Serious question ZZD.
(and although I post those bookie's odds, I find them increasingly hard to believe i.e. at the very least, those odds should be closer you'd think)
But concerning Rasmussen and Gallop Polling - their published results seem to be miles apart.
Do they have barrows to push? are they politically tainted, right and left respectively?
e.g. typical question by Rasmussen "what do you think of Sarah Palin's georgous smile? Is she prettier than your wife? Points out of 10?"
e.g. typical question by Gallop "how many moose do you think that Palin woman murderd last year? If you put lipstick on a pitbull, would you kiss it? etc?"
If you get my drift.
I don't think they are biased one way or the other, but have different formulas. Gallup seems to fluctuate much more than Rasmussen. Rasmussen has been very close to accurate over the past several election cycles. I will have to do a little research for a better answer.