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Kevin Rudd

Re: Rudd Best PM Since Howard

Rudd has been the only PM since Howard!!!
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Some levity, in case you missed this one doing the email rounds...

My New Truck

I bought a new Nissan Navara and returned to the dealer yesterday
because I couldn't get the radio to work.

The salesman explained that the radio was voice

'Nelson,' the salesman said to the radio.

The radio replied, 'Ricky or Willie?'

'Willie!' he continued and 'On The Road Again' came from the

Then he said, 'Ray Charles!', and in an instant ' Georgia On
My Mind' replaced Willie Nelson.

I drove away happy, and for the next few days, every time I'd say,
'Beethoven,' I'd get beautiful classical music, and if I said,
'Beatles,' I'd get one of their songs.

Yesterday, some guy ran a red light and nearly creamed me, but I swerved in time to avoid them. I yelled, '********!'

Immediately the radio responded with a speech by Kevin Rudd

Damn I LOVE this truck

Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

An economist (I missed his name) from the RMIT on AM this morning said that under the $42B stimulus package every job created or saved cost $1.5M.

He based this figure on what the unemployment rate was prior to the recession compared to what it probably would have risen to without the stimulus.

If I had my druthers, I'd druther have $1.5M in my hand than a job pumping insulation into house ceilings.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

I wonder what the figure is translated into how much $ per vote bought.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Here's link to news article,27753,26103086-31037,00.html
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

He borrowed us out of recession, which we will have to have some time later, probably it will be Coalition’s worry not his.

Been like that for years, Labor spends, Coalition saves.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

And as long as the Coalition sits on its hands as it's presently doing, nothing will change.

We have the government, and in particular Mr Rudd on the world stage in New York right now, touting the magnificence of his governments' fantastic stimulus package being the sole reason that Australia is the only developed country not in recession (just you wait, Mr Rudd, until it all wears off, huh!).

He conveniently forgets to mention the considerable input the RBA has had in the form of savagely reduced interest rates which would represent for most Australian households a greater financial benefit via cheaper mortgage than any of the stimulus payments.

But so good is the spin of this government, and so silent are the RBA and the Opposition, I reckon Joe Public believes the government made interest rates drop also, or at the very least had some of those quiet back room chats with the Reserve Board members.

The Opposition should also be pointing out how much the ETS is going to cost the average Australian. Silence on this as well.

What on earth is the matter with Turnbull & Co? Or is all the media so in love with the government that they're just not reporting the valiant efforts of the opposition to inform the people? I doubt it, somehow.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Bill, gave him Kev a Cigar, he didn't bother to lit it up, just suck on this, he said

Kev, gee mate, I love the flavour, no carbon foot print here, but it tastes like,

Arr, your right, you must be the smartest man on Earth said Bill
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Well we will have to see about what happens when the stimulus "wears off". I think you are mis-understanding the nature of fiscal stimulus and how/why it works. As long as global growth has started again to some extent when fiscal stimulus "wears off" then it is not needed anymore and the AU economy will continue to grow just fine as well from there.

* Interest rate cuts in Australia were and still are reported widely and are a well know factor in softening the blow from the GFC

* Of course lowered rates have a large "stimulus" impact - it's called loser monetary policy, and a standard ammo pack for every central bank on the planet in times of economic downturn. Usually fired along with the other standard ammo pack for governments, fiscal stimulus. Absolutely no surprises there. The big difference in AU is that all this actually worked, and the reason is we avoided the systemic financial collapse that afflicted other economies, meaning our banks remained solvent, continued to lend fairly well and pass on the lower interest rates to customers. Certainly more so than in the US/UK and so on.

* Despite the big interest rate cuts we have had, we still have higher rates than nearly every other country in the G-20. Plus there has been no need for "quantitative easing" here as in the US and UK.

* Anyway, I was told by Mr Howard and the Liberal Party many many times that "interest rates would always be lower under a Liberal government" - so how exactly would he have achieved that? Leaned on the RBA? Ignored the concept of fiscal stimulus in order to ensure economic meltdown, collapsed banks etc like in the US/UK etc so we to could have zero % interest rates and QE here??? Maybe they were actually full of bullsh!t and interest rates are actually set according to economic indicators independently of the government by the RBA board? Tell me it isn't so?????

