Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Kevin Rudd

Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

I once went to a "motivational speaker" symposium. Brad Cooper was the dish being served up. He owned an alarm system company whereby he conned FAI into buying him out for millions of dollars who in turn sold out to HIH. He had a "genius" moment and called all the wives of the installers into the room and asked them for ideas. A very low cost consultancy service. Unlike the Labor party who has spent 800 million dollars on "Consultants". WHO exactly is running this country again? for Brad Cooper results. for the WASTE of money by Labor
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

But wait ... there is more ! :eek:
Labor waste is mounting up. There is an emerging trend of waste, inefficiency and mismanagement in the way that the Rudd Labor government is managing the Australian economy and its affairs in government. A pattern of behaviour is developing. The government’s spending fails to deliver value for money to the Australian taxpayer, fails to deliver on promises it made to the Australian people and demonstrates its inability to govern. Examples are mounting up. For laptop computers in schools there has been a 66 per cent increase, or an $800 million blow-out””mismanagement in the extreme. The GROCERYchoice website””what a farce! It has cost taxpayers $13 million to develop this website and it has offered absolutely nothing to consumers or shoppers. What a waste! In climate change advertising there has been $13.95 million of waste and inefficiency. Then we have the government’s $42 billion spending spree, where $28 million was used for just administration and advertising. Then there was the printing of the Garnaut report””$65,000 to pay for printing after they had sold off the rights to the publication. How about that! for the FACTS !
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Interest rates are expected to rise by 2 1/2% by the end of next year.

Now if the RBA decide to raise these rates in increments of .25%, that will make 10 interest rate rises in a row.

Yes! my next question is how will our Kevvie handle it after denouncing and blaming the Howard/Costello Government for the 10 interest rate rises before the last election?

No kidding the SPIN DOCTOR MACHINES will be working overtime when that happens.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Interest rates are expected to rise by 2 1/2% by the end of next year.

Now if the RBA decide to raise these rates in increments of .25%, that will make 10 interest rate rises in a row.

Yes! my next question is how will our Kevvie handle it after denouncing and blaming the Howard/Costello Government for the 10 interest rate rises before the last election?

No kidding the SPIN DOCTOR MACHINES will be working overtime when that happens.

He'll get his election before then so if he loses he couldnt care less and if he wins he's safe and couldnt care less.

I think the rises will kick in faster then that though.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Interest rates are expected to rise by 2 1/2% by the end of next year.

Now if the RBA decide to raise these rates in increments of .25%, that will make 10 interest rate rises in a row.

Yes! my next question is how will our Kevvie handle it after denouncing and blaming the Howard/Costello Government for the 10 interest rate rises before the last election?

No kidding the SPIN DOCTOR MACHINES will be working overtime when that happens.

What makes you think it won't be Howard/Costello's fault?

They were the ones who left all that money for KRudd to get his hands on, to spend on the stimulus which in turn caused the interest rates to go skyhigh.:)

Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Hence as to why he has mercilesly tenderised us with his excrements called "essays" on how things are going to get tougher and "Don't say I didn't warn you imbeciles" he will holler from the Lodge. "Let them eat cake" would be another one heard bellowed from Therese Rein gob as she purges over the balcony. I am feeling woozy from thinking about how quickly this mess is going to hit the fan. Time to evacuate.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Hence as to why he has mercilesly tenderised us with his excrements called "essays" on how things are going to get tougher and "Don't say I didn't warn you imbeciles" he will holler from the Lodge. "Let them eat cake" would be another one heard bellowed from Therese Rein gob as she purges over the balcony. I am feeling woozy from thinking about how quickly this mess is going to hit the fan. Time to evacuate.

I wish it would just hurry up, I'm sick of all this positive economic news, it's all wrong !
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Tony Abbott had this to say recently:

Like Santa Claus, the prime minister is popular because he has never taken anything away. Sooner or later, though, the accumulated surpluses of the former government will have been spent and the government will lack the capacity to borrow more without raising interest rates. The prime minister would have it that his superior economic management has saved Australia from a recession. Instead of a Rudd recession, he warns us, we will have a Rudd recovery with higher interest rates, business closures, more unemployment and government spending cuts that will make it seem like the recession we supposedly avoided. Everyone who wants the best for our country has to hope that Mr Rudd really is the first world leader to have abolished the booms and busts of the business cycle but it’s hard to avoid the suspicion that his real expertise is in spin rather than economics.

