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Join the Search for Flight MH370

From the above link:

Plus indications - now from London - that signals showing the plane was still in the air up to five hours after last contact. So maybe not entirely fanciful to consider hijack after all.

A suicide hijack ? Otherwise where did they land and why haven't they made any demands ?

Perhaps they flew around for a while and just ran out of fuel and crashed, but you would think that hijackers would make some sort of demands over the radio.
A suicide hijack ? Otherwise where did they land and why haven't they made any demands ?

Perhaps they flew around for a while and just ran out of fuel and crashed, but you would think that hijackers would make some sort of demands over the radio.
Not if they had landed the plane somewhere with the intention of eg filling it with massive amount of explosives and then at some later time using it in a suicide mission like those of September 11.

Before that awful event any suggestion that it could happen would equally have been dismissed as entirely fanciful.

I suppose that's possible , but there are not many places within the range of the aircraft from where it was last seen that have facilities for landing and refuelling such a large aircraft with secrecy.

Given the latest reports of its course, the only thing that makes sense to me at the moment is that they suffered a total loss of electronic systems, including navigation and radios, got lost and wandered around not knowing where they were until they ran out of fuel and crashed.

As they were flying at night it would be easy to lose their bearings.
It would seem the Malaysian government is about to confirm the aircraft was hijacked.
Hard to imagine what the families must be going through.

Did it crash subsequent to the hijacking (why nobody's claimed it), or was the first part of this terror plot successful? (why nobody's claimed it)

Either way, they'll have pissed off the Chinese.

I think it's plausible that it may have been hijacked by someone who then flew the plane?

To my understanding, simply keeping the plane flying whilst it's already in the air is relatively straightforward. It's takeoff, landing, dealing with anything that goes wrong in the air and ending up at your intended destination in a safe and efficient manner which is the hard part that pilots spend a lot of time learning how to do. But just flying straight ahead is fairly simple to my understanding.

So I'm thinking that it's plausible that the plane was hijacked by someone with enough knowledge to keep it flying but who either couldn't, or didn't want to, land it. Therefore just keep flying until the fuel runs out.

In that case it could have been part of a plot that went wrong. Eg they intended to fly it into something in a 9/11 style attack (building, bridge, whatever) but messed that part up so just kept flying and crashed once the fuel ran out.
It would seem the Malaysian government is about to confirm the aircraft was hijacked.
More detail from the latest ABC news:
Saw someone post this on Flyertalk (massive airline forum)

Anyways, where the plan could be;
So it could be anywhere in an area that's several times the size of Australia.

If it crashed on land then somebody will stumble across it someday no doubt. But if it's in the ocean then I'm thinking it may never be found, or at least not in a time that's of any real use or interest to anyone.
Saw someone post this on Flyertalk (massive airline forum)

Anyways, where the plan could be;
I can reduce that search area slightly. It's not in my back yard.

Within the circle, there are apparently two flight path options. One northwest from Malaysia towards Turkey and the other southwest over the Indian Ocean.
I would be absolutely amazed, if it went down unseen in the Andaman sea.
I can reduce that search area slightly. It's not in my back yard.

Within the circle, there are apparently two flight path options. One northwest from Malaysia towards Turkey and the other southwest over the Indian Ocean.

That certainly narrows it down Doc, but with your experience of "Lost in Space" I expected more.
Just speculation on my behalf, but the intention may have been to land the plane intact and then refuel. Head towards something of strategic interest to the US say and then announce your intention to make a 9/11 style attack. The US would be forced to chose between letting the attack happen or shooting the plane down with the loss of all passengers, who are mostly Chinese. The latter action could set US - Chinese relations back years.
Would I be correct in assuming that Australia has sufficient radar etc to be sure that it hasn't landed / crashed on land in Australia?

Whilst it seems an unlikely scenario, it's within the flight range of it according to the map posted earlier.
I would be curious to know what, if any information has been obtained from mobile phone usage, iPhone's 'find my phone feature' and triangulating call out's etc.

It is likely there were over 200 phones on this flight, which most likely should have been turned off, but it could be possible one or more could have been left on.

Surely the authorities (whichever one pulls the most strings) has contacted all relatives to those on board and used the latest tech, to try and locate a phone? Someone knows something more than they will let on.

If this is not possible it leads to only a few conclusions in my mind:
  • They were all law abiding citizens on board who all switched their phones off, and something happened faster than it takes to turn on a phone. Explosion or similar, which means the wreckage should be found eventually.
  • Hijackers (or similar) gathered up all the phones and made sure they were destroyed, which means it was hijacked. Plane will surface somewhere, sometime, or has crashed into the ocean and will be found eventually.
  • Some other means of control of electronic devices was used. Where's the plane and passengers? Should be found eventually.
  • The flight is will the other 'unfound' flights from time gone by.

Whatever the case, we will only be fed what 'they' think we should know anyway.

Just my bit.
Just speculation on my behalf, but the intention may have been to land the plane intact and then refuel.

I don't know. 777-200 is a big jet.

And to refuel?

45,220 U.S. gal (171,170 L)

Where do you get 171k L of Jet A1 fuel?
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