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John McCain

Even Sarah Palin had time to visit the wounded troops at Landstuhl Medical Center in Germany, something Obama found inconvenient because he could not bring his entourage - so he went to the gym instead:

Sunday, July 27, 2008
Palin versus Obama at Landstuhl
Some politicians only bother to undertake good deeds when they can bring their campaign reporters and photographers. Others are more decent and less craven.

In July 2007, Gov. Sarah Palin (R-AK) traveled to a U.S. military base in Kuwait to visit Alaska National Guard soldiers who provide logistical support for our operations in Iraq. On her return trip, she stopped to visit wounded troops at Landstuhl Regional Medical Center in Germany.

Although most of the many photos I've re-published of Gov. Palin have come either from press sources or the Alaska gubernatorial state website, the particular photograph I re-published of her at Army Private James Pattison's bedside (which I include again below) was taken by an official U.S. military photographer (Airman 1st Class Kenny Holston) and published on the internet on the website of the Alaska Department of Military & Veterans Affairs.

Click on link for pictures.
at least Obama didn't singlehandedly prevent POW / MIA relatives from getting access to records

Hell their wouldn't even have been any Iraqi GI wounded if they'd listened to Obama instead of to McCain /Bush
I was just wondering if there will be as much interest/coverage of our elections in the US press and on US trading boards; and what we could conclude from that.
Now I call that dedication. You are burning the midnight oil to dig up dirt on Palin.

Nothing new there, calliope, it's mentioned in post #191
It's a controversial one, and unlikely to do her any harm apparently. (Man allegedly tasered his kids etc - sheesh. ...... Reminds me of the student who was tasered for asking Kerry why wasn't Bush impeached over practices during previous elections.)

She has welcomed an investigation into whether she orchestrated the firing of a state trooper who went through a messy divorce with her sister.

Digressing, I like the suggestion that she's popular because Alaska is the furthest state from Washington lol ( apart from Hawaii I guess).

And aren't they all happy that GWB is too busy to speak at the convention

Also I wonder if Hagee regrets claiming that God sent Katrina to break up the gay convention - and now seems to have sent Gustav on the eve of the GOP convention. What an idiotic thing to say - that God could plan a thing like the Katrina fiasco - where 1000 died in New Orleans alone

Also whether McCain regrets inviting Hagee to join his campaign, considering he is so pally with such a hateful God (who incidentally exploited such incompetent behaviour from State and Fed govts at the time).

And they STILL haven't finished the levee banks !! - still, will give GWB a chance for a photo opportunity inspecting the unfinished banks I guess

couple of poems here (and the one before):-
2020:topic But on politics generally. I came across a quote by Lilly Tomlin (do you remember her?)

"Ninety-eight percent of the adults in this country are decent, hard-working honest Americans. It's the other lousy two percent that get all the publicity. But then - we elected them."
might as well post this for the record.

"projectiles" - Memories of Cyclone George up in the Pilbara

I wonder if the State and/or Fed Govt will chip in for the accommodation of evacuees - considering the main reason they're leaving is probably that the "Rapid Response Team" after Katrina haven't finished the levee banks etc yet
She might read the Bible, but obviously doesn't have many of Noah's genes in her



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yep, I have a problem with shooters too. (something missing in there somewhere )
(different if they are pest proportions of course)

on another subject
I was wonderin why we in Aus are so into criticising politicians (and tall poppies of any description) ...
and possibly even larrakin in the process...

and a South African friend just rang and we discussed things incl politics -

and he says - "you know, .... it's what we could never do back in Capetown, - criticise the Govt - and I find it just flaming delightful"
Incredible gossip surrounds the Alaskan Tall Poppy!

This would not have happened had McCain chosen a male VP!

* Palin's 4 month old baby is not hers... it's her daughter's...
("she was too skinny when she was pregnant to really be pregnant...
... her daughter had a lot of time off school"...)

* "Palin's baby must be hers... now her 17yo daughter is 5 months pregnant."

Palin supports the ban on sex education in schools in Alaska.
"This belongs in the home."

At least it takes bad press from Obama I guess.
I do like his sincerity in demanding her family life be kept out of politics.
Calliope you only have one modus operandi dont you, ..
ad hominem

Doris gives two sides to the argument - call it topical - but you still find fault.

Well might you be embarrassed. Sir Galahad riding to the rescue of the indefensible.
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