Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Kevin Rudd

Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

That's interesting, Noco. Where did you come by that information?
Do you have a link?
I'd love to see such a debate.
If nothing else, it would be a fascinating exercise in opposite speaking styles.

I saw it too, on Sky News. Abbott challenged Rudd to a debate on ETS. When asked about it by a reporter, Rudd said something like Abbott would be better off spending his time developing a environmental policy of his own.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

I saw it too, on Sky News. Abbott challenged Rudd to a debate on ETS. When asked about it by a reporter, Rudd said something like Abbott would be better off spending his time developing a environmental policy of his own.

Yes its true , however Rudd is currently taking lessons off North Korea and banning all forms of communication so you will find those findings to be deleted by now.

No doubt Rudds findings from Copenhagen will be he bought and Ice Cream and it started melting so we need an ETS.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

I saw it too, on Sky News. Abbott challenged Rudd to a debate on ETS. When asked about it by a reporter, Rudd said something like Abbott would be better off spending his time developing a environmental policy of his own.
Nothing new. Typical opposition political tactic, followed by a typical incumbant government response.

It will be interetsing to see how the Libs position themselves from here. If Abbott can come up with a plan to reduce emissions without a multi-billion dollar tax-grab, the Libs could define themselves as the fiscally responsible party as an election platform (especially considering the $43b waste of funds known as the NBN), and Abbott could start to transform himself from the bully with the acidic personality to a credible challenger.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

That's interesting, Noco. Where did you come by that information?
Do you have a link?
I'd love to see such a debate.
If nothing else, it would be a fascinating exercise in opposite speaking styles.
Sorry Julia I don't have a link, heard it on Skynews and again on Channel 9 news.Check out Skynews on the net.
Kevin Rudd has refused to take up the challenge, that's why I say he is a coward first class. He does not want the people of Australia to know the truth about this crazy ETS and CPRS.
I'd love to see a debate too, but I cannot see it happening.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Well the latest news is our fearless leader, KRudd, has refused to publicly debate Tony Abbott on the ETS.

Who is the COWARD now?

What has Rudd got to hide?

Full marks to Tony Abbott!

How can anybody be inspired by a COWARD?

Hey noco you loco!
Time for siesta -stay away from the cantina hombre.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Heard that Rudd turned down the offer of a debate on radio .Rudd told Abbott to get his Liberal house in order before he would consider a debate on ETS.Sounds like Rudd is on the run with his lack of knowledge on the ETS.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Following Obama deciding to defer his attendance from the beginning of the Copenhagen conference to the end of that conference, Rudd has decided to do likewise. This is further proof that he is more interested in furthering his personal ambitions that in particular policies. Rudd will soon be an embarrassment if he continues to stalk Obama to promote his own profile.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Hey noco you loco!
Time for siesta -stay away from the cantina hombre.

Your insidious remarks about a fellow ASF member is typical of your type when the truth hurts. I have obviously hit a nerve in your brain which has no control over your mouth.
Rudd the comedian

Rudd will always be good for a laugh. Check this out:

Rudd slams Howard 'spree'

KEVIN Rudd has accused his predecessor of undue largesse and exacerbating the financial strain on Australia as it deals with an ageing population.

On the second day of a whistlestop tour of the country, the Prime Minister said overspending in boom times under John Howard had set an unsustainable pattern of spending.

So we have the highest spending PM in this nation's history (on useful items such as a broadband network that wont actually increase internet speed at all because they "forgot" to consider part of the cabling) and he accuses a former PM of spending too much?

Howard may have been far less than the financial guru he claims to be, but the drunken sailor approach to spending is something Rudd has developed into a fine art.
Re: Rudd the comedian

What happened to Rudd's "end of the blame game"? How much longer can he point the finger at everyone else?
Labor is living in some kind of denial bubble where they can do no wrong
Re: Rudd the comedian

Have you heard Chairman KRudd's latest joke?

Apparently, in 2050 the NewAge continent of AustChindia will be running annual budget surpluses of $AUS150Billion ... AND Chairman KRudd will still be Primed Minister (courtesy of planned KRuddCo Cryogenics (tm) advancements)!!!

Har, har, har!!!

Now, that is seriously funny stuff.

The lil' guy is a born comedienne.


Look into yer Krystal Ballz again, mate, 'n tell us another one.... hee hee :D
Re: Rudd the comedian


Now lets get this straight. Rudd says................ By 2050:-
Population increases by about 50%.
Productivity has to increase by about 1 1/2 %.
We will maintain our humanitarian immigration policy whereby rickshaw drivers, farm labourers and general layabouts (and families) get Australian welfare.
We will spend zillions on infrastructure (dedicated truck routes, ports, etc).
Working population decreases relative to retirees.
We will go to budget surpluses.
Direct and indirect taxes will increase to pay for something or other.
Cut the Medibank rebate (people will not get sick anymore).
No more private schools. Unless they are muslim.
An ETS will be introduced....... a new mega tax transfer Australia's wealth to various flea bitten countries/dictators.
CO2 level will be reduced by somewhere between 5 -30%. Of 1990 levels!
The Murray-Darlin basin will recover, and S.A. will have water.
No more farting cows.
We will get rid of all those landed gentry (National Party voters) who have destroyed land, ie, we will import all food requirements.
Everyone will be driving a Toyota Prius.

blah, blah, blah....................

All I can say is that he might be a comedian but the reality is either he can't add up, or he is taking some very hallucinatory substances.
Re: Rudd the comedian

The slow handclap with prince WILLY sums it all up. It is all so depressing. I wish my computer skills would allow me to up/download the clip to show those that haven`t seen it. And this bloke runs our country!!!:eek::eek:
Re: Rudd the comedian

Big thanks to all those who believed that we need a change of Government.

(To me just one more snout in a trough with all the other living retired Prime Ministers, with all their indexed for live entitlements including: unlimited free air ticket, chauffer with Government car attached to him, secretary or more than one, maintained office, Gold Medicare plus more)