Garpal Gumnut
Ross Island Hotel
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Re: Herr Rudd
The Godwin Grech affair seems so far away, an interview I recorded onto an old 78 which I'm playing tonight, thanks ABC.
The Godwin Grech affair seems so far away, an interview I recorded onto an old 78 which I'm playing tonight, thanks ABC.
Lord Kerry Kerry: A schort time ago, I spoke mitt ze Prime Minister. Achtung!! He vas in his Parliament House office, Herr R-r-rudd, on r-r-radio zis morningkt undt in ze Parliament today you vere fery keen to argue zat ze entire Opposition kase against you undt ze Treasurer r-r-rested on ze kontents uff an email zat you brented as a forgery. Achtung!! But you know zat zat's neint ze only basis fur concern about your Treasurer's assistance fur ze Qveenslent kar dealer ChJohann Grant, vvo iss an acqvaintance or friend uff yours. Achtung!! You know zat zat's neint ze only basis, don't you?
Herr R-r-rudd: I fundamentally disagree mitt you, Lord Kerry Kerry. Achtung!! Let me go to ze heart uff ze proposition. Naturlich! Herr Turnbull, ze Liberal Party's out zere accusingkt meinself as Prime Minister undt ze Treasurer uff korruption. Naturlich! VVat's his basis fur sayingkt zat? He has said zat I haf made a kommunication on behalf uff Herr Grant to ze Australian Treasury, undt as a konseqvence haf kaused ze Treasurer to act in a vay to support Herr Grant's interests vvich vould neint ozzerwise neinrmally occur. Achtung!! Zat's ze essence uff it. Achtung!!
So zerefore ze kore uff zis entire argument r-r-rests on ze alleged kommunication between meinself, or mein office, undt ze Treasury on Herr Grant's behalf. Naturlich!
Undt here are ze facts: ein, Herr Grant has said he's nefer discussed ze matter mitt me neinr asked me fur representations - zat's true. Naturlich! Secondly, I haf neint had any dealingkts mitt Herr Grant on zis matter to make r-r-representations fur him. Naturlich! Zree, neizzer haf mein shtaff. Naturlich! But four, vvat Herr Turnbull undt ze Liberal Opposition haf said: zere's zis smokingkt gun, zis email vvich exists between meinself, mein office undt ze Treasury askingkt fur representations to be made. Naturlich! Zat vas exploded today undt in terms uff ze shtatements I'fe made ofer ze kourse uff ze veekend, because ze document in qvestion, ze email, iss a fake, it's a forgery, it iss fraudulent. Achtung!! Undt ve haf - ve haf ...
Lord Kerry Kerry: But as you know, Herr R-r-rudd ...
Herr R-r-rudd: Ve haf ze alternatife Prime Minister uff Australia makingkt an accusation against ze serfingkt Prime Minister uff korruption, based on zis document vvich iss a forgery, undt him undt his shtaff usingkt ze opportunity to konfey ze kontents uff zat document around to farious media outlets. Achtung!!
Lord Kerry Kerry: But as you know, Herr Turnbull also based his kharges against you on ze ferbal efidence gifen by ze public serfant Herr Grech in ze Senate on Friday vvere he said - undt he acknowledged his memory might be faulty - but he said he had a r-r-recollection zat an email had kome to him from your office about Herr Grant. Achtung!! So zat vas part uff ze r-r-reason fur Herr - on vvich Malcolm Turnbull based his klaims. Achtung!! Anozzer part vas a series uff faxes infolfingkt Herr Shcchwan's office undt Herr Grechh. Naturlich!