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John McCain

ZZD , you were saying that everyone should leave Bristol alone. - stop talking about it etc.
Are you aware that the propspective son - in- law is (apparently) being flown to the convention - to feature in the show.? and/or be publicised together with Bristol.

Their claim to fame ?? - I'll let you complete the sentence.
Apparently he's on facebook saying he doesn't want kids. :2twocents
ZZD , you were saying that everyone should leave Bristol alone. - stop talking about it etc.
Palin to address Republican convention
Posted 1 hour 15 minutes ago

US Republican Senator John McCain will be formally nominated as his party's presidential candidate today, but the focus will once again be on his controversial running mate Sarah Palin and her scheduled address to the Republican national conference.

This morning Senator McCain greeted the Palin family including Ms Palin's 17-year-old pregnant daughter Bristol and the father of her unborn child, 18-year-old Levi Johnston, who has flown in from Alaska for today's address.

His presence at the conference has caused some concern, with some delegates feeling that the campaign is trying to exploit the teenage pregnancy..

Ms Palin's personal life became a hot topic of discussion after she revealed her daughter's pregnancy.

Her candidacy has excited Republicans because she has earned a reputation for taking on entrenched interests in Alaska and is staunchly pro-gun and anti-abortion.
... staunchly pro-gun and anti-abortion
more oxymorons :(
(like military intelligence)


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This should be one incredible speech shortly, after being holed up in her hotel since Sunday night (US time) with McCain's top advisers teaching her about his policies and helping her write her speech.

It's a make or break speech but with the GOP machine doing it's best she will no doubt astound us all.
Absolutely incredible speech by Governor Sarah Palin. She hit it out of the park. We saw a future Vice President and President of the United States tonight. The Democratic pundits are in full panic mode.

Biden is expected to call in sick the night of the Vice Presidential debate one month hence!! What else could he do?
A We saw a future Vice President and President of the United States tonight. The Democratic pundits are in full panic mode.

Biden is expected to call in sick the night of the Vice Presidential debate one month hence!! What else could he do?

ZzzDad, you can't be serious! This moose-hunting, small town, hockey mom president of the USA? Her home-spun hokey assertiveness might be just fine in a frontier State, but that's a long way from cutting it on the world stage.
ZzzDad, you can't be serious! This moose-hunting, small town, hockey mom president of the USA? Her home-spun hokey assertiveness might be just fine in a frontier State, but that's a long way from cutting it on the world stage.

Julia - the Democrats make the same mistake every time. They try to diminish the Republicans, in effect lowering the expectations of the public toward the Republican candidate when the debates come. See, the Democrats always think they are the smartest person in the room. When the Republican candidate goes toe to toe with the Democrat - in this case Palin against Biden, the Democrats think they are going to eat her alive. All she has to do in a case like this is hold her own. She will do that. After the debate people will say "whoa, I thought she was going to do terrible, but she didn't". The Democrats sabotage themselves always. As I said, they have this overconfidence that they are the smartest person in the room, but all the public sees is elitism. Ask Al Gore and John Kerry. Barack Obama is in the same mold.

Sarah Palin is a lot better candidate and a lot smarter than you and everybody else give her credit for. In a way, I'm glad the expectations are so low for her, that way, when she hits it out of the park, the effect is tremendous. The American people will connect with this lady, she is already generating a grass roots appeal that is reminiscent of Ronald Reagan.

She is the future, along with Bobby Jindal, of the the Republican party.

Everyone has to come from somewhere, and in America, the farther from Washington DC the better.
CBS Poll: McCain, Obama Tied

(CBS) The presidential race between Barack Obama and John McCain is now even at 42 percent, according to a new CBS News poll conducted Monday-Wednesday of this week. Twelve percent are undecided according to the poll, and one percent said they wouldn't vote.

This is in contrast to a poll conducted last weekend, where the Obama-Biden ticket led McCain-Palin by eight points, 48 percent to 40 percent.

