Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

John McCain

Skint, good to see you making an appearance on this thread at last with some valid points for GG to consider.
Having the 'balls' or the ticker for the job is important, but let's face it, neither Obama, McCain, Palin or Biden would be in the hot seat for the top job if they lacked tenacity. Think of the leaders over the last century you hold in highest regard. They all had balls. Similarly, at the other extreme, are Hitler, Pol Pot, Mugabe and Stalin as examples of leaders who also had balls. It takes a hell of a lot more than courage to lead a country successfully.

You refer to Palin being able to deal with foreign, domestic and economic issues. Seriously, you must have seen her interviews or read the transcripts. She can't understand any of it. Even conservative commentators in the US are openly stating she is way out of her league. I think you need to develop a bit of objectivity. I'm obviously of the left, but I can at least recognise when the left throws up a galah.

Thanks Julia.

The media nowadays can slay anyone. Joe sixpack knows this. Commentators are out to sell their columns.
I'm calm about this hype.
It may work in the Republicans favour.

Think of the leaders over the last century you hold in highest regard. They all had balls. Similarly, at the other extreme, are Hitler, Pol Pot, Mugabe and Stalin as examples of leaders who also had balls.

An autopsy performed on Hitler's remains by the Russians confirmed what most people knew. Hitler had only one ball. I refer you to a barrack room ditty sung in England during the war to the tune of the Colonel Bogey March;

Hitler has only got one ball
Goering has two but very small
Himmler has something sim'lar
But Goebells has no balls at all.

For other variations see;
An autopsy performed on Hitler's remains by the Russians confirmed what most people knew. Hitler had only one ball. I refer you to a barrack room ditty sung in England during the war to the tune of the Colonel Bogey March;

Hitler has only got one ball
Goering has two but very small
Himmler has something sim'lar
But Goebells has no balls at all.

For other variations see;

LOL Now that you mention it, I do recall hearing that ditty. I believe it was also sung in Australia by those in national service. I guess we were a bit behind in the hit parades back then. Hitler also had syphilis. Perhaps a combination of the clap and not being able to fill out his jocks made him a bit tetchy.
At least the McCain supporters aren't violent:

Pair arrested after large McCain sign torched in Sellwood yard

By Margy Lynch and KATU Web Staff

PORTLAND, Ore. - Authorities have arrested two men after a Molotov cocktail was thrown at a 4-foot by 8-foot campaign sign for Republican presidential candidate John McCain in a southeast Portland yard.

Karen Scrutton said she was asleep inside her home at 7956 S.E. 17th Ave. in the Sellwood neighborhood when she saw her sign go up in flames after 1 a.m.

"I screamed upstairs to my husband, 'Jean! Jean!" she said.

A neighbor heard a crash and chased off one of the suspects. Jean Scrutton said his son-in-law found another suspect not far away.

Not long after, investigators picked up Leslie Brockette Leudtke and Kevin Carl Robinson, both 23. After interviewing them, the pair was charged with four counts each of manufacturing and possession of a destructive device. In addition, Leudtke was charged with a single count of reckless burning.

Witnesses said the suspects threw a Molotov cocktail at the sign and used another as a torch.

The Scruttons worried that their home could have caught on fire.

"Our whole house could have burnt down," Karen Scrutton said while thanking her neighbor for intervening.

Despite the ordeal, she said they won't take the sign down. It suffered only minor damage from the fire.

Bill Ayers' wannabes?

Here's a graph of the US national debt since the fifties under various US presidents. The irony of course is that republican supporters seem to genuinely believe that their party is the party of restraint.:confused::confused::confused:

Bush has done his best to bankrupt the country and McCain was in lockstep 90% of the time. The biggest ticket items were 1)tax cuts for the wealthy, 2)Iraq and 3) deregulation of Wall St. On these McCain was 100% in lockstep. Just the sort of fella you give the keys to the cubby house to. :eek::eek:

The republican supporters on the various candidate's threads sensibly haven't really even attempted to defend such an appalling record. I guess they're hoping no-one will notice the 'elephant' in the room. Pun intended. If such a catastrophic debt were the price to be paid for dramtically improving the country by providing, for example, equitable access to healthcare and education (as the vast majority of the rest of the developed world enjoys), at least there would be some justifaction.

Not surpisingly, social mobility in the US, is far below most of Europe, Australia and elsewhere. If your born poor in America, your best hope is to emigrate. It seems to only take a few examples of "born poor/made good" for a significant proportion of the population to continue to swallow the myth that Americas is still the land of opportunity.

Here's a graph of the US national debt since the fifties under various US presidents. The irony of course is that republican supporters seem to genuinely believe that their party is the party of restraint.:confused::confused::confused:

Bush has done his best to bankrupt the country and McCain was in lockstep 90% of the time. The biggest ticket items were 1)tax cuts for the wealthy, 2)Iraq and 3) deregulation of Wall St. On these McCain was 100% in lockstep. Just the sort of fella you give the keys to the cubby house to. :eek::eek:

Skint - Great job! ... Great graph!

Many people have 'opinions' to stir others and often this is a failing of their schooling.

When they handed in their assignments - with a conclusion - without adequate research to show how they arrived at this conclusion - they were given a pass mark for handing it in!

... or they were given a fail result and did not learn from their mis-take.
... so yell down authoritative opinions without discussion.

We all look to back up our gut feeling or our bias.
But we can all listen to others' informed decisions and learn.

