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John McCain

Hi Julia, Isn't Afghanistan a no other option situation now? Iran is probably pleased America is fighting these wars as it makes their options easier. Russia are over the moon about it, as a weaker America is just the ticket for them.

Not enough troops to invade Iran for certain. Only one strike, if necessary, and it would have to be well thought out and decisive.


Ha Ha, former Enron advisor Paul Krugman? A valid unbiased source? Thanks for the laugh 2020.

Paul Krugman Helped Bankrupt Enron

By Brooks A. Mick
Nov. 21, 2004

Paul Krugman, the far-left, anti-Bush columnist for the New York Times--well, one out of many!-- is off on sabbatical to write an economics textbook. He is, on the surface, an economist (He was a former Princeton econ professor) and was once a chief adviser to Enron, the company which went belly up and whose officers (other than Krugman) were accused of improprieties.

we can get round to Enron if you wish ... but for the time being - rather than your resorting to ad hominem ... perhaps you could answer

a) do you agree that more regulation is required in the financial markets, and/or was the main factor in the present mess (assuming you agree we are in a mess) or do you agree with websman that you have enough already

b) do you agree that more regulation and/or a new system is required in the US health system ? Or do you think that there's no "change" required?

Remember now, Palin is all for "change" , yes?

Sounds like Krugman writes, and others follow...
The Obama campaign first learned of the McCain article when New York Times columnist Paul Krugman referenced it on Friday. Since then, officials in the campaign have spread its contents as quickly as possible.
Now we have economics as a reason, as well as world peace.

This is an old post wayne, (#154)
But do you agree that the current mess on the stock markets of the world is due mainly to the slashing of regulations by the Bush administration (and to some extent those before him) ... and the subsequent sub-primal fears being realised.

I mean, are we all happy to have a "self-correction" of these proportions come along every few years

Hell next time / cycle, the US might be broke, and not able to bail out the banks, insurance companies etc.

Why shouldn't we (in Aus etc) be interested?

The main thing that drives the ASX opening prices is surely "what happened to the Dow etc last night."

And that's not even to mention (again) the fact that one is an avid hawke - ("why not occupy Iraq for 100 years?" etc), - happy to ramp up international tensions (and as an unavoidable consequence, extremism) ...

and the other wants to get the world back on a more even keel (with a damned site better chance of success against extremism)
McCain on Obama:

The roots of the current crisis date from the Clinton administration's insistence that EVERYONE should own a home. The matter that many didn't qualify and would never pay back didn't matter. Special emphasis was on certain minority groups. Unfortunately, the Bush administration continued this policy, and here we are.
An eminent visitor to Australia many years ago ( I can't remenber his name or where he was from) when questioned about the politics in his own country said;
In my country there are two political parties, one party stands for everything that is good and the other party stands for everything that is bad. The trouble is we don't know which is which

That may not be the exact qoute, but no doubt somebody will put me wise.

We can actually go back all the way to Alan Greenspan or even Paul Volcker. Since the 80s, deregulation and lax supervision became the order of the day and it becomes fashionable to print money to get out of every crisis.
Former POW says McCain is "not cut out to be President"
John McCain's temperament makes it clear he's not cut out to be President of the United States

Too true! A deep breathe, not flaring tonsils, is needed under CinC pressure.
Let's hope Barack's cool demeanor baits McCain by the end of the 90 minute debates - to display this temper! asking the right questions about the oversight-less bank bailout.

But is he willing to vote against it in its current form.
McCain ad: Obama's Fannie Mae 'Connection'

"Obama has no background in economics. Who advises him? The Post says it's Franklin Raines, for "advice on mortgage and housing policy." Shocking. Under Raines, Fannie Mae committed "extensive financial fraud." Raines made millions. Fannie Mae collapsed. Taxpayers? Stuck with the bill."
--McCain video release, September 18, 2008.

McCain's Ad fails the The Pinocchio Test on The Washington Post's Fact Checker:

Talk about the pot calling the kettle black!

McCain's campaign manager linked to Freddie Mac,0,4139198.story
The Unbelievable McCain Campaign (Continued)

This should be good public backing for Obama's drive to rid Washington of lobbyists and PACs!
McCain Wants Debate Delayed Amid Crisis

Who does he think he is? The president? Shades of a cyclone... err hurricane! Super Mac to the rescue!

McCain takes control of the bailout crisis and lets the media know!

He has adopted Obama's philosophy of bipartisan 'conversation'!
"We are not a red American and a blue America -- we are the United States of America."

Oh. But... there's Obama's side!

Why did McCain only give half the picture?
The Drama Queen's Big Gamble

Seems I'm not the only one with this evaluation!

Some blogs on this. Lovem!

# Right on the mark. This is nothing but a political gambit. It's never been, and never will be, country first. It's now and always been McCain first. We're not buying it.

# McCain is suddenly behind in the polls and he stops the debate -- the ONE chance of THREE debates he had to address a national audience unedited. His campaign managers are stupid, or they expect to thrash Obama in the last two debates so close to the election that Obama cannot recover.

# He is the poster child for insanity. He can not lead our country. He can only lead a cult of people filled with hate who have no reason left.

# McCain has little to no defenses left.
The lies and innuendo aren't working, and the Miracle Sarah is turning into a liability QUICKLY...
What better way to try to distract us once again...

Did you know that if the Govt. declares this enough of a National Emergency, HE CAN SUSPEND THE ELECTION IN NOVEMBER???

I didn't either.
I do now, and I'm a bit worried...

# Can he walk and chew gum? Crisis management IS part of the president's task, as is multi-tasking. And he's asking BHO to stop running ads (see Ben Smith)?! Friday night should be possible to continue - it IS the business of the people to know where their future leader stands. Another gimmick, another gamble. No more drama, vote Obama.
John McCain and Barack Obama have both suspended their campaigns and returned to Washington.
John McCain and Barack Obama have both suspended their campaigns and returned to Washington.

Barack Obama has now said that comments by his campaign manager, as to suspending his campaign, is not correct. He will be continuing with his campaign.
McCain never had a chance. Democrat ex-president Clinton was on TV the other night saying that the election would be decided by how well the candidates perform in the televised debates.

It is obvious that McCain is using the financial crisis as a convenient reason not to have to debate Obama. This means that the republicans will delay the bailout package by bickering in congress for another couple of weeks, as the republicans are just buying time, which of course will eventually cause the markets to tank. Then Bush will shut down the stockmarket and declare a state of emergency. The election will be suspended and Bush and Cheney will get a third term. Too easy. McCain will be out cold before he realises what hit him.

And some people say the republicans are morons?
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