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John McCain


You have to understand that the US is a militarist culture.

The military is very present in everyday life in lots of ways.

The national anthem is about the battle for independence (cleverly disguised as being about the flag).

They have such a thing as military school over there (the perennial threat to make their wealthy-ish brats behave).

They like wars, so long as they're winning.

It all ties in with the whole gun culture thing.

To associate yourself with the military is to score brownie points.
Nice article about Sarah Palin's husband:

Some excerpts:

ANCHORAGE, Alaska - He's known as a doting, blue-collar husband who stands on the sidelines as his wife blazes a historic trail in politics.

But Todd Mitchell Palin can claim accomplishments beyond his marriage to Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, the surprise running mate of Republican presidential hopeful John McCain.

Todd Palin is a veteran oil-field worker(Not and oil executive, as disinformationists have put out there) and commercial fisherman affectionately dubbed Alaska's "first dude." He's a man who took college courses but does not have a degree, yet can hold his own in sophisticated circles, even hosting a reception for five former Alaska first ladies earlier this month.

A father of five, he's also a four-time winner of the world's longest snowmobile race, billed as the most grueling. It's a sport the 43-year-old lifelong Alaskan is so passionate about that he's continued to compete even after his wife took office in December 2006.

In this year's 2,000-mile Tesoro Iron Dog contest, Palin and racing partner Scott Davis were trying to defend their 2007 championship when Palin broke his arm in a crash. It was 400 miles from the finish line, but he refused to quit, coming in fourth, cheered on by the parka-clad governor waving a checkered flag.......

This couple is not the stereotyped Republicans that the media, and some foreigners believe. They are the true Republicans - the mainstream ones.

At least we're not afraid to defend ourselves... I keep a gun handy for anyone who tries to invade my home.

We like wars? No...We don't like wars, but sometimes they are neccesary to guarantee our freedom. I'll give my life anyday, for my country's freedom.

1. mm disagree

2. ahh Harry S Truman - good example - the man who pressed the button ( I realise of course that times have changed ) - but it would be nice to know what Sarah thought about the ultimate MAD scenario. - McCain is 72 and has had multiple bouts with cancer after all.

3. Obama has faced the people under intense scrutiny for 12 months

Tell you something else he has done - he voted against Iraq in the first place. Whereas McCain voted for it – and has admitted it was about oil ! (whether or not websman will admit it - and/or reply to my previous challenge which he keeps ignoring. )

John '100 years' Mccain admits Iraq War really about OIL!!!

PS actually Philip Yeo is retiring as Mayor of Wingecarribee Council next month I notice - maybe he can get a job with GOP ? - and incidentally, Bowral is part of the Wingecarribee Shire Council , which is about 6 times (7 times?) as big as Wasilla.
population 40,600
area 2700 sq km, 1040 sq miles,_Alaska
population 5,500 (subsequently claimed to be 6500 in press articles)
area (land) 11.7 sq m

PS I'm guessing Americans won't know how to pronounce Wingecarribee
Then again, that youtube back there suggests that many don't know how to pronounce Wasilla either
not Palin for that matter


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Where were you when they passed the PATRIOT Act Webs?

They're stripping your freedoms a bit at a time without you even noticing.

(But you're not alone mate, they're doing it to us in Oz and pommieland too)

Palin served two terms on the Wasilla, Alaska, city council from 1992 to 1996, and was elected mayor of Wasilla in 1996 and 1999. She left the mayors office in 2002 (two 3 year terms).