We can disagree without being disagreeable!

"I want to acknowledge that Senator McCain tried to tone down the rhetoric yesterday in his town hall meeting and I appreciate his reminder that we can disagree while still being respectful of each other," Obama said.


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Listening to US news, more is being discussed about Barack Obama being contradictory. An interviewer said he was mesmerized by Barack Obama, and it was only because of what his wife pointed out, that he listened to the recording again. He was surprised how contradictory he was in this one interview, "trampled his own statements, just minutes before."
Listening to US news, more is being discussed about Barack Obama being contradictory. An interviewer said he was mesmerized by Barack Obama, and it was only because of what his wife pointed out, that he listened to the recording again. He was surprised how contradictory he was in this one interview, "trampled his own statements, just minutes before."

About what? :confused:

Any broad statement that perpetuates a generalization and thus denigration, is mischievous.

Free range...

Oh... as this is the McCain thread - did you identify the wrong candidate? :confused:
About what? :confused:

Any broad statement that perpetuates a generalization and thus denigration, is mischievous.

Free range...

Oh... as this is the McCain thread - did you identify the wrong candidate? :confused:
Don't get umbridge Doris, I'm only reporting what I saw on TV. Not my fault what they say. Sorry to see you are offended and confused. All can be revealed at News 24, CNN, CNBC and Bloomberg.
Good fortune on your campaigning - good luck in the run in - chow.
About what? :confused:
Any broad statement that perpetuates a generalization and thus denigration, is mischievous.
Free range...
Oh... as this is the McCain thread - did you identify the wrong candidate? :confused:

Don't get umbridge Doris, I'm only reporting what I saw on TV. Not my fault what they say. Sorry to see you are offended and confused. All can be revealed at News 24, CNN, CNBC and Bloomberg.
Good fortune on your campaigning - good luck in the run in - chow.

Confused but I don't offend easily. Just thought you should give more than innuendo!
You did not 'report'! - you insinuated!
Read my post. You did not give information/details on what he backtracked on. Innuendo is McCain's style.

It will be interesting to hear McCain's new economy saving plan today when he teleconferences with media.

He lured the press to a 'town hall style' meeting at Cape Fear yesterday, but infuriated them when he regurgitated a stump speech and did not have the promised Q & A session.
Surpised none of you avid media watchers on this thread did not pick this up. Matthew Dowd venting his spleen at the gimmick of picking Sarah Palin. Is the intelligensia of the Republican Party turning against the 'maverick 'silver fox'. T'was not the time for gimmicks Macca!

Sleepy - picked up the storyfrom Marketwatch which is a Wall Street Journal affiliate. Not sure about the background of the Huffington Post? Is it left or right?

"They didn't let John McCain pick the person he wanted to pick as VP," Dowd declared during the Time Warner Summit panel. "When Sarah Palin got picked instead of Joe Lieberman, which I fundamentally believed would have given John McCain the best opportunity in this race... as soon as he picked Palin, that whole ready versus not ready argument was not credible."

Saying that Palin was a "net negative" on the ticket, he went on: "[McCain] knows, in his gut, that he put somebody unqualified on the ballot. He knows that in his gut, and when this race is over that is something he will have to live with... He put somebody unqualified on that ballot and he put the country at risk, he knows that."
Tonights debate may well be a turning point for John McCain.

Fair enough, me thinks, Doris, Julia and 2020 may not like to see a women in the Vice-Presidential position, who knows. We saw how they hammered another lady, on their own team as well.

Barack Obama, King of contradictions, might well contradict once, twice or thrice tonight in the States. Could lead to a downward spiral for the next three weeks.
Tonights debate may well be a turning point for John McCain.

Fair enough, me thinks, Doris, Julia and 2020 may not like to see a women in the Vice-Presidential position, who knows. We saw how they hammered another lady, on their own team as well.

Barack Obama, King of contradictions, might well contradict once, twice or thrice tonight in the States. Could lead to a downward spiral for the next three weeks.

Yes I agree noirua, this debate will be interesting. Obama has been performing well recently and the press have failed to pick up on McCain's vision for the US post Bush. So, it will be a good debate, and may the best man win.

No doubt 2020 and the Terrible Two will youtube us to oblivion for the next 20 pages on this thread.

Doris, Julia and 2020 may not like to see a women in the Vice-Presidential position, who knows. We saw how they hammered another lady, on their own team as well.

You seriously think that was the concern with Hillary noi. (?) so - the hero of Bosnia maintains cred in your eyes ? :eek:

CBS Exposes Hillary Clinton Bosnia Trip.

Yes I agree noirua, this debate will be interesting. Obama has been performing well recently and the press have failed to pick up on McCain's vision for the US post Bush. So, it will be a good debate, and may the best man win.

May the best man win indeed.

No doubt 2020 and the Terrible Two will youtube us to oblivion for the next 20 pages on this thread.

gg, some funny stuff in those youtubes - you'll be able to go back and see what we were talking about when you finally get broadband ;)
You seriously think that was the concern with Hillary noi. (?) so - the hero of Bosnia maintains cred in your eyes ? :eek:

CBS Exposes Hillary Clinton Bosnia Trip.

May the best man win indeed.

gg, some funny stuff in those youtubes - you'll be able to go back and see what we were talking about when you finally get broadband ;)

lol 2020.

what beer do you prefer, its not looking good for my lad and lassie?
