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Kevin Rudd

Re: Kevin Rudd eating ear wax, MUST SEE!!!

I'm quite looking forward to Labor running the country again.

The current government has been getting a little too fascist for my liking...
Re: Kevin Rudd eating ear wax, MUST SEE!!!

Agree, the occasional satirical dig or passing reference to a faux pas is par for the course, funny even, but taking it too far becomes childish IMO.

yet everyone seems to enjoy the chasers....Childish is picking your ear and eating it, even my kids dont go down that path.

Whats wrong with mint supporting libs.Ive seen the same people ramp labor over and over in every political thread.Some of it leaning to abusive.At least this is funny.
Re: Kevin Rudd eating ear wax, MUST SEE!!!

Nothing wrong with supporting the Libs at all, that is not the point whatsoever. Mint can support the Anarchists for all I care, and not even a problem posting the video, fair game.

We just don't want the normally good natured jousting on this forum to turn to sh!te because some people take it a little to far.. and not pointing the finger at anyone. Heck, I'll give politicians a spray as well.

Just some reasonable restraint, no matter which politician is involved, would be good.

That's fair isn't it?
Re: Kevin Rudd eating ear wax, MUST SEE!!!

why did the thread have to turn into a thread about whether there should be a thread rather than a thread about rudd eating ear wax?

An election's been called. There's going to be quite a few political threads. Funny ones. Serious ones. People with different agenda's will start different types of threads. Then the election will be over and the political threads will slow down again.

Looks like pretty old footage, interesting that its appeared now, or has it been around for a while? Pretty surprising that someone would do that in a room full of people, including a bunch facing you - camera's or no camera's.
Re: Kevin Rudd eating ear wax, MUST SEE!!!

Reminds me of the Seinfeld episode where Jerry was in his car at the lights with his finger bent in half scratching his nose, but his girlfriend is in the car next to him and sees it and thinks he's having a dig. Wonder what Rudds excuse would be - pretty embarrassing for him. Is it possible its fake?
Re: Kevin Rudd eating ear wax, MUST SEE!!!

why did the thread have to turn into a thread about whether there should be a thread rather than a thread about rudd eating ear wax?
Well maybe we should open a thread to discuss this thread?
Re: Kevin Rudd eating ear wax, MUST SEE!!!

Fleas... they are fleas.I get them all the time and it is quite normal to remove them in such way.
Re: Kevin Rudd eating ear wax, MUST SEE!!!

not the greatest look.

personally though i would prefer rudd to eat his own chunky snot if it means he can bowl a cricket ball 20 yards without it bouncin 3 times and into the fence.
if that wasnt australias most embarrassing moment i dunno what is.

seriously, im curious to watch as the libs implode over the next few weeks. and im equally interested to see the desperation grow among the liblovers here and elsewhere.

and the oscar goes to ....the liberals for claiming, with a perfectly straight face, victory for howard in last nights debate.

the next polls should be interesting.

ps: im still perplexed as to why some people want howard returned. i truly am.
Re: Kevin Rudd eating ear wax, MUST SEE!!!

Hit the nail on the head with that last line that’s for sure! I think that alot of these guys have glass jaws.
They don’t like it when anyone says a bad thing about Kevin Rudd or Labor, like you said, if it was about Howard then that would be OK. I can’t agree more with your statement about the fact that I described the content exactly and posted it in the general chat, I played by the rules. I also think it is quite obvious that this is meant to be a humorous thread. If you don’t like the content then don’t read it, otherwise stiff ****.
I don’t know how many times Joe has told people to add other forum members to their banned list if they feel they get too worked up about their views.
I also find it funny how I’ve had all sorts of comments thrown my way both in this thread (and the other one I started the other day) these include- Childish, Liberal Lover, liberal party stooge, too much time on my hands ... no problem, what can I say... I haven’t been on here for a while and I thought I'd come to wish you all a happy Christmas. It’s no skin off my nose if you don’t like my point of view.

i think its more of the fact mint man started the thread..
he has started more anti labor threads than anyone else on these boards...

I don’t think so Rafa, at least back up your claims if you’re going to make them.

Here are the links to political threads I have posted most recently, that I can find.
1. This one which is meant to be light hearted.
2. Labor Tax policy thread (serious discussion backed up by documents or reports)
3. ACTU target employers (serious discussion backed up by documents or reports)
4. Would Peter (Costello) make a good PM? (serious discussion with poll attached) obviously this one is actually about the Liberal party
So as you can see there are 3 threads that I have posted that are either directly or indirectly related to Labor. 2 are serious discussions and 1 is more for humour. If you can find more threads I’ve started then please post them up.

Even if your right Rafa, I make no apology for participating in the creation of new threads (or even posts for that matter) on this forum be it political, sport, share market….or whatever else I have had to do with on this forum. After all it is a Forum!
If you can’t hack other peoples opinions or views then go away, simple as that.
As for wayneL’s post about going too far, I don’t think I did, certainly not any more than some of the Labor supporters here that’s for sure…. But hey if that’s your view then that’s cool.

I’ve also noticed a few threads pop up along the lines of this one, well you know what they say 'imitation is the best form of flattery'. I haven’t read them yet but I will do in due season.

Re: Kevin Rudd eating ear wax, MUST SEE!!!

seriously, im curious to watch as the libs implode over the next few weeks. and im equally interested to see the desperation grow among the liblovers here and elsewhere.


Soooo much hate for liblovers
Re: Kevin Rudd eating ear wax, MUST SEE!!!

don't take it personally mint man... i was merely explaining the reason for the general angst to prospector...

i for one enjoy the fact you post, (you don't need to apologise) mainly cause you simply repeat liberal propoganda... be it on unions, labors lack of tax policy, labors bingo cards, labors bad of the stock market, labors bad for the economy, etc, etc and it gives people a valid forum to argue for or against that...

you are more than entitled to post, and i am more that entitled to put my views forward on why i think some of your points may be wrong... and you can counter back...

yes I would like to see some independent thought, and yes i would like to see people debate policy, rather than personality, or some scare tactic newly posted up on the liberals website... but if thats your style, then thats your style... (that certainly seems to be the style of the incumbent political party at the time, be it labor or liberal)

its a free country... and its and election campaign... so personal attacks seem to be part of the mix...

my only gripe is that we should have this in one thread, not 10 different threads... mods, i think you should seriosly consider merging all the various posts into an election 2007 thread, or something like that...

if there needs to be a thread, specifically on tax, then thats fine, as long as what is discussed is the two tax policies.
Re: Kevin Rudd eating ear wax, MUST SEE!!!

I just can't believe I'm reading a thread about a potential Prime Minister eating his own ear wax!
Re: Kevin Rudd eating ear wax, MUST SEE!!!

Which parts are propoganda??
Re: Kevin Rudd eating ear wax, MUST SEE!!!

I think he just had an itchy ear, went to scratch it, found a bit of pointy finger nail and then went to bite it off.
I don't think even kids eat ear wax.
Re: Kevin Rudd eating ear wax, MUST SEE!!!

I'm quite looking forward to Labor running the country again.

The current government has been getting a little too fascist for my liking...

I think what has happened is that Rudd (without the Unions) is pretty much occupying the same space that the Liberals used to, so there is only one direction that the Liberals can go, and that is further right!

I really like Rudd, I think he is kind of sweet, in a school boy kind of way, and very very clever. I would vote for him in an instant, if it wasn't for those pesky trade union people lining up behind him, and, my fear, they will push him off once (if) they win the next election. I can't imagine why any unionist would like him, to be honest! He is not their kind of guy.
Re: Kevin Rudd eating ear wax, MUST SEE!!!

if there needs to be a thread, specifically on tax, then thats fine, as long as what is discussed is the two tax policies.
That I agree with. However it would be imposible to talk about anything and not get off track in some way, maybe the 'off topic' smilie should be used more often.
Re: Kevin Rudd eating ear wax, MUST SEE!!!

I think he just had an itchy ear, went to scratch it, found a bit of pointy finger nail and then went to bite it off.
I don't think even kids eat ear wax.

Yes you must be right. He also isn't controlled by the unions, can't remember being at Scores, doesn't have the same policies as the Liberals and isn't a control freak with his staff. Silly me. You've convinced me. The pointy bit on his nail. mmmm I must get a better monitor.

