Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Kevin Rudd

Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

"Let them eat cake"

The quote, as attributed to Marie Antoinette, was claimed to have been uttered during one of the famines that occurred in France during the reign of her husband Louis XVI. Upon being alerted that the people were suffering due to widespread bread shortages, she is said to have replied, "Then let them eat cake." This type of callousness on the part of the government has often been referred to in writings about the possible factors that led to the Australian people voting them out of office. Oooooooooohhh the delicious irony of it !!


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Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

"Nothing to fear .... we have it all under control" Edward John Smith, Captain of the unsinkable ship "Titanic."

The political and intellectual landscape is changing. Fast. A decade of bipartisan fiscal populism anathematising government debt - even for the obviously sensible purpose of building assets - has evaporated as the world’s governments scramble to rescue their economies.

The next casualty might be - might have to be - our complacency about net foreign debt, which was 38 per cent of GDP or just less than $200 billion on the debt truck in 1996. Last sighted at $658 billion or about 60 per cent of GDP, it will surge as we prime the economy (stimulus packages) while demand for our exports falters. Our current account deficit (CAD) - already smacking gobs at 6 per cent, will soon be gasting flabbers at 9 per cent of GDP.

"The economic recovery, however, will be a long, tough and bumpy road with many twists and turns. We will still see rising unemployment, even after the recovery gets under way, because it takes a long time for positive sentiment to flow through to positive investment and to positive employment. Moreover, as the recovery unfolds, most economists believe that we are likely to see interest rates moving up again from record lows. As the recovery strengthens, the Government will implement its plan to return the budget to surplus, which will mean tough decisions, unpopular decisions and budget cuts." Kevin Michael Rudd, Captain of the good ship "Credit Card"


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Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Well ... no not really. After several days in parliament being asked if the 2m luxury CGT would DEFINITELY be ruled out and no straight answer forthcoming then NO. He does not. Reminds me of this guy a little bit.


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Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Nevermind about Kruddy. Let's all listen to Julia Gillard.

Ms Gillard claims this is standard practice for government capital works programs on both sides of politics.

“In these guideline changes we're showing additional flexibility about completion dates and obviously when you're showing that flexibility it is mirrored in an increased flexibility for the signage,” she told the ABC.

“We're just showing flexibility in completion dates and consequently flexibility with the signage.”

Geee ...... I wonder if she is fexible on this matter?
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Rudd funnels stimulus to marginal seats

Tuesday, 08 September 2009 | The Australian Financial Review | Angus Grigg and Sam McKeith

Marginal electorates and federal Labor seats have benefited disproportionately from infrastructure spending.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

* shock horror * What a surprise ! Libs did it as well in marginal seats and it was called "pork barreling". Labor does it and it is called "responsible fiscal policy". Come the revolution comrades ! We will all be broke soon.


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Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

In respect to the thread title: not a hope in this world does he!!!

Ohhh ... and does Mr Dudd remind anyone else of another “leader", Mr Flair?

1. Both young and up and coming.
2. Wives had so much money before politics that they were just a glorified house husband with job on the side.
3. Both creating (in Dudd's case), created (in Flair's case) a nanny state.
4. Both are dictatorial socialists (yes an oxymoron)
5. Both think they know what’s best
6. Both think they know what’s best for us
7. Both impose what they think they know is best for us, on us
8. Both want to be world leaders
9. Both think they are world leaders
10. Both believe when they leave politics’ (in Dudd's case), and have left politics’ (in Flair's case) they should go on to be first President of the Universe.

And the similarities go on and on and on and on ...

P.S. Look what happened to the U.K.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Well, we're apparently out of step with most of the population. His popularity continues to increase.

Perhaps this might change when the extra taxes and charges start rolling in an attempt to pay for the much admired stimulus.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Well, we're apparently out of step with most of the population. His popularity continues to increase.

Perhaps this might change when the extra taxes and charges start rolling in an attempt to pay for the much admired stimulus.

My god, there’s more to come! Just read this little piece in the Oz:,25197,26041434-5013871,00.html

As for Paul Kelly's book, well I am sure if it had been an appalling indictment of the H/K yrs then he wouldn’t have been there, yet we all know which side of the fence P Kelly sits.

I particularly like the header intro: KEVIN Rudd has declared himself the inheritor of the reformist zeal of the Hawke-Keating years, vowing to unleash a new wave of economic reform and social progress.

