Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Kevin Rudd

Who was Kevin Rudd before he was Leader of the Opposition?

Can someone pls remind me who Kevin Rudd was before Leader of the Opposition ?
Re: Can someone pls remind me who Kevin Rudd was before Leader of the Opposition ?

Can someone pls remind me who Kevin Rudd was before Leader of the Opposition ?
If you need to know anything, first place to look is wikipedia...

Kevin Rudd

Careful though, the PM's office may have tampered with the info! :rolleyes:
Re: Can someone pls remind me who Kevin Rudd was before Leader of the Opposition ?

Can someone pls remind me who Kevin Rudd was before Leader of the Opposition ?

Haven't you heard, they all have a wiki site these days.

"Rudd was born in Nambour, Queensland, and grew up on a dairy farm in nearby Eumundi. He boarded at Marist College Ashgrove in Brisbane[2] and was dux of Nambour High School in 1974.[3]"

'John Howard is a very clever politician.' Hmmm, the pot calling the kettle black eh. :p:

"Rudd later went on to study at the Australian National University in Canberra, graduating with first Class Honours in Arts (Asian Studies). He majored in Chinese language, in which he is fluent, as well as Chinese history."

Now that could be a handy attribute.

"During his studies in Canberra, Rudd cleaned the house of political commentator Laurie Oakes to earn money.[6]"

Interesting! :rolleyes:
Re: Can someone remind me who Kevin Rudd was before Leader of the Opposition?

He pretty much ran the show when Wayne Goss was Premier of Qld.
He's a combination bureaucrat/diplomat.
Re: Can someone remind me who Kevin Rudd was before Leader of the Opposition?

He pretty much ran the show when Wayne Goss was Premier of Qld.
He's a combination bureaucrat/diplomat.
You voting for him Julia?
Re: Can someone remind me who Kevin Rudd was before Leader of the Opposition?

In his younger days, Pic 1

When he got older he needed glasses Pic 2



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Re: Can someone remind me who Kevin Rudd was before Leader of the Opposition?

Vote one Krudd, cause he's as good as the others lol
Re: Can someone remind me who Kevin Rudd was before Leader of the Opposition?

You voting for him Julia?

Well, let's say I'm closer to doing so than I was a few weeks back.
I quite like him but am less enthusiastic about the rest of his team and have a lot of concern about their overall inexperience. Also not keen on wall to wall Labor.

What about you, Kennas? Presumably you can vote from Peru?
Re: Can someone remind me who Kevin Rudd was before Leader of the Opposition?

Also not keen on wall to wall Labor.

Hi Julia

I heard this said a few times what do you see as the possible problems?

Re: Can someone remind me who Kevin Rudd was before Leader of the Opposition?

Hi Julia

I heard this said a few times what do you see as the possible problems?

Hello Focus

The capacity to raise the GST, e.g. it can be raised if all the States agree with the Commonwealth that this should happen.

Increased influence of the Unions.

Less catering to the requirements of business, i.e. if it came to a trade-off between the Unions and business,there would probably be some weighting towards the Union.

On the above point, too many members of the Labor candidature are ex Union officials. I find it impossible to believe they are going to leave that philosophy behind.

On the other hand, I guess it's possible such areas as health could benefit because it won't be easy for the States to say that the Commonwealth has deprived them of funds and therefore they can't maintain hospitals etc.
One would assume they will all be on the same side?

But perhaps not. We only have to look at the falling out between Kevin Rudd and Peter Beattie over the recent forced local government amalgamations in Qld. Mr Rudd was not at all shy in saying he completely disagreed with Mr Beattie's actions, and he deserves full credit for this.
Re: Can someone remind me who Kevin Rudd was before Leader of the Opposition?

Hi Julia

I'm a Qlder too, up the coast a bit further. Like you I am probably leaning more to Rudd this time than Howard.

Hello Focus

The capacity to raise the GST, e.g. it can be raised if all the States agree with the Commonwealth that this should happen.

Increased influence of the Unions.

Less catering to the requirements of business, i.e. if it came to a trade-off between the Unions and business,there would probably be some weighting towards the Union.

On the above point, too many members of the Labor candidature are ex Union officials. I find it impossible to believe they are going to leave that philosophy behind.

While your concern about the GST is a possibility, I think Rudd :eek: is smart enough to realise it would be political suicide for labour to increase it given the amount of the Gov surplus.

I also see some concern re union control, but from what I understand Rudd has stated a desire for the party to be less than 50% controlled by unions. In the end I guess it will be a matter of whether he is smart enough :p: to out wit the unions in the preselection battles and caucus.

I do have some concern about his lack of experience in private enterprise, but maybe his wife's influence will make up for that. :)
Re: Who was Kevin Rudd was before he was Leader of the Opposition?

Rudd is indeed looking like a breath of fresh air, though the party itself still has a huge cloud over their ability to work together on a unified stance. It was only 12 months ago that the federal labor party looked close to implosion.
In-fighting and leadership changes have destablised the party. Does Rudd have the support and the ability to bring his team together?
What does the rest of his team bring to the table?

I like some of the style of Rudd; he is happy to admit other parties do at times have good ideas. It was impressive to see his diplomatic skills of late.

It will be an intersting election... Anyone taking a tote on when the election will be?

Re: Kevin Rudd eating ear wax, MUST SEE!!!

OK, I've gathered myself now... fuewww.
I think the question should be.

'Is the minister concerned that Kevin Rudd picks his ears and eats the wax':D

Re: Kevin Rudd eating ear wax, MUST SEE!!!

I've seen that on the news also. Funny as heck and gross all at the same time. It just makes him look very much like a school boy nerd. I wonder if it will really have any consequences on the election.
Re: Kevin Rudd eating ear wax, MUST SEE!!!

Where do people come up with these all around election time... funny that...

EDIT: OR do the opposition hold everythin and release them in election time... hmmmm

Anyway would IMAGINE it tastes better that Liver, Kidney, or snot I seen one kid eating on a train once... uuuuuhhhh

Needless to say I found another seat on the train.

Re: Kevin Rudd eating ear wax, MUST SEE!!!

OMG! Thats the most disgusting thing!:vomit:

And knowing full well that the cameras are rolling.....Dough head!
Re: Kevin Rudd eating ear wax, MUST SEE!!!

Mint man, you don't work in Tony Abbot's office do you. He specialises in this sort of thing. However no excuses for Rudd here.
Re: Kevin Rudd eating ear wax, MUST SEE!!!

Even more scary is the color of Julia Gillard's hair! Obviuosly sent Ruddy a little cooko. :p: