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Kevin Rudd

Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?,27574,26203566-1702,00.html

Anything we do (and nuclear power has been ruled out) won't make one iota of difference to the climate. The ETS is just another of Rudd's grand symbolic gestures.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Where did all the posts go from the 1st of October (Julia) then to Calliope today?? What's going on?? Or have the critics gone quiet just like Mr Rudd & Co??
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

It appears that the honeymoon is far from over with Kruddy 747 at the helm. The populace love him and the media glorify his every move. We, the proletariat will soon be basking in the afterglow of horrendous debt driven by vote catching stimulus packages.


  • rudd honeymoon.jpg
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Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Where did all the posts go from the 1st of October (Julia) then to Calliope today?? What's going on?? Or have the critics gone quiet just like Mr Rudd & Co??

The liberals need to get there $hit sorted. And the public need to reconsider if they should be lapping up what Rudd is squeezing out. Until then Rudd gets to run the country like the dictator he wants to be. Libs will probably have a free shot with the influx of boat people. Am also hearing the unions grumble a bit as well. Labor just seem to be happy to pass off out right lies as the truth in the media now. Sooner or later it will culminate into the perfect storm.

I think there is that ominous feeling of living in economic limbo at the moment. My priorities and attention has changed drastically in the last few months.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Well, judging by the latest news on the boat people sager, Rudd is running for cover, once again blaming everyone but himself.

He knows, but won't admit, throwing away the previous Governments polices on temporary protection visas and the Pacific solution, is now causing severe HEART BURN.

He has messed up big time.

Does he inspire me, NO, NO, NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Do we have a thread 'Does Turnbull Inspire Confidence'? Sorry Rudd haters but he is certainly the lesser of two evils...or dimwits if you like
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Do we have a thread 'Does Turnbull Inspire Confidence'? Sorry Rudd haters but he is certainly the lesser of two evils...or dimwits if you like

I'm sure that if Turnbull was Prime Minister there would be such a thread.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

There is a thread called "Can Malcolm Turnbull rise from the ashes?" where we have roasted, chastened, denigrated, put a fork in him, admonished, tongue - lashed, fulminated against, castigated and generally run him into the ground for his lack of political nouse. SO I guess this evens it up a bit ? No?
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Well I read the first page then realised how long this thread has been going.
I'd just like to make a few points

1: I find it hilarious when conservatives get upset that a govt won't control prices. : If Labour weren't so boring right-wing these days maybe it could be different. ( Viva Senor Morales ) :

2: Ruddy "Cruddy" is uninspiring, boring & exactly what Australia deserves, whenever (if ever) someone with passion and/or balls gets put forward he/she gets crucified.

3: Malcolm Turnbull has his good points ( he is a Republican ) but his party still consists of of the same Howard xenophobic nasties that felt they had to preach fear & hate to win votes to hold onto power. The same party that sat on their asses thru the boom times, collected huge taxes & did nothing. i.e Costello highest taxing worst treasurer Australia ever had : ( & they're all boring)

4: The Greens may be flawed with their anti any development dogma but they will continue to get my vote as an Australian with little choice because all they can hope for is the balance of power & the Bobs Greens are the only people I trust with said balance. ( Unfortunately Bob is a little boring too)
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Do we have a thread 'Does Turnbull Inspire Confidence'? Sorry Rudd haters but he is certainly the lesser of two evils...or dimwits if you like

Well, that's debatable I guess!!! Rudd has shown his true colours in 2 years being in Government.

Turnbull is in opposition and nobody knows how he would perform if in Government. So how can you rate Rudd as the lesser of two evils. Rudd is a psycho who plays on people's minds. Do you get my drift?
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Before the 2007 election Rudd promised to fix the dilapidated hospital system. The waiting delays would stop. The states would have to get their act together by mid 2009 or he would take over the whole system nation wide.

He said,"no more of the blame game, the responsibility would be on his shoulders and the buck stops with him".

Whah! on todays news he has delayed his take over treat for another year. He has also gone back to blaming the previous Howard Government.

Correct me if I am wrong, but it was always my belief, hospitals and health were the sponsibility of State Governments.

What a deceitful character.

Does Rudd inspire me NO,NO,NO!!!!!!!!!!
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

MORE than half of Kevin Rudd's staff have fled the Prime Minister's office since the election less than two years ago.

Despite promising to rid Australia of workplace bullies, the PM - dubbed Kevin 24/7 - has emerged as one of the country's most demanding employers, with insiders describing him as "manic".

With the next election less than one year away, the PM has lost most of his senior policy advisers, leaving an office that insiders say is almost unrecognisable, the Herald Sun reports.

"He's demanding and a bit all over the place," says one former staffer of the PM, who recently tore into Labor's factional chiefs with an expletive-laden rant.

Another was more blunt: "He gives little in the way of constructive feedback. And he just doesn't listen to anybody.",27574,26221178-421,00.html

Finally the media is awakening !
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?


Is it possible our Prime Minister may be suffering from Bi-polar?

Has anybody lived with a person with this medical problem?
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Is it possible our Prime Minister may be suffering from Bi-polar?

Has anybody lived with a person with this medical problem?

I posted the same thing a few months back. High functioning BPD or Bi-polar imo: God help us all if he is. I had a girlfriend a while back that was diagnosed BPD. My own little slice of hell until I legged it outa there.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

I'm no fan of Mr Rudd, but for people on an internet forum to be attempting to label him bipolar is pretty silly.

I'd guess the original comment from his office that he was 'manic' simply would have referred to his capacity to work at full power over very long hours (and expect those around him to do likewise).
In other words, that the term would have been used in a colloquial sense, not as a psychiatric diagnosis.

We frequently hear the same misuse of 'schizophrenic'.

Imo clinical terms should be applied only by those qualified to do so.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

I posted the same thing a few months back. High functioning BPD or Bi-polar imo: God help us all if he is. I had a girlfriend a while back that was diagnosed BPD. My own little slice of hell until I legged it outa there.

I was married to one for 5 years, her mood swings were unbearable; loving to the fullist one minute to a click of the fingers into a rage of terror and abuse the next. That was 35 years ago when little was known about the complaint.
The nearest item she could lay her hand on would often be thrown. You cannot reason with this type of person; they will not listen while their brain is so twisted. She would then disappear for 4 or 5 hours and return to normal untill the next time. Maybe the next hour or the next day or the next week; their is no set pattern. Certain happenings will trigger off a spasm of the brain to set the wheels in motion again. It just becomes unbearable to live with this type of person. Fortunately for these people today, there is now suitable medication to control their behaviour. I doubt whether there ever be a cure. It is a genetic problem which can raise it's ugly head in the third or fourth generation. Very rarely in the imediate off springs.

I was very reluctant to quote my personal experience on ASF, but it sometimes helps to get it off one's chest and to make others aware of the action of those type of people. This poor sole never married again.

NB. My ex wife is a different person today under medication and my present wife of 27 years and I are now friends with her in a modest way.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

I don't think he will be running for the medicine cabinet from my forum diagnosis. But I would happily take a fee for unprofessional advice.

But more importantly Julia, How did my comment make you feel?
(Bill is in the mail)
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Well, poor Kevie has had a bad week particularly with his botched boat people policy proving to be a failure and more knockers to the ETS which a recent poll showed 70% believe Rudd should wait untill after Copenhagen.

So with things are going "belly up" he has reached for the diversion think tank again where he states, and I quote, " I used to smack my kids so I guess that puts me in the bad boy category" and it received head line news. He is a real wizard at diverting people's mind away from the real problems.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Great way to begin another crappy tax on everything. Thought turnbull might have made more of a stand though. Not crumbling once again under the Rudd spin. They are touting the amendments as some kind of turnbull victory. Fact is we will still be paying more regardless
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

I agree, but the stand should have been final.

Turnbull bowing to the pressure does indeed make him come across as inferior.

I mean liberals are going to lose the next election anyway, so why not stand up against something which will be eventually passed. When people realise how pointless the exercise is, and how it affects our economy and results in no benefit, they will turn on Kevin Rudd.

This is the only way liberals can benefit from ETS. In fact supporting it may turn some liberal voters away from them.
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