Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Kevin Rudd

Re: Rudd, I'm pissed off aren't you?

Would much rather let people in who are willing to risk their lives to be a part of this country, rather than bludging kiwis or rich south african pricks who left because they didn't like having to share a working environment with blacks.

This is bigotry! Shame on you chops!

Do you have evidence to claim your stereotyping of Kiwis?

Friends of mine came here nine years ago from Durban.
They were upper middle class living in a commensurate neighborhood.

Their final decision was provoked when neighbors were raped and their homes ransacked.
Black police took over three hours to arrive and were jovially drunk!
Needless to say, charges were never laid against the black perpetrators.

You do not know you don't know how well off you are to live (in Australia) with your ignorance!
... commensurate with Palin! :eek:
Re: Rudd, I'm pissed off aren't you?

As a New Zealander I find that offensive..

Chops goes out of his way to offend so no one is taking his posts serious. It is the classical tactic for someone who has nothing positive to say.
Re: Rudd, I'm pissed off aren't you?

As a New Zealander I find that offensive.
If you were to check some facts, you would find that New Zealanders can only obtain unemployment benefits if they are permanent residents of Australia. Such unemployment benefits are then reimbursed by New Zealand via the N.Z./Australia Reciprocal Agreement.
I was purely fighting fire with fire when it comes to rubbish stereotypes of foreigners, to see if the white connection would elicit a completely different response to that of the racial stereotype for muslims and arabs. ;)
Re: Rudd, I'm pissed off aren't you?

And this is not ?

It proved my point perfectly, did it not?

That stereotypes against 'whites' are strongly refuted where as no-one gives a crap about more absurd, dangerous and socially destructive stereotypes of other groups...
Re: Rudd, I'm pissed off aren't you?

thos thread seems to have left behind its original subject maybe its proponents lost and decided that Rudd is a ok
Re: Rudd, I'm pissed off aren't you?

I was purely fighting fire with fire when it comes to rubbish stereotypes of foreigners, to see if the white connection would elicit a completely different response to that of the racial stereotype for muslims and arabs. ;)

If that is so, why not simply express that hypothesis without the gratuitous and inappropriate unpleasantness, e.g. "bludging Kiwis", "rich South African pricks"?
Re: Rudd, I'm pissed off aren't you?

The late fred hollows former australian of the year never was naturalised from his kiwi citizenship
Re: Rudd, I'm pissed off aren't you?

If that is so, why not simply express that hypothesis without the gratuitous and inappropriate unpleasantness, e.g. "bludging Kiwis", "rich South African pricks"?

Otherwise I wouldn't have got the reaction I wanted to make the point.

I've used it for many many years now as a tactic to point out people's hypocracy and it has worked again.
Re: Rudd, I'm pissed off aren't you?

Otherwise I wouldn't have got the reaction I wanted to make the point.

I've used it for many many years now as a tactic to point out people's hypocracy and it has worked again.

Does that make you a "hypocritical hypocrite".
Re: Rudd, I'm pissed off aren't you?

just watched Rudd's speece in response to market turmoil. The more he speaks the more he loses his credibility, I've never seen a more embarassing politician in my life. A very hollow speech which delivered no confidence.
Re: Rudd, I'm pissed off aren't you?

just watched Rudd's speece in response to market turmoil. The more he speaks the more he loses his credibility, I've never seen a more embarassing politician in my life. A very hollow speech which delivered no confidence.

I agree , he should go away and come back when we need a PM that specialises in BS and usless talkfests.
Re: Rudd, I'm pissed off aren't you?

just watched Rudd's speece in response to market turmoil. The more he speaks the more he loses his credibility, I've never seen a more embarassing politician in my life. A very hollow speech which delivered no confidence.

I think that those of you who don't want to believe in him, see things differently than those of us that are pleased the way he is performing. None so blind as those that will not see.
Re: Rudd, I'm pissed off aren't you?

I think that those of you who don't want to believe in him, see things differently than those of us that are pleased the way he is performing. None so blind as those that will not see.

I'm glad to see you at least admit you are blind to his total inadequacy for the job.
Re: Rudd, I'm pissed off aren't you?

I'm glad to see you at least admit you are blind to his total inadequacy for the job.
I'll admit to many things, one is that I'm often wrong. However in judging Rudd I do it by looking at what the opposition parties could have done or could do better than Rudd during this immediate problem. I suggest he is handling things better than the other party would or could. ----Instead of just knocking please suggest a better alternative, I may even change back to being a National party vote.
Re: Rudd, I'm pissed off aren't you?

I'll admit to many things, one is that I'm often wrong. However in judging Rudd I do it by looking at what the opposition parties could have done or could do better than Rudd during this immediate problem. I suggest he is handling things better than the other party would or could. ----Instead of just knocking please suggest a better alternative, I may even change back to being a National party vote.

I was impressed with Rudd initially but he doesnt seem to have a handle on what's happening at present.

I don't feel we have a LEADER in charge, rather a spectator.

He only seems to shine when he is speaking of some new idea he has, but the actions don't seem to match the words.

Turnbull is a lot of things, arrogant call him what you like but he is a self made man who knows business and I would feel much more secure with him in the drivers seat at present.

Rudd will spend a lot as Labor does but he wont know how to best position us during the times to come IMHO
Re: Rudd, I'm pissed off aren't you?

I think that those of you who don't want to believe in him, see things differently than those of us that are pleased the way he is performing. None so blind as those that will not see.
I don't think that's entirely fair, Nioka.
I was initially quite keen on him, thought he'd be a really competent leader.
But I've been very disappointed with his robot like delivery and over-focus on talk fests, enquiries, and committees.

But then, I was pleased when Malcolm Turnbull took over from the woeful Dr Nelson, only to feel disappointed in his populist remarks about the banks' capacity to pass on in full any interest rate cut. To say this has cut his credibility considerably. He knows very well the increased costs the banks are encountering, and should be agreeing with the government about the absolute need at this time for the banks to maintain maximum profitability.

And Julie Bishop is simply poor - quite out of her depth.

For what it's worth, I think the government can't be expected to "cure" the present situation.
Re: Rudd, I'm pissed off aren't you?

What a load of dogmatic dribble coming from the right in this thread! I do believe your so called 'communist' Labour party now receives more funding and support from big business then from the unions. So please those of you on here who bash Rudd thinking they are realists please get real and keep your hysterical ranting to yourselves.