Garpal Gumnut
Ross Island Hotel
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Lord Kerry Kerry: A schort time ago, I spoke mitt ze Prime Minister. Achtung!! He vas in his Parliament House office, Herr R-r-rudd, on r-r-radio zis morningkt undt in ze Parliament today you vere fery keen to argue zat ze entire Opposition kase against you undt ze Treasurer r-r-rested on ze kontents uff an email zat you brented as a forgery. Achtung!! But you know zat zat's neint ze only basis fur concern about your Treasurer's assistance fur ze Qveenslent kar dealer ChJohann Grant, vvo iss an acqvaintance or friend uff yours. Achtung!! You know zat zat's neint ze only basis, don't you?
Herr R-r-rudd: I fundamentally disagree mitt you, Lord Kerry Kerry. Achtung!! Let me go to ze heart uff ze proposition. Naturlich! Herr Turnbull, ze Liberal Party's out zere accusingkt meinself as Prime Minister undt ze Treasurer uff korruption. Naturlich! VVat's his basis fur sayingkt zat? He has said zat I haf made a kommunication on behalf uff Herr Grant to ze Australian Treasury, undt as a konseqvence haf kaused ze Treasurer to act in a vay to support Herr Grant's interests vvich vould neint ozzerwise neinrmally occur. Achtung!! Zat's ze essence uff it. Achtung!!
So zerefore ze kore uff zis entire argument r-r-rests on ze alleged kommunication between meinself, or mein office, undt ze Treasury on Herr Grant's behalf. Naturlich!
Undt here are ze facts: ein, Herr Grant has said he's nefer discussed ze matter mitt me neinr asked me fur representations - zat's true. Naturlich! Secondly, I haf neint had any dealingkts mitt Herr Grant on zis matter to make r-r-representations fur him. Naturlich! Zree, neizzer haf mein shtaff. Naturlich! But four, vvat Herr Turnbull undt ze Liberal Opposition haf said: zere's zis smokingkt gun, zis email vvich exists between meinself, mein office undt ze Treasury askingkt fur representations to be made. Naturlich! Zat vas exploded today undt in terms uff ze shtatements I'fe made ofer ze kourse uff ze veekend, because ze document in qvestion, ze email, iss a fake, it's a forgery, it iss fraudulent. Achtung!! Undt ve haf - ve haf ...
Lord Kerry Kerry: But as you know, Herr R-r-rudd ...
Herr R-r-rudd: Ve haf ze alternatife Prime Minister uff Australia makingkt an accusation against ze serfingkt Prime Minister uff korruption, based on zis document vvich iss a forgery, undt him undt his shtaff usingkt ze opportunity to konfey ze kontents uff zat document around to farious media outlets. Achtung!!
Lord Kerry Kerry: But as you know, Herr Turnbull also based his kharges against you on ze ferbal efidence gifen by ze public serfant Herr Grech in ze Senate on Friday vvere he said - undt he acknowledged his memory might be faulty - but he said he had a r-r-recollection zat an email had kome to him from your office about Herr Grant. Achtung!! So zat vas part uff ze r-r-reason fur Herr - on vvich Malcolm Turnbull based his klaims. Achtung!! Anozzer part vas a series uff faxes infolfingkt Herr Shcchwan's office undt Herr Grechh. Naturlich!
It zeems u haf vergoten hiz cuzins!
Mein friends undt fellow Australians,
I haf neinticed a perferse internet site Aussie Shtocks Forum , vvich seeks to associate mein visches fur ze future uff zis Great Lent to mein supposed aim to be Head uff ze United Nations. Achtung!!
I r-r-refute zis fur ze followingkt nine r-r-reasons. Achtung!! ( Nein iss mein lucky number dumbclucks)
First undt foremost it iss horseschit. Achtung!!
Secondly undt referringkt to ze first, it iss mein intention to lead zis kountry in to ze 22nd kentury. Achtung!!
