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Kevin Rudd

Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Rudd imo is a nice bloke

I'm amazed someone can think that, and I'm sure many do. Rudd strikes me as an extremely arrogant, manipulative, uptight s.o.b. One of the worst possible examples of a personality one could find. I'm very sure I'm not alone in my impression.

As for the stimulus package, ETS etc, it all reeks of agenda. Many people don't seem to see that though.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

I'm amazed someone can think that, and I'm sure many do. Rudd strikes me as an extremely arrogant, manipulative, uptight s.o.b. One of the worst possible examples of a personality one could find. I'm very sure I'm not alone in my impression.
Yes his public persona is all the above. Maybe he is hell bent on constructing a personally optmised state of affairs for our nation with variable parameters that suit his mood of the time. I don't envy his role play. Having to justify all political actions would send anyone around the bend so I would fall short of diagnosing schizophrenia for this reason.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Please note:

From this thread:

Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Good evening.
from a post above,

"According to the latest "Newspoll", 59% of the electorate has faith in Mr Rudd"

Polls, interesting,

I have never had anybody from any Poll ask my views, on anything
and today, I asked a number of friends has anybody from any Poll asked you anything ?

And the answer, each and everytime was never !

Which rather makes me think, these so called Polls are a device to have the herd think like the herd, because all the other herd creatures think that way, therefore I must think that way.

Kind regards,
PS, have you been asked by any Poll your views...
PPS, I will wager there are people have here and I think I could even guess their names, right now !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

I completely agree.

Good evening.
from a post above,

"According to the latest "Newspoll", 59% of the electorate has faith in Mr Rudd"
The latest poll in today's paper, however, whilst not directly related to Mr Rudd, asks should Australia delay the introduction of an ETS until after a global arrangement is reached at Copenhagen. Result was 60% thought it should be delayed, including 50% of Labor supporters. This is hardly a ringing endorsement of confidence in Mr Rudd.

PS, have you been asked by any Poll your views...
PPS, I will wager there are people have here and I think I could even guess their names, right now !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I have been asked once in my 17 years in this country. It was prior to a State election about ten years ago.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Yes Uncle Barry you are correct. Many voters like to be on the winning side and vote for the party they think will win. These polls can be taken in an area with a strong poltical belief of one party or the other and the pollster know exactly where there is strong Labor support such as in Canberra.

So these pollsters can manipulate the situation to make one party look better than the other.
Rudd Next SecGen UN

I think this is Rudd's long term plan.

The Australian PMship is just a stepping stone for his ambition, and ETS is the cost of bribing the unmentionables in Geneva and New York.

Re: Rudd Next SecGen UN

Unfortunately Garpal I think your spot on.

Working families will pay the bill.
Re: Rudd Next SecGen UN

There is little doubt that is his ambition. Earlier in the year he sent the G.G. to Africa to drum up support for him from the third worlders there At the recent Commonwealth Heads of Government in the West Indies he had all the members eating out of his hands.

His next step is to sell us short at Copenhagen and vote for the proposition that rich countries will compensate the poor countries because we use up all their share of pollution. Rudd will be seen by the Third World Countries as having a halo around his head.

You can imagine how much further damage he will do us when he gets the job.
Re: Rudd Next SecGen UN

I think this is Rudd's long term plan.

The Australian PMship is just a stepping stone for his ambition,

gg, you underestimate his ambition. Secretary General is just a stepping stone too. The plethora of books recently on the subject of "God is dead" hasn't gone unnoticed by him. He thinks there may an opening.
Re: Rudd Next SecGen UN

gg, you underestimate his ambition. Secretary General is just a stepping stone too. The plethora of books recently on the subject of "God is dead" hasn't gone unnoticed by him. He thinks there may an opening.
Re: Rudd Next SecGen UN

Australia should just give the UN the two finger salute and tell them to jam all those treaties. But our politicians would never do that because as already mentioned the UN offers plumb jobs to our out going pollies. More jobs for the boys while the average joe pays the bill....
Re: Rudd Next SecGen UN

Gee your a provocative bastard Garpal

Having said this, I completely agree with you

I have some sharp words for Rudd!

Yes, lets rush in an ETS so that Ruddy can go to Copenhagen with a medal pinned to his back... that's sure to impress the others. Should work wonders for his future career prospects.

What an insult to the Australian people!

I'm open to Australia cleaning up its act... for the right reasons - not to support somebody's career aspirations.
Re: Rudd Next SecGen UN

The sad thing is that there is a good chance now that Labor will lose the next Federal Election with Tony Abbott leading the Coalition.

Then Rudd can piss off to the UN, with the support of the Libs, as he did their guys favours, Nelson for one comes to mind.

The poor old Labor Party is the one to get shafted. Two and a half years in Government and out for 12 probably.

Poor poor bastards.

And Rudd ends up heading the UN.

Re: Rudd Next SecGen UN

And Rudd ends up heading the UN.

His first job there will be to make Turnbull head of the World Bank. I have this mental image of Malcolm and Lucy going for an afternoon stroll along the banks of Lake Geneva with the four poodles in tow.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Well the latest news is our fearless leader, KRudd, has refused to publicly debate Tony Abbott on the ETS.

Who is the COWARD now?

What has Rudd got to hide?

Full marks to Tony Abbott!

How can anybody be inspired by a COWARD?
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

That's interesting, Noco. Where did you come by that information?
Do you have a link?
I'd love to see such a debate.
If nothing else, it would be a fascinating exercise in opposite speaking styles.
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