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Kevin Rudd

Re: Rudd the comedian

Great to see the apple doesn't fall that far from the tree.

Prime minister's nephew Van Thanh Rudd in Ku Klux Klan protest flap at Australian Open

If he was looking for attention, he sure got it - along with a possible $200 fine for inciting a riot.

Controversial artist - and nephew to the Prime Minister of Australia - Van Thanh Rudd made a statement about racism at the Australian Open this week by dressing up as a member of the KKK and carrying a sign that read: “No Racist Attacks on Indians."

According to Australia's Courier Mail, the protest was related to a slew of attacks against Indians in Australia.

"Australia is still an incredibly racist country and should not be celebrating but condemning racism," James Crafti told the Mail.

Looks like another trust-fund kiddie looking for attention.

My only advice to Van Rudd is get a job you BUM!
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Lately I'm losing confidence that Herr KRudd can count past the number three. Why is it so?

Firstly, he has become obsessed with turning every media interview into a numbered point one-to-three-fest.

Secondly, his infuriating, repetitive & robotic use of peurile finger counting with (firstly) his thumb, (secondly) his forefinger & (thirdly) his middle finger in order to add *emphasis* with each of his chosen points numbered one to three.

Thirdly, his inability to remember much more than three points of argument.

So, to address this unwelcome development I believe -

Firstly, he must get his good mate Swan-ee to teach him how to count to the number five. This would greatly increase his reportoire.

Secondly, use his extra two fingers for emphaticization of the (fourth) and (fifth) points during his daily social intercourse. This will help avert digital atrophization of the affected hand, and,

Thirdly, errr.... forgot...??

Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

I know he's the treasurer of a place called STRAYA, wherever the hell that is, but do you have any evidence Swan can count to five?
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

I know he's the treasurer of a place called STRAYA, wherever the hell that is, but do you have any evidence Swan can count to five?

Of course he can count to five
Fact is he can count to twenty (so long as he removes shoes and socks)
Media turns on Rudd

The Australian is pretty well known for lip to butt service on Rudd. But seems the Australian is changing its tune along with a few of the other media outlets.
So because someone else did all the investigating they now come up with this conclusion Have jorno's really become that lazy?
And its funny how after Rudd was grilled and fried by a bunch of kids on Q&A, that the media now has started to turn against him. Are they embarrassed that for years they have been treating him with kid gloves and were shown up by the youth of the country?
I'd really like to know why Rudd has suddenly become on the nose.
Re: Media turns on Rudd

I think you have hit the nail on the head moXJO. It took a bunch of middle-class Canberra kids, who would mainly be the children of bureaucrats, to expose this imposter on the national stage. The demographic you would expect to identify with Rudd recognised him for the fool that he is, and played him for a sucker.

I nearly threw up when The Australian decided he was their man of the year. They now know which way the wind is blowing, and have changed tack.
Re: Media turns on Rudd

moXJO, our mate Mr. KRudd has always been on the nose.

It`s just that many have been walking around with face masks on the keep the swine flu at bay that and haven`t noticed till they removed them to get some real fresh air.
Re: Media turns on Rudd

All Krudd did on Q&A was prove something a lot of people have been saying for a long time. He is an arrogant BULLY who will continue to blame the previous government or the GFC on any mistakes his governments make. What sort of prime minister would shout down a 16 year old girl and basically reduce her to tears just to PROVE A POINT.

What an arrogant prick. thats what i thought when i watched it anyay.
Re: Media turns on Rudd

Well thats it then. The media was his fuel in order for him to spin.
He has no other plan.Policies on the run with no real substance or logistics.

IMO, I think he has a disorder or perhaps a childhood scar (bullying perhaps)

If the media twists the knife further they will get their headline.
He has a short fuse and unfortunately they dont let the flame burn long enough for the explosion.