Zirtly undt referringkt to ze latter part uff mein first point undt ze first part uff ze second point, zere iss nein anomoly. Achtung!!
Fourzzly undt fur zose vvo haf neint r-r-read ze essay in ze Moon Times I r-r-refer you to paragraph twenty zree ze answer iss nein nein nein. Naturlich!
Fifzzly nein
Sixtly, I r-r-refer you to ze second point as I'fe already answered zat , but fur zose vvo are asleep, ze answer iss nein. Naturlich!
Sefenzz zere iss nein substance in zat undt ze United Nations buildingkt iss a good twenty minutes valk to Shcores. Achtung!!
Eighzz ze answer iss nein. Naturlich!
Nine, ze answer iss again nein. Naturlich!
This is an excellent opinion piece on Mr Rudd by Paul Kelly from "The Australian".
Malcolm Farr: PM, are you aware of some people on the Oceanic Viking coming ashore in Indonesia?
PM: I am unaware of any such report, Malcolm.
Given Kelly's (and the newpaper's) right bias it is a surprisingly well-balanced piece that actually spends most of the time analysing the outcome of Rudd's leadership, which for the average Australian is the correct approach for mine because it is the best way to remove the rhetoric from policy effectiveness.This is an excellent opinion piece on Mr Rudd by Paul Kelly from "The Australian".
Let me see if I understand all this...
... [snip unnecessarily capitilised BS rantings]
Firstly, please learn to turn the caps lock key off.
Secondly, I'm not sure what your post has to do with the topic "Does Rudd inspire confidence", but anyhooo.... to answer your question - no, I don't think you understand "all this" at all! In fact I think you are a very scared and confused individual.
For a start all the countries you are comparing us too are either third world countries, or non-democratic ran by military dictatorships, or communist, or hard-line anti-western religious states and so on. Do you really think that those type of countries provide the example of the moral and legal framework regarding immigration or any other matters that democratic and civilised countries like ours should be aspiring to?
And as for your final point, it's completely wrong. No illegal immigrants have a right to a job, welfare and so on in Australia. Illegal immigrants get sent back from wence they came - you are correct only in that we do not summarily shoot them and so forth - thank goodness! We do however meet obligations that we agreed to under various international treaties to assess and provide asylum to those who are deemed to be legitimately seeking it and entitled to refugee status, (ironically, often because they are fleeing persecution from the very regimes you seem to aspire for us to be like!).
Do you have a problem with that? Does it threaten you in some way? I really don't understand the red-neck BS that people come out with over the refugee issue.
PS: Mods - maybe my post and the one to which I replied should be moved to the "boat people" thread?
Jancha, I agree with Beej. A whole post in capitals is like yelling at someone.Beej Get a grip. First up why would i want to turn the caps lock key off?
Where have you been in the last year? Rudd's approval rating in successive polls demonstrates only too well (sadly) the uninformed confidence the average punter has in their Prime Minister.Secondly the thread is about Rudd inspiring confidence. Howard government didn't have half the problem as Rudd has with ASYLUM seekers. Rudd imo is a nice bloke but as our leader he doesn't inspire any confidence. Look how the stimulous package was handled.
Where have you been in the last year? Rudd's approval rating in successive polls demonstrates only too well (sadly) the uninformed confidence the average punter has in their Prime Minister.
Jancha, I agree with Beej. A whole post in capitals is like yelling at someone.
I think you might find some reference to this in the Forum guidelines.
Where have you been in the last year? Rudd's approval rating in successive polls demonstrates only too well (sadly) the uninformed confidence the average punter has in their Prime Minister.
A stimulus package was probably in order, but imo should have been better targeted, i.e. no cash handouts and more infrastructure, but it was essentially politically rather than economically motivated so that Rudd could say he had kept Australia out of recession.
The secret seems to be that even if you are a serial liar; with the right spin, you can get away with it. High quality spinners will even throw the guilt back on your opponent.
True - the master of this was John Howard for 11 long years!!
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