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Kevin Rudd

Re: Kevin Rudd degrades the office of PM

He is not the messiah. He is very naughty boy !

Rudd is a souffle.. He may rise once more but lacks substance.

i left the sarscastic roll eyes thing off.....maybe if he's lucky he'll rise to the UN

the guy is a muppet, he is now sending AFP officers to Israel. Look out Mossad
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

I support a national curriculum and think it has its advantages. I hope labor has learnt from its other failed rollouts and manages to get this right. While I think the school building scheme was a bit over the top with some major waste of tax payers $ going on. In general I support anything to do with fixing our education system. But this seems like another distraction from all the other incompetence.

The problem and my concern is this govt does not seem to be able to deliver, or be able to concentrate on one area without dumping it, and then running to the next project. They basically destroyed the insulation industry in a matter of 6 months. A lot of these guys that have been around for years would probably find that there is little work left after we have jammed cheap imported insulation in thousands of roofs, and then destroyed their reputation. The idea was fine but the implementation of it sucked.

But instead of solutions labor just seems to blow off any failed scheme and move onto the next thing. How many millions (if not billions) of taxpayers dollars will they waste on some kind of scheme by scheme popularity contest in the polls. Maybe they should slow down a bit and try to follow through with better thought out plans.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Yes, I agree the National School Curriculum is long over due, but can these clowns, as you say, deliver the system without goofing.
Re: Kevin Rudd degrades the office of PM

Not even the Rudd lovers would deny that Rudd has done some unbelievably stupid things. Even Rudd himself is admitting that he's made some foolish mistakes.
The interesting thing is that although he's incompetent and foolish, Rudd was dux of his school. So in the academic area at least, he's a smart man.
Clearly though, academic brains don't necessarily equate to common sense or managerial ability or business acumen.
Rudd has a very active mind that's always thinking up grandiose plans for Australia - plans that he seems to genuinely believe will benefit the country - but he lacks the common sense to make an accurate assessment of these plans to see if they're practical.
Furthermore, there are few if any people among his advisers and colleagues with the business experience necessary to fill the gap in Rudd's ability and business experience.
For example, take his wacky home insulation scheme as a way of giving the economy a short term lift - a person with business acumen would have come up with a dozen different projects that would have equally boosted the economy short term, but also had ongoing benefits to Australian industry for decades to come.
Rudd just doesn't have what it takes.

We now have a responsibility to our country to vote him out at the next election.
Re: Media turns on Rudd

* Spending $43 Billion on a new communications network without a clear business plan
Assuming they stay under the $43b budget; which is already looking impossible as the Tasmanian trials have already been pushed back by 6 months.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Great summary. Now they are also announcing change to how the hospitals are funded. I'm not sure how that will actually fix the ailing health system.
They just seem to be floundering around in a panic.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Now they are also announcing change to how the hospitals are funded. I'm not sure how that will actually fix the ailing health system.
They just seem to be floundering around in a panic.
Perhaps a case of 'too much too soon' regarding policies. Or maybe they were in the wilderness for so long they needed a debt party with taxpayer’s dollars to boost self-esteem .

There is a chance labor may have learnt some lessons (here's hoping). And they may concentrate efforts a bit more. Honestly I would be happy if they just resigned themselves to slow but steady progress on one-two issues, Instead of blowing costs through the roof in a short space of time on what amounts to be disasters.
Re: Media turns on Rudd

The Coalition is not ready to govern and the current lot are, well, not too good at it.

Oh the pain! The pain!

I'd take a government that doesn't get anything done over one that tries to get everything done but poorly.
Re: Media turns on Rudd

I'd take a government that doesn't get anything done over one that tries to get everything done but poorly.

At least if nothing gets done no money gets wasted, show me anything Labor has done to save any money at all?
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

100% agreed, when you want quality it takes time, when you want crap you can usually get it done straight away. The labor government is in panic mode making all the wrong decisions.
Re: Media turns on Rudd

Still has to be the poorest team on all things economy the Libs have ever had, Barnaby should be on the front bench but not has a real chance of haunting Abbott.

Interesting that you say that about BJ. If you actually read his C.V. his credentials are better than Swan and Tanner. His qualifications are more relevant to the position and his experience is wider. Maybe you just don't like what he says. BTW, he might be closer to the mark than you think, with his view on whether Australia can ever pay back the massive debt that has accumulated.
Re: Media turns on Rudd

And a chunk of it went into poker what

The goal was the immediate stimulation of the economy and the result was the immediate stimulation of the economy, no one said it was gona be pretty.

Yeh, and the other part of the result was to push our already massive debt even higher, with minimal benefit to the nation long term.
There are so many ways the money could have been better spent to stimulate the economy and at the same time provide long term benefits to the country.
At first glance it appears that Rudd did the right thing in the way he dished out the stimulus money. But anyone with a bit of business acumen and common sense can see straight through it for the stuff up that it was.
It was as much an effort to win votes as anything else.
Re: Media turns on Rudd

is it just me or has Krudd aged a hell of a lot over the past 12 months?
Re: Media turns on Rudd

is it just me or has Krudd aged a hell of a lot over the past 12 months?

Rudd has aged all right - my wife and I were commenting on this just a couple of nights back when we saw him on TV.
I reckon Abbot has aged a fair bit recently too.
Mind you, I'd probably age prematurely myself if I was involved in the rough and tumble of politics - particularly if I was an ALP politician having to tolerate union mugs and tree huggers as my colleagues and confidantes.
Re: Media turns on Rudd

I agree Buddy. When it comes to BJ we are all to quick to judge the messenger and not the message. It is a type of double standard - it is OK for a lawyer, banker or career public servant (you reading Tanner) to make outlandish comments largely unnoticed. But when you are ex-accountant BJ, it is newsworthy.

Mind you I think karma is probably coming back to bite him. The media loved BJ when he was the "Maverick Cowboy" sticking it up the Libs. As a result his comments were given too much airing and too little scrutiny for his position. Now it is reverse, the delivery of his comments are given too much scrutiny with little publicity given to the actual message.

BJ's problem hasn't been helped by a political cycle where the Coalition is riding a wave and Labor are being mauled. Over the past 2 months, night after night, Labor have had bad news story after bad news story. In an attempt to provide a "balanced view" they look for a negative story on "the other side".

You can almost here the voiceover on Channel 9 "For the fourth day running, Prime Minister Rudd has had to answer questions over the competency of his Environment Minister, amist new claims of billions of taxpayer dollars lost through the rorting of the home insulation system. Meanwhile the Coalition were having problems of their own when the Finance Minister tried to explain to journalists about the level of Australia's debt". ......Insert BJ's comment...

Are they even comparable?? Leigh Sales did it last Friday night on Lateline while talking to Craig Emerson. I couldn't believe it. She said to Craig Emerson that it was a bit hypercritical of the Coalition to call for the sacking of Garrett when Ministers in the Howard Government were not sacked for similar offences...and then, get this....the example she gave was Brendan Nelson not getting sacked when the body of Private Jake Kovko was not flown back into the country!!!

Now that was tragic for the family and embarrassing for the country and our soldiers deserve much, much better. But Leigh......really......are you honestly trying to compare the Home Insulation Debacle (including the deaths, rorts, and multi-million dollar bailout) of which the Minister had hands on involvement with the policy, to the unfortunate mix up of a deceased Australian serviceman?

To Craig Emerson's credit, he instantly saw the ridiculous aspect of the statement and moved onto something more credible. Leigh, if you and the ABC are going to provide free kicks for the Government can you make sure their Ministers are not embarrassed to use them.

Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

I think it's time for PM cliche boy 'to step up to the plate' and ask Simon Crean, Tony Burke to closely examine that plate and determine exactly ''what's their beef?" over clean & safe Australian beef. He really should make sure that if they do 'get it', then Australian consumers can be empowered with adequate beef labeling choices so that they don't need to worry about anyone else's beef.


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Re: Kevin Rudd degrades the office of PM

While sewing a cut on the hand of a 75 year old Aussie farmer whose hand was caught in the gate while working cattle, the doctor struck up a conversation with the old man.
Eventually the topic got around to Kevin Rudd and his role as our Prime Minister.

The old farmer said, 'Well, you know, in my opinion, Rudd is a ‘Post Turtle’.
Not being familiar with the term, the doctor asked him, what a 'post turtle’ was.

The old farmer said, 'When you're driving down a country road and you come across a fence post with a turtle balanced on top, that's a 'post turtle'.

The farmer saw the puzzled look on the doctor's face so he continued to explain.
'You know he didn't get up there by himself, he doesn't belong up there, he doesn't know what to do while he's up there, and you just wonder what kind of dumb bugger put him up there to begin with.'
Re: Kevin Rudd degrades the office of PM

All I can honestly add in response to this thread title is...

So would I, if I were in charge!
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

*licking my chops on this one*

KEVIN Rudd's personal approval is at its worst since he became opposition leader in December 2006, and the Coalition is in its best position on primary votes since John Howard was prime minister and Kim Beazley was Labor leader.

For the full article

BUT Tony the white rabbit has only got 25 basis points to make up as prefererred PM (read not going to happen) AND they are 8 points behind Labor if a vote was held today in Banana Republic.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

When the news strts to sufface about the wasteage from this govt in "special projects".The Batts in the ceilings was one but now the school buildings make it a complete disaster $8 Billion of wastage.
Then Rudd is on the outer and Big Red (Julia) is in the forefront.
Whitlam part2.. you bet.. as the unions are now starting to ask questions.
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