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Kevin Rudd

Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

New car sales surge in March!
Up 25% from same time last year!
352 higher than previous record set in 2007
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Employer confidence soars in W.A
Recruitment agency says 50% of WA employers will employ more permanent staff in the next 3 months.
Confidence has risen 5.5% the highest since September 2008
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Employer confidence soars in W.A
Recruitment agency says 50% of WA employers will employ more permanent staff in the next 3 months.
Confidence has risen 5.5% the highest since September 2008

Thank goodness for the mining industry and bargain priced cars.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

More of the same here Julia

It appears Herr Rudd can hear the hounds baying for blood.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Yeppers -Bevo- .... Will the person who voted for this three ring circus please stand up !
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

I am concerned about the Rudd proposed health reform.

He keeps saying to the states and the opposition, " work with me to secure a better haelth system for all Australians". It is very obvious to many, Rudd wants his own way and if he does not get it, threatens to go to a referendum.

Actually, it my beleif that he is hell bent on a referendum to obtain the outcome he wants and is not interested in any other proposals form within or without. It is a way of grabing some of the states GST and just maybe he might retain some to help pay off the bad debt. It will also be the start of other state take overs to gain control of all income.

I can imagine how his tricky question will read and could go something like the following:-

* Do you want health reform? 90% will answer YES.
* Would you prefer an improved hospital sytem? 90% will answer YES.
* Would you like to see more hospital beds,doctors and nurses? 90% will answer yes.
* Would like to see shorter waiting times for surgery. 90% will answer YES.

Bingo! Kevvie will say I have a mandate.

What he want ask you is:-

* Do you agree the way it will be funded?
* Are happy with 30% of the GST being taken from the states?
* Will you be happy if I pass the buck on to the states if it does not work?

OH BOY, just watch what this fraudster will get up to!!!
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Does anyone have any idea what will happen if all the States except Victoria agree to Mr Rudd's proposal?
I gather Ms Kenneally in NSW is also unwilling to commit that State, and is insisting that the Henry Tax Review be released before the Premiers are required to make a commitment on health.
Sounds very reasonable.

Rudd's obstinate "agree with me, and agree now" is reminiscent of the urgency which applied to the ETS which just had to be all legislated before Copenhagen.

Good to see at least two of the Premiers are showing some resistance to his bullying.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Yeppers -Bevo- .... Will the person who voted for this three ring circus please stand up !

I'm one of the many and not sorry. Howard had gone over the top and couldn't be trusted. Evidently a lot of people thought the same way. I may have voted for Turnbull next time but I think Abbot is a sleeze bag that I would not trust so it looks as though Rudd gets my vote again.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Rudd just wants to win the next election.
If he can keep the focus on health he might even pick up an extra seat.
He has already started flying around the country while the monk is on his pushy in the country side.
Are there any marginal seats on the mad monks journey?
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Todster, the above doesn't actually respond to my previous post, so I'm not sure why you've quoted what I said to express what we all know, i.e. that Rudd wants to win the election, and that Tony Abbott is cycling round the country.

I'd genuinely like to know whether the non-agreement of, say, Victoria and NSW to the health 'reforms' will be enough for the Prime Minister to claim he has to go to a referendum.

And a further question about the protocols involved in a referendum:
Can Mr Rudd word this as he chooses, e.g. as Noco outlined earlier
"Do you want to see reforms to improve the health system?"
Is there any requirement for the Opposition to approve the wording?
Fairly obviously if the wording was as above, he will receive about a 100% positive response.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Julia, I'm not sure where the opposition stands when it comes to wording a referendum. If Rudd does try to con the Australian public with his trickery, the only thing the opposition can do is point out to the public the facts before they consider their vote.

While he has been in deep poo this week with his health reform, he has diverted public attention once again with his announcement on the suspension of processing Afghan and Sri Lankin refugees. He is a bloody master at it and people fall for it every time. He treats the public like school children. If the kid is in a tantrum because it can't get it's own way, give him/her a lollie to take his/her mind away from the problem.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Did you see last night the Sunday show about the schools Krudd has built, what a **** up that has turned out to be, a canteen that is a unusable garage that cost $8000k.

I saw that. The brick .... house for 600k (??) too. Contractors have always loved government initiatives.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

I admire a person who has the intestinal fortitude to come out and really say what he thinks. Don't hold back next time ! It will be interesting to see when we perform a score check on Herr Rudds promises and the policy failures that are coming back to bite him in the posterior. EPIC FAIL would be my guess. Type the words "shambles" and "Rudd" into google and await the tsunami of responses.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Sleaze bag? thats how your decisions are made?
whaever happened to party politics?
it's not about one person,oh and how much debt was it that Mr Howard got us into?
I seem to remember a different scenario, wasnt it a surplus?
I'd think a little harder than deciding my vote on who's pedalling or wearing speedo's.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

New "How to vote Labor" card being distributed in the burbs where the $900.00 x 3 stimulus package did the greater good for all. Could be a landslide. Apologies to Rick Astley.


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Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Pearls of wisdom DOWN there at e.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

If you are sick in hospital, take heart. The Rudd and Roxon travelling circus will be visiting you soon. While he cheers you up with spin she nods approval.
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