McCain has also closed the enthusiasm gap some with Obama, but it still exists. Fifty-five percent of Obama's supporters are enthusiastic about their choice, and now so are 35% of McCain's. Last weekend, just 25 percent of McCain's supporters were enthusiastic about him, compared to 67 of Obama's supporters.

This week's polling continues to show voters waiting to decide about Sarah Palin (see yesterday's poll on Palin). But in interviewing done yesterday, 83 percent of registered voters said that spouse and family of a candidate will not affect their votes.

Other factors within the race and overall opinions of the candidates, however, have remained similar from this weekend.

Thirty-eight percent say they have a favorable view of Obama, compared 34 percent unfavorable and 27 percent undecided. For McCain, it's 37 percent favorable, 36 percent unfavorable and 27 percent undecided.

McCain maintains his large advantage on the likelihood of being an effective commander-in-chief - 46 percent of voters say it is "very likely" McCain would be an effective commander-in-chief, compared to 24 percent who say that about Obama.

But McCain still has one big deficit to make up -- just 44 percent of voters say he understands their needs and problems, compared with 60 percent who say that about Obama.
I haven't been following any of this that closely but this seems like a very clever move by McCain. McCain has an airtight conservative image and doesn't need to do any more to win the conservative vote over, and the roughness and gutsiness of Palin (and family) is a good counter point that will help to appeal to a broader section of the US populace. It is going to be an interesting contest from here and a closer race than I anticipated.
And she is only running for Vice President!!

More than 40 million tune in to Palin’s speech
Both Palin and Obama reached about the same number of viewers

updated 3:38 p.m. CT, Thurs., Sept. 4, 2008
LOS ANGELES - More than 40 million people tuned in to the Republican convention Wednesday to hear vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin introduce herself to voters.

That audience rivaled the one for Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama last week. Nielsen Media Research estimated 37.2 million people watched Palin on either ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, Fox News Channel or MSNBC. PBS estimated it had four million viewers for the speech.

Last week Obama had 38.4 million viewers on the commercial networks, topping 40 million with PBS and C-SPAN added in.

Those are bigger audiences than the “American Idol” finale or Academy Awards.

Viewers were far more interested in Palin than Democratic vice presidential candidate Joe Biden. Biden’s speech to Democrats last week was seen by an estimated 24 million people.

Sarah POWER!!!
I haven't been following any of this that closely but this seems like a very clever move by McCain. McCain has an airtight conservative image and doesn't need to do any more to win the conservative vote over, and the roughness and gutsiness of Palin (and family) is a good counter point that will help to appeal to a broader section of the US populace. It is going to be an interesting contest from here and a closer race than I anticipated.

Actually, with all due respect, you have it a little backward cuttlefish. Sarah Palin is actually the more conservative. She has really ignited the Republican base. John McCain is less conservative, and is more courting the moderates and independants. The conservative base has only grudgingly accepted McCain. That being said, the sheer force and charisma of Sarah Palin is also helping to win over moderates and independants.
Sarah POWER!!!

What about this possibility? After the McCain runs two terms, Palin runs for president, with Bobby Jindle as vice president. after that...A Bobby Jindle presidency??? Looks to me like the good old USA may be in for some exciting times!
ZzzDad, you can't be serious! This moose-hunting, small town, hockey mom president of the USA? Her home-spun hokey assertiveness might be just fine in a frontier State, but that's a long way from cutting it on the world stage.

I believe you are badly mistaken... Do you think that she is inferior because she's from the country? LOL :eek:

Country boys...and girls can survive!
What about this possibility? After the McCain runs two terms, Palin runs for president, with Bobby Jindle as vice president. after that...A Bobby Jindle presidency??? Looks to me like the good old USA may be in for some exciting times!

You've got that ALMOST right, except that I prefer that McCain would serve just ONE term, and THEN hand it over to Palin and Jindal!!!

You do tend to exaggerate 2020 :)
quite right - I stand corrected.
Then again , he will be 80 and a few months lol. - and at that age, do 9 months either way make much difference? (blame the ABC lady who said he'd just had a birthday - and had turned 73)

Hey, who knows, he might have introduced stop-loss for politicians by then :rolleyes: