fair, increasing the superannuation contribution rate is the work of an economic conservative although the funding of this is the work of a trigger happy man. Upgrading our broad band system is also something I agree with as it will bring Australia fully into the digital age.

So what do you guys think? Is Kruddy an 'economic conservative' in your view or is it more hot air from the political equivalent of the Zeppelin?
Re: Is Kevin Rudd an 'economic conservative'?

He might want people to believe he is an economic conservative, but he is looking more like a SOCIALIST every day and verging on communism. He is thinking like a SOCIALIST when he is deliberately trying to smash the profits of viable mining companies who are the blood line of this Nation. The crap he is brain washing peoples minds, that it all belongs to the people and that they should get a free share in the successes will no doubt impress the naive.

The consequences will be loss of investment in Australia and loss of jobs. South Africa and Canada are rubbing their hands together for they know they will entice Interantional Investors with the incentive of lower taxes.
Re: Is Kevin Rudd an 'economic conservative'?

He is all things to all men...a chameleon, with the exception that he has an abiding hate of big business, which he does not understand.
Re: Is Kevin Rudd an 'economic conservative'?

Yeah like the job losses the roll back of work choices was going to cause the mining industry
Re: Is Kevin Rudd an 'economic conservative'?

He's an old school Keynesian judging by his attempts a budgeting so far.

The Mining Tax has the potential to cause massive unemployment (thousands of jobs already on hold/lost) and the spending like a drunken sailor is anything but the actions of an economic conservative.
Re: Is Kevin Rudd an 'economic conservative'?

With his usual immaculate timing Rudd imposed his tax hike on the hated big miners when the market was already feeling the pinch from the Greek disaster, the oil spill in the Gulf and many other indicators that things were on a knife edge.

His greed was the tipping point for our markets. It never occurred to him that it is only the big miners that are keeping us afloat.

He is now getting ready to whack Telstra. There are few safe havens
Re: Is Kevin Rudd an 'economic conservative'?

AS some mining guy on Lateline said last night..

Krudd is a damn communist!

sorry cant remember who said it.
Re: Is Kevin Rudd an 'economic conservative'?

Alcopop tax
Increased tobacco taxes
"Super tax" on mining profits
Free ceiling insulation
First home buyers grant
Baby bonus

Rudd is a classic tax and spend socialist, not an economic conservative.
Re: Is Kevin Rudd an 'economic conservative'?

CAPTAIN Rudd is not so much clearing the decks as burning the furniture in his headlong rush to the election.

He is still odds-on to win, but at what cost, including to himself? Mere mortals cannot keep up with the daily torrent of announcements out of Canberra. The Prime Minister's pace is unsustainable. His office must be ready to fall over and his department is probably in the early stages of post-traumatic stress disorder.


Kevin Rudd an economic rationalist?? Ya have to be joking me ! All we had to do is sit tight and do NOTHING and we would have come through the GFC without a scratch but NO ..... we had to give away our budget surplus and rack up the national debt.

JEEEEEEEZUZ this makes me angry !
Re: Is Kevin Rudd an 'economic conservative'?

With Rudd's hand on the helm we are heading for "the recession we had to have."

But, "Australia is in a strong position blah blah blah..."
Re: Is Kevin Rudd an 'economic conservative'?

JEEEEEEEZUZ this makes me angry !

Me too. It makes me so damn mad to think that he has frittered away the budget surplus on all those cr*p, wasteful policies and now is imposing an anti-competitive tax on the mining industry to pay for it.

Then he has the gumption to call himself an 'economic conservative'. WTF? I mean surely the people of Australia are not that stupid?

I mean, by all means, go out there an call yourself a Keynesian who believes in 'big government' and nationalising the private sector. Be honest about it. Just do not go and try and spin all this spending and big taxes as being conservative!!
Re: Is Kevin Rudd an 'economic conservative'?

Where are all the freaks that voted for this trainsmash of a government? "It wasn't me that voted for him" I hear them bleat.

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