Re: Kevin Rudd eating ear wax, MUST SEE!!!

hahahah - this has even hit The States!

Rudd's earwax goes global

Has Kevin Rudd picked a winner?

Opposition Leader Kevin Rudd says he wishes his behaviour was more ideal, after an internet video showed him apparently picking and eating his own ear wax in Parliament.

The video, circulated in recent weeks, dates back to Mr Rudd's early years as an MP.

It was recently played on American national television on The Tonight Show hosted by Jay Leno.

Mr Rudd wasn't sure what to think when asked about it today.

"That's great," he told reporters in Grafton, in northern NSW.

"I'm really pleased about that - how did I go on Jay Leno? I've only seen it once.

"All of us in public and private life would wish our behaviour to be more ideal."

Mr Rudd has previously told local media he was scratching his chin.
Is Rudd another Scullin?
By James Cumes - posted Friday, 23 November 2007

There are intriguing similarities between the forthcoming federal election and those of 1929.

In 1929 the Scullin Labor Government won a landslide victory and took office just two days before the New York Stock-Exchange (NYSE) crash of Black Thursday, 24 October, which ushered in the Great Depression of the 1930s.

Prime Minister Stanley Melbourne Bruce, after more than six years in office, lost not only government but his own seat in the House of Representatives.

Now we have a similar situation in that a centre-right Prime Minister, John Howard, after eleven years in office, looks like being swept away in a landslide by centre-left Labor led by Kevin Rudd. Though perhaps unlikely, it may be that he could even lose his seat in the House of Representatives.

However, what comes after is the most intriguing aspect. In 1929, no one, least of all James Scullin and his ministers, had any idea that the world was about to crash into the greatest economic depression the world had known. They had even less idea of how they should react to any such crisis. Intriguingly, two of the key issues which confronted them were irresponsible debt and industrial relations.

The same seems to be true of the prospective Rudd Government. He has proclaimed himself to be a "conservative economist". He has spoken during the campaign, mainly about interest rates and housing costs in conventional terms. He will amend industrial legislation to be more acceptable to workers. He says it all in the obvious expectation that the next few years - the next ten years perhaps - will be much the same as the last ten years under Howard.

There is not the slightest possibility that they will be.

We are about to go through the most tumultuous years - in economic, social, political and strategic terms - that we have ever known. The financial, banking and credit "system" will need to be reconstructed almost from scratch, globally as well as nationally. We will have to revise fundamentally our thinking about the means to maintain economic stability and growth, non-discriminatory international trade, stable exchange rates and international capital flows; indeed, the whole gamut of issues with which we were concerned in reconstructing the world economy after the Great Depression and the Second World War.

Can a Rudd Government survive attempts to achieve a re-modelling of so much? Does it have any idea how it will contribute to thinking about such a re-modelling - and how to do so with the vital interests of Australia, both short and long term, in mind?

The Scullin Government was an abject failure. Despite Mungana, it was not corrupt or dishonest. It was well-intentioned; and it was in no sense extremist or revolutionary. On the contrary, its economic and financial policies were conservative. Though some of its members wanted more expansionist policies, it accepted a "Premiers' Plan" so devastatingly conservative that it did more to create misery for the people of Australia than the Great Crash of the NYSE ever did.

Confused, defeated and despised by its left constituency as well as the right, it lasted until January 1932. The Labor Party split three ways. A Labor defector, Joe Lyons, formed the United Australia Party, became Prime Minister and staggered on until his death in 1939 - some months before the outbreak of war.

Labor did begin to show some signs of revival in the mid-thirties. Most conspicuously, Ben Chifley made some useful contributions to the Royal Commission on Money and Banking in 1936. By the time Labor regained office just weeks before Pearl Harbour in 1941, ideas that would remedy the ills of the 1930s were being drafted into policies by Labor and formed the basis of the domestic and international economic policies that the Curtin and Chifley Governments would implement with such success between 1945 and 1949.

