The name's really Wayne Swan, I'm in here to try to work out whats going on, when I took this job I was told it would be a piece of cake now we have a crisis and I have to actually WORK, no fair.
I call Kev and he says Swanny mate don't ask me , I called the wife but she's at the travel agent AGAIN
I was told when I get called into a press conference they will expect me to know something so the answer to any question is 'our banking system is one of the most highly regulated in the world and we're safe" then politely walk away so they done ask me to explain any economic terms, geez I've read Costellos book cover to cover looking for clues but no luck, anyway I'll just keep poking around here to see if I can pick up anything useful.
While I do agree with TM in this instance, I do take anything he says with a grain of salt. In the 80s he encouraged me to take out a loan in Swiss francs, cost me over $500,000. He gave a talk at a seminar arranged by my ex-accountant and showed us graphs and charts to show how we couldn't lose. He even conned my bank manager, who ended up with "early retirement" for lending through the swiss francs deals to a lot of customers.
Turnbull is lucky to have cashed up and got out of merchant banking in time to avoid losing all.
I've been unimpressed with the Liberals so far during this crisis but Terry McCrann, well known right wing commentator takes it further. Read the following quotes:
"OK, I'll take Malcolm Turnbull at his word. The Opposition Leader really is an idiot and doesn't understand how financial markets work.
RBA governor Glenn Stevens gave him a 'get out of kindergarten card' yesterday. Turnbull was too stupid to take it."
"It is the height of irresponsibility for an opposition leader to go blundering around in matters he doesn't understand.
It's not just a case of the boy playing with matches in the dried-out forest; apparently this boy doesn't even know he's got matches in his hand."
Read the full article here:,21985,24462931-36281,00.html
Thanks for that, Knobby. Good article by TM.
Imo Mr Turnbull has destroyed his much renowned economic credibility with this silly political grandstanding, especially making the extraordinary suggestion that it was his urging that has brought about the rate cut.
Hate to admit it but I think you're right. who do we turn to now ?
You have them. No need to turn to anyone else. Who? The team of Rudd, Gillard and Swan. They are doing OK considering all the problems. Just give them a go, actually you don't have any say, they are there for the immediate future.
Peter will come back in 5 years and I hope as he comes down the aisle for the Liberal convention they play the song "Jesus Christ, Superstar".
Unfortunately Malcolm is coming across as a lying merchant banker. and I'm using the w colloquilism for merchant banker.
No point arguing with labor voters you're clueless otherwise Rudd wouldn't be in power now.
Grow up, get a job, stop blaming others for the chip on your shoulder.
What exactly would you have been expecting on a thread entitled "Rudd, I'm pissed off aren't you?"
A forum is a place for exchange of views, not for limiting views just to those which happen to agree with your thoughts.
All grown up, got a job, building contractor puting roofs over peoples heads.
Pity its for some people with f***ing thick heads like you Burns.
Aw gee sorry Macquack I re read your post carefully I didn't realise you were retarded. You take care now.
What the f*** does this mean, Burns?
You might be right. I've noticed he has been putting himself out in the public eye much more lately, i.e. interviews on ABC Radio and TV, appearance on Q. & A,etc.I suspect the second coming of Peter will be perfectly timed with the end of the credit crunch.
But Nash mate, you are all those things, and Mr.Burns is a certified genius. Everywhere you go people point at you and say "Thats Nashezz, the chardonnay sipping intellectual 'elitist'. On the bus, in the newsagent, at the servo and when you are buying your tickets for some left wing play about a one legged gay nun who discovers Brecht.
Mr. Burns on the other hand has carers who wheel him about, show his certificate of genius to him frequently and take him to reruns of the Sound of Music.
This is the heavy cross you both bear.
hehe GG. Your probably not far off with Burns anyway...
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