I guess he thinks he know’s more of what we need and should have even though we didn’t know we needed or wanted it in the first place.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Sorry closed the link and lost it. Its on most news sites

PRIME Minister Kevin Rudd is trying to rewrite history with "breathtaking dishonesty," Malcolm Turnbull told the coalition party room today in what observers called a "fighting speech".

Mr Rudd used the launch of the book - The March of Patriots by The Australian's Editor-at-Large Paul Kelly - to claim the mantle of reform for the ALP, slamming the Howard government's time in office as "indolent" years.

The March of Patriots tells how Paul Keating and John Howard worked as prime ministers to alter the nation's direction, redefined their parties and struggled over new policy agendas.

Mr Turnbull said Mr Rudd's effort was "the most graceless and ungracious political speech he had ever heard".

He described it as "worthy of a general secretary of the Communist Party at a Communist Party conference".

It was "genuinely breathtaking in the audacity of its dishonesty".

Mr Turnbull accused the Prime Minister of moving beyond spin into "completely different territory" where the Government is using a political technique of "absolute falsehood".

He warned his colleagues that Mr Rudd's "false claims" could become received wisdom by repetition.

"That is something that the Coalition is determined to ensure does not happen," he told them.

Turnbull needs to keep pressure on Rudd’s spin. And hopefully be able to portray it as something more sinister to the public then just the usual political BS. Although Turnbull isn't that adept at polishing turds, maybe he will just stick to rolling them in glitter.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Well, we're apparently out of step with most of the population. His popularity continues to increase.

I feel like one of those traders who is waiting for the market to collapse, only to see it rally and rally. Maybe I'm wrong about Mr Rudd, and I just haven't been able to see him for the glorious leader that he is? No, I don't think so. I'm stumped on how so many fall for Rudd's tricks. An individual is intelligent, but mass them together and they're as sharp as a door knob.

moXJO said:
Turnbull needs to keep pressure on Rudd’s spin. And hopefully be able to portray it as something more sinister to the public then just the usual political BS. Although Turnbull isn't that adept at polishing turds, maybe he will just stick to rolling them in glitter.

Am I the only one that thinks Rudd should have been completely destroyed since he came to office? I don't think I can put it down to just poor politics. Malcom may not be the world's best politician, but I think the media and public are as much to blame. I remember last Christmas one of my cousins told me what a great job Rudd had done :eek:. He is a Labor man, so it sounds like a case of letting his blind, political allegiance control his judgement. Multiply that by 10+ million...
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Rudd knows what he's doing, cheques in the mail and he will be re elected, he's dangerous, he wont be tossed out till it's too late and the spend policies have done their damage.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

I feel like one of those traders who is waiting for the market to collapse, only to see it rally and rally. Maybe I'm wrong about Mr Rudd, and I just haven't been able to see him for the glorious leader that he is? No, I don't think so. I'm stumped on how so many fall for Rudd's tricks. An individual is intelligent, but mass them together and they're as sharp as a door knob.

Am I the only one that thinks Rudd should have been completely destroyed since he came to office? I don't think I can put it down to just poor politics. Malcom may not be the world's best politician, but I think the media and public are as much to blame. ...

I know what you mean. But Rudd's use of the media to his advantage. And the whole labor politicians attempt to gain celebrity status on popular TV shows, seems to have done a decent job of ingraining labor as the good guys. Followed by a lot of spin by Rudd to cover over any truths. Winning formula so far. People seem to be eating it up and calling it ice cream.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Rudd knows what he's doing, cheques in the mail and he will be re elected, he's dangerous, he wont be tossed out till it's too late and the spend policies have done their damage.

It's only a matter of time when the chickens come home to roast that the "MUMS AND DADS", (you know the ones Rudd always talks about as being so important) will start to realise just how worse off they are.

Wait till the ETS kicks in and only then will they see how much it will affect their hip pocket.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Did anyone watch the AFL football last night? The dumbing down of the nation has begun. PM Kevin Rudd preamble before the game about how MIGHTY the Brisbane Bears are and then a retort by Julia Gillard for the Bulldogs made my skin crawl and want to VOMIT. Shouldn't they be off running the country? Did anyone else notice that the football PM Rudd was tossing around was FLAT? Brisbane got rolled by 51 points. Hopefully the same thing will happen to him at the next election. I doubt it though. The mass media cannot get enough of this PIE FACED, prevaricating, attention wh0re.