For Curtin and Chifley, the revolution was well prepared and they succeeded. For later Labor Governments, the way was never sufficiently prepared. The Whitlam Government had no idea how to deal with the problems of the 1970s. The Hawke and Keating Governments thought they did know and, in the process, led us down a highly conservative, right-wing, Reagan/Thatcher road that now threatens to destroy global stability and Australia’s economic, political and strategic security in a highly toxic global environment.

Where does that leave us with a Rudd Government? Past governments have failed utterly to make us the "Tiger" we should have been in the world that followed the breakdown of post-war stability between 1969 and 1971. Instead, they have left us exposed to all the hazards that flow from “floating” exchange rates, massive global speculation, reckless deregulation, opportunistic privatisation and, most recently, the escapades of the financial adventurers, who have flogged credit and other dubious derivatives around the world. These various financial “enterprises” have, inter alia, feasted on pension funds which, in turn, in our privatising mania, have fed on millions of pensioners whose future financial security is now gravely at risk.

There is nothing in what Rudd, his shadow ministers or advisers have said and indeed nothing in the pronouncements of academics, "experts" or anyone else, that suggests that the incoming government - whether it be Labor or Coalition - has the faintest idea of the nature, scope and magnitude of the problems that confront us or of the ways in which they may be resolved.

Unless the incoming government is extremely lucky, the crash will become manifest in the next few weeks or at the latest by March 2008. The United States is almost certainly in recession already, concealed only by spurious official statistics. The dollar has fallen sharply and almost certainly will fall further and faster as the weeks go by; household, corporation and public debt is unprecedented; consumer and asset inflation is high; credit is tight and getting tighter. The financial crisis is already flowing to the rest of the American economy -and spreading, like a deadly epidemic, globally.

Central banks never were of much value. In recent years, they have created far more problems than they have solved. The Federal Reserve purports to manage the crisis, but its reduction of interest rates and its flooding of the banking system with funds serve little purpose except to give desperate, short-term hope in a financial "system" which is so inherently invalid that its collapse is several degrees more assured than we usually associate with the term "inevitable".

Very little of this seems to be preoccupying anyone in Australia - at least among the campaigning parties or those advising them. Concern is expressed from time to time about the "sub-prime crisis" and the credit crunch. Very little is said about, for example, the carry trade which has been supporting the Australian dollar and conveniently neutralising a large part of Australia’s external deficit. Recently, the yen has been highly volatile and the carry trade has been unwinding and rewinding in harmony. We have not yet had the "Great Unwind" but, assuredly, it is not far down the road.

That leads us to the further point that we have, for the last two or three years in particular, been through one of the greatest commodity booms in history. This boom has affected a whole range of raw materials, as well as food which, if because of drought we have not been able to sell in abundance, we should, in some compensation, have been able to get better prices.

From this, we might have imagined that we would be enjoying as splendid a surplus in our external trade as, let us say, Russia from the boom in oil. But that is not so.
It has not happened, largely because Australians have continued to consume vast quantities of luxury goods, paid for by massive credit-card and mortgage debt based largely on false notions of expanding personal wealth.

The external deficit has shown some volatility but it is a reasonable prediction that, based on performance so far, the trend in future will show the deficit increasing rather than receding. The carry trade will then unwind, perhaps completely and there may be an easing - perhaps a grave easing - of commodity demand from China if their economy and, for example India’s, strikes a rough patch.

None of these developments is improbable nor is it improbable that they could occur together. But Australia is not prepared for such an eventuality. Against this background, a Rudd Government is not remotely prepared to deal with the probable crises that might confront us; nor of course would a Howard Government have a clue as to what it might be best to do.

Either alternative would be faced with the outcome of nearly forty years of successive governments' failure to make Australia one of the "Tiger" economies. Rudd now declares his determination to put a laptop in the lap of every young Australian. In itself, that objective is noble; but it is pathetic that only now a Labor campaigner for office should be advocating it as a sort of cure-all. He may be putting it forward when, before one laptop can be delivered under the program, the house of financial and economic cards that Labor and Liberal governments have built over the past three to four decades will be toppling around us. Many of us will be left with no job, no house, no adequate professional or trade education, no decent health service and, at the end of it all, no pension except one that has been heavily depreciated in the financial storms that our Governments have done so much to provoke.
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