Chickens are coming home to roost?
Should Rudd be allowed to take over the State Hospitals?

To my knowledge, Federal Governments have talked about taking over the States Hospital System for two decades, but none have dared to impliment it.

I have advocated for many years the reason why we do not need to double up on Health and Education; both need to be under the one umbrella for simplistic reasons. However, if the Federal Government were to take over the Hospital System, each hospital should be administrated by a board consisting of Doctors, Senior Nurses, a Hospital Financial Administrator, a Local Government member and perhaps a prominent Business person. People who know what the real requirements of a Hospital in preference to Politicians and Bureaucrats who have little or no knowledge. Many years ago, Hospitals were run by Boards and financed from the proceeds of the GOLDEN CASKET.

I believe the reason why the health systems is in such disarray throughout Australia is because we have Governments, both Federal and States, trying to run the system with personal who have no experince or education in how a Hospital operates.

If you break your arm or have a heart attack, do you go to Veterinary Surgeon?
If you have a tooth ache do you go to a plumber to fix it?

Are you getting my "DRIFT"?

Yes, I am for one system but it has to be handled in a proper manner or else we will stay in the same mess that currently exists.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

All i can say is that I heard a story about him being locked in a strongroom at the Australian Embassy in Beijing when he was there on posting. Shame they let him out.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

More rhetoric and broken promises. This time on health. Ho hum. When we will wake up to this compulsive prevaricator of the truth?

Prime Minister Kevin Rudd says there will be no decision on health reform in the next six months, after a Federal Government health review recommended sweeping changes in a landmark report released today.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

The sooner he checks out of this place the better. IMO


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Re: Should Rudd be allowed to take over the State Hospitals?

Rudd paid a whistle stop visit to Townsville yesterday on his way to the Pacific forum in Cairns.

A few doctors were given less than 24 hours notice to meet KRudd at the Townsville Hosiptal. Most could not make it because of prior commitments. Little doubt KRudd did not want to get his wax filled ear bashed by the locals. Very secretive vist indeed but the publicity made him look like he was doing something for Townsville's depleted hospital system; more spin by the weasel.

Front page on the Townsville Bulletin shows a young girl with Rudd, who says " I don't know who you are but I know you are very important".
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Four arrested as 400 police mount counter terrorism raids

The four arrested are all Australian citizens, police say. They are being interviewed and several others are assisting with inquiries, a joint press release said.

Mr Rudd says Australia is not immune from terrorist attacks. I'm not surprised when we make it so easy for for terrorists to enter Australia from such places as the Middle East, Somalia and Sri Lanka under the guise of asylum seekers and then gain citizenship.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Rudd finally delivers on Grocery Watch


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Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Four arrested as 400 police mount counter terrorism raids

Mr Rudd says Australia is not immune from terrorist attacks. I'm not surprised when we make it so easy for for terrorists to enter Australia from such places as the Middle East, Somalia and Sri Lanka under the guise of asylum seekers and then gain citizenship.

Simon Overland made a big point of stressing that the Muslim community are a valued part of Australian society (those arrested were Muslim)

Valued ?

Some sections of Lebanese youth are some of the most vicious and violent people on the planet and I don't know why.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Simon Overland made a big point of stressing that the Muslim community are a valued part of Australian society (those arrested were Muslim)

Valued ?

Some sections of Lebanese youth are some of the most vicious and violent people on the planet and I don't know why.

One day 400 Police might not be as lucky, so as we!
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Thought I'd bring this thread back to the top - just love giving it to KRudd especially after seeing him in the news!

So here goes:

KRudds a scum sucking smerker, round faced toe rag, google eyed maggot, white haired lying turd & a big bore!

Ahhhh, all better