Alaska Oil and Gas Conservation Commission
Governor Murkowski appointed Palin Ethics Commissioner of the Alaska Oil and Gas Conservation Commission,[21] where she served from 2003 to 2004. She resigned in protest over what she called the "lack of ethics" of fellow Alaskan Republican leaders, who ignored her whistleblowing complaints of legal violations and conflicts of interest.[22][4] After she resigned, Palin exposed the state Republican Party's chairman, Randy Ruedrich, one of her fellow Oil & Gas commissioners, who was accused of doing work for the party on public time and supplying a lobbyist with a sensitive e-mail.[23] Palin filed formal complaints against both Ruedrich and former Alaska Attorney General Gregg Renkes, who both resigned. Ruedrich also paid a record $12,000 fine.[4]

All of this was in a previous post, but, 2020 doesn't bother to read them - which is funny because he continuously accuses us of not reading or viewing his. Typical do as I say, not as I do liberal

By the way, as some people say, she is in the hands of BIG BAD oil, Big Bad oil must be masochists, because she has been the worst critic of their corrupt practices in Alaska.
Sarah Palin is more qualified to run the country than Obama is. He has never run anything.

What do you call the years of work organizing organizations in South Chicago changing the unemployment scenarios? REAL work helping REAL people on the ground? Changing attitudes and lives to be functional? POTUS is a mere extension of this.
1. cripes ! - I apologise profusely lol. Heck ZZd that changes everything !! My entire argument is turned on its head !

2. Please use the years that ZZdad said (i.e. mayor till 2002 not 1999) - followed by 5 years presumably as a mum (not 7, 8 whatever) - instead of the dates I used - so misleading of me

3. So is she or is she not in favour of drilling in the Arctic Reserve? what McCain previously said would be equivalent to drilling in the Grand Canyon.

PS Actually it seems I misread my own post ..

Thought for the day:-
Kurt Vonnegut :- When the last living thing has died on account of us, how poetical it would be if earth could say in a voice floating up, perhaps from the floor of the Grand Canyon, it is done, people did not like it here.
What do you call the years of work organizing organizations in South Chicago changing the unemployment scenarios? REAL work helping REAL people on the ground? Changing attitudes and lives to be functional? POTUS is a mere extension of this.

Organising organisations??? Seems to me he has a future as a bureaucrat.

Cripes, he did it again!!! Read on 2020

Governor Murkowski appointed Palin Ethics Commissioner of the Alaska Oil and Gas Conservation Commission,[21] where she served from 2003 to 2004. She resigned in protest over what she called the "lack of ethics" of fellow Alaskan Republican leaders, who ignored her whistleblowing complaints of legal violations and conflicts of interest.

ok lol
2 years less as a mum - makes that 5 years or whatever

ZZd - of course - and obviously - the most relevant experience is 18 months as Alaskan governor - and neither you (in your fastidiousness) nor I (in my pisstake) have made reference to

PS Did I hear that Alaska has a population less than San Fran?
3. So is she or is she not in favour of drilling in the Arctic Reserve? what McCain previously said would be equivalent to drilling in the Grand Canyon.

She is in favor of it. McCain is simply wrong on this one. He is bowing to the radical environmentalists on this one.

They only want to drill on 20,000 acres of a South Carolina sized reserve. It is the northern section that is nothing but tundra.
Organising organisations??? Seems to me he has a future as a bureaucrat.

Some research needed Calliope. Ignorance is not bliss when enunciated.

Obama enthused and led people / organizations (including churches as these had groups of relevant people already) to be proactive in improving the mass unemployment / subsequent youth crime scenario.

He did not go in as the CEO. He forged his leadership from the ground up by listening and acting.

Give credit where credit is due.
PS Did I hear that Alaska has a population less than San Fran?

Very true... but...

Careful 2020.

People in San Francisco do not like their city to be adulterated.
San Francisco. Not San Fran, or Frisco...

This is pedantic but you don't want to upset Americans.
New Zogby poll just out:


McCain/Palin 47%
Obama/Biden 45%...

And this is BETWEEN the conventions. Obama is supposed to be at least 10 points up at this point. The Republicans have not even had theirs yet.


2020 - I gotta ask. How did your Hindi mate's marriage go??

How can one say McCain is not a puppet to the GOP machine over THEIR CHOICE?

If he is not responsible for choosing his VP, who will be responsible for decisions if he get to be POTUS?

Her experience and connection to McCain is under scrutiny:

No research needed. You have done it for me and it only reinforces my point.
So now I am an ignorant non-researcher:hide: Doris please leave the invective to 2020.
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