For a start, you better read the Liberals own policy - they support the introduction of an ETS, and they went to the last election with that policy. Turnbull himself was one of the great proponents of this in the cabinet room. Turnbulls problem right now is that his own party (and the coalition) is split on the whole issue, that's why they are flapping around like a discarded carp on the pier..... There is no "valiant effort to inform the people", as the coalition can't decide what they wish to inform the people about!!!


Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

The Libs never supported spending at these crazy levels, this is just to get votes and when the stimulus wears off dont expect the weak global economy to keep us afloat, if you do you're dreamimg.

Turnbull has to go, it's just a matter of the timing.
He's not rat cunning like Heir Rudd.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

AND - something else, Rudd's way ahead as preferred PM but the ALP is not far ahead of the Libs, 45% to 55%. after all the stimulus and handouts too.

If the Libs had the right leader the ALP would be toast.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

I have no bias against any political party
As long as they think of the country & its people first

I don't consider the Australian Labour Party as an individual entity
They are in fact the political wing of the many Unions

If the Australian Labour Party was to stand on its own feet it would probably fail

Just look at the line up of ministers, quite a few have come up the ranks of a union

Please note I have no animosity against Unions per say
Simply put - they are just not good at running a country

Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

AND - something else, Rudd's way ahead as preferred PM but the ALP is not far ahead of the Libs, 45% to 55%. after all the stimulus and handouts too.

If the Libs had the right leader the ALP would be toast.

Mr Burns - a 10% gap in a poll of the 2 party preferred vote is a MASSIVE lead - if that 55/45 split were reflected in an election, it wuold be an ALP landslide even from there current position. Better leader or not, the Libs have a HUGE amount of ground to make up that 10% two-party preferred swing they would need even to get a cliff-hanger.

Just look at the line up of ministers, quite a few have come up the ranks of a union

If you call going to Sydney university (or similar), getting a law degree, then a decent paying job as a union lawyer and so on as "climbing the ranks for the union", then sure you might be right!!!!! I think you will find most people who pursue this sort of career path do so because they care (at least a little bit) about helping ordinary people not get trodden all over by the big end of town? It is of course also a well trodden path into a career in Labor politics....

Please note I have no animosity against Unions per say
Simply put - they are just not good at running a country

Neither are small-time suburban lawyers (John Howard), small business people (fish and chip shop owners etc). But surely they, and the unions, all deserve representation in the political system somewhere?? For the unions it's the Labor party.

PS: How many people know that Kim Beasley and Bob Hawke were both Rhodes Scolars at Oxford?? Both became union lawyers at various career stages as well. Malcom Turnbull was also a Rhodes Scholar - he became a big end of town lawyer and investment banker - they are all cut from the same mould mate....


Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Yes that is called democracy
Different people representing a point of view
Its also called life experience

The question is
Should the Labour party be a separate entity

Government of any persuasion should govern for all the people not for the organisation or groups that helped them get there

All political parties have good and bad policies
And all political parties are gullible to outside influence

And the media is one of the worst
Constant popularity contests between leaders is getting out of hand

Politicians are elected public servants and paid from the public purse
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

The essential phrase here is "as long as global growth has started again..."

I'm quite aware of all that. My point was to do with Mr Rudd's grandstanding on the global stage, suggesting that the predominant reason Australia has been such an outstanding success (so far) is his fantastic stimulus package. I have not heard him in the same speeches even mention interest rates.

I have no idea. I'm not responsible for anything Mr Howard may or may not have said. I am not a dyed in the wool Liberal voter. I simply despise the level of spin in which Mr Rudd is currently indulging.

I entirely agree about your last point and have been saying the same thing.
They do not, however, support the government's ETS in its current form and I understand are in the process of putting up amendments.

A few weeks ago Turnbull came up with some plan which he claimed would be cheaper and more environmentally effective. This was dismissed out of hand by the government who refused to even read his suggestions.
I have no idea whether his plan was sensible or not. Certainly the ETS as it stands appears to be well and truly flawed but the government are determined to force it through prior to Copenhagenfor their own political reasons.

Perhaps you could outline why - if in fact you do agree with the government's urgency to pass this legislation - it is necessary to do so before having some understanding of global decisions made at Copenhagen (if any) which is a mere few months away?

He's not rat cunning like Heir Rudd.
That's true. For all Malcolm Turnbull's experience in business, he lacks the political nous so amply demonstrated by Rudd.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Clinton discovers Rudd is a toxic bore;

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