Its coming... Alan Jones is doing a fantastic job of keeping him in check and Im sure Rudd's blood boils everytime breakfast radio is on Monday to Friday.
At first I thought Jones was a bit harsh but now I agree with him.
What I cant understand is there are 60%+ who still like Rudd.
No wonder the Nigerian scam artists survive.
Re: Media turns on Rudd

according to the media there is 60% popularity - everyone I talk to hates the guy so I dont know who these 60% are!!

This one I like and have often thought the same.

IMO, I think he has a disorder or perhaps a childhood scar (bullying perhaps)
Re: Media turns on Rudd

Popcorn time!

Guess Rudd gets himself a cushy UN job when they swear in Prime Minister Gillard, eh? Didn't Keating get in this way too? What do the ALP have against letting people vote for the nation's PM? (And premiers come to mention it. Bligh snuck in through the back door too.)

And she has been all over the place by the way, major PR blitz, from Monthly magazine to that stupid 7pm show on Ch10. How impressive a minister with 3 major portfolios can find the time for all this

Nice knowing ya Rudd. Or was it??

Ps, I hope a journalist asks Ms Gillard whether or not she's still a Marxist, and if not, why not.
Re: Media turns on Rudd

Even if we change him.
Australia is country with most living former Prime Ministers.

Problem is that this doesn't come cheap:

For life indexed annual payment,
Secretary or two looking after office,
Chauffer and Government limo,
Gold Medicare (means: never ever have to open wallet to pay gaps or whatever),
Free air travel,

To name the few appreciation freebees for doing such a great job for all of us.
Re: Media turns on Rudd

I think most people would agree this is a small price to pay for a change of government!!!
Re: Media turns on Rudd

:sleeping: Another week and yet another Rudd / Labor bashing thread at ASF. :cuckoo:

What's with the right side of the political spectrum? what's with this need to rubbish and denigrate the centre left, mainstream? why the constant whining and dummy spitting? :dunno: i just don't get it?

Did anyone see Hockey on Lateline last nite? he was going really well attacking Garrett etc until he made the mistake of talking in depth about the GFC and domestic economy in general....he did the usual stop the stimulus rubbish and then followed with a list of factors that saved us going into recession.

Unfortunately number 2 or 3 on that list was the Chinese stimulus...and how it stimulated our export industry's...the interviewer was quick to point out how strange it was that the stimulus worked in china but not in Australia. even Hockey had to smile.
Re: Media turns on Rudd

Maybe because big chunk of our stimulus went to China for all the gadgets bought by mums and dads for $900 handout.
Re: Media turns on Rudd

Maybe because big chunk of our stimulus went to China for all the gadgets bought by mums and dads for $900 handout.

And a chunk of it went into poker what

The goal was the immediate stimulation of the economy and the result was the immediate stimulation of the economy, no one said it was gona be pretty.
Re: Media turns on Rudd

Damn lefty stinking up the thread with your labor loving and lib bashing:
This thread was actually about the media turning, Rudd bashing was just a bonus
Re: Media turns on Rudd

Rudd and his party haven't stayed in front of the changing social dynamics since he was elected....

Rudd was elected at the top of a bull market (an all time high) when optimism is also at a peak. Social mood since starting in office has changed from one of extreme optimism to one of pessimism. Rudd's inaction on promises and ongoing push for bigger taxes (ETS) is a strategy heading for disaster.

In a recession/depression when social mood has fallen, people tend to demand: concise and effective action, a government that can be trusted, tax breaks, support of the nations citizens and the family unit, to name a few.

However, if for example, the bull market had continued for several years Rudd may have been successful with an ETS and his continued inaction over key policies, as the continued high optimism could have masked such undertakings (or lack of them).

If the downtrend continues (as I suspect it will) due to declining social mood, then I doubt Rudd can survive the political and social pressures cast upon him. Labor would do well to change leadership quickly under these circumstances.​
Re: Media turns on Rudd

Its being sorted mate.

NSW ALP Right are meeting as we blog.

Word is that Gillard will take over and promise to ensure major portfolios go to the Right.

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