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John McCain

I read he met her in May at a governor's convention... and for the second time on Wednesday (US time) as he wanted to talk with her before his announcement.

Yes! Marry in haste - repent at leisure. He's cooked his goose I'd say.

He didn't look too thrilled with her as she gave her 'spiel'... or squeal...

Honestly... she irritates me more than Hillary did. Her shrill voice and that 'don't you worry about not having Hillary... I'm here... so now we'll crack that ceiling'!
Seems she's almost talked McCain around on drilling in the ANWR , Arctic National Wildlife Refuge in Alaska.

Her husband works for one of the oil companies, BP I think

...Exxon Valdez oil-spill victims - .....
but "We'll make sure it doesn't happen again" (hope she's right)

PS it will happen again if you drill sweetheart
Alaska Governor Sarah Palin on Larry Kudlow
Doris, the lesser educated males in USA are saying they prefer McCain to Obama.
And thus 2020 brands every McCain voter in America, undoubtedly on the basis of excellent quantitative and qualitative research.

I’ve invited you to listen to a few youtubes over the months – To the best of my knowledge you haven’t listened to any of them – and/or refused to do so. Even when I do a transcript of them, you refuse to read it .
Well, now, 2020, I'm quite puzzled as to how you would know what I have read or listened to, and even more puzzled as to why you would possibly imagine that I should feel any obligation to take any interest in any youtube or other material you insist on thrusting onto the forum.

I don't want to be unkind, or impolite, here, but I really don't feel I need to absorb all the undoubtedly brilliant wisdom and insight you have to offer in order to form my own opinions.
However, I thank you very much indeed for your attempts to enlighten me.
I would never have dreamed Wayneepoo would have had a deep meaningful side after initially reading his belligerent stirrings. We all win.
Shows how little you have read of other threads on this forum. Wayne is probably one of the most thoughtful and lucid people we have. Don't be misled by a bit of stirring.
1. And thus 2020 brands every McCain voter in America, undoubtedly on the basis of excellent quantitative and qualitative research.

2. However, I thank you very much indeed for your attempts to enlighten me.

1. You been paying attention Julia? - the blue collar white voters are the problem for Obama - he doesn't have such a problem with educated whites

2. I imagine you'll ask a really good question soon Julia - without any research or any attempt to answer it yourself lol - and that will be your contribution to enlighten us all

carry on carrying on

Julia you have been ticked off by the master for not paying attention and refusing to accept enlightenment. Go and stand in the naughty corner.:headshake
Doris, the lesser educated males in USA are saying they prefer McCain to Obama.

So what do GOP do, lol - choose a pinup girl - just to make sure of their allegiance.

I not lessr edemicated! I lik hir cause of hir branes!!!

Yur a idiot 2020!!! :bigun2:
Shows how little you have read of other threads on this forum. Wayne is probably one of the most thoughtful and lucid people we have. Don't be misled by a bit of stirring.

Julia you're on the attack tonight!

Read my words again and see what I said...

It is because I had read his contributions I said it.
I not lessr edemicated! I lik hir cause of hir branes!!!

You think 2020's 'males - low education' cap fits you?
Polls are done by age, sex, income, education etc...

What's with the petty pervasive personal interpretation?

We are a friendly, peaceful country... like Canada!
The over-educated white males are for Obama. The professional students and PHD's that loathe real work and capitalism and stay in academia and infect future young minds are for Obama.

The educated just enough to graduate, get a job, and keep the country running folks are for John McCain and Sarah Palin.

The same thing happens here. Our federal government is made up of union leaders, lawyers, academics and party hacks. In other words people who have never done any manual work, have never produced anything and have never run a business. The entrepeneurial people who want to keep the country running have every obstacle placed in their paths by these non- achievers.
I love Governor Palin's story:

from Wikipedia:

Palin was elected governor and assumed office in December 2006, after defeating incumbent governor Frank Murkowski in the Republican primary and former Democratic governor Tony Knowles in the general election. She was the youngest person, and the first woman, to be elected governor of Alaska. Before becoming governor, Palin served two terms on the Wasilla, Alaska, city council from 1992 to 1996, and was elected mayor of Wasilla in 1996 and 1999. She lost her race for lieutenant governor of Alaska in 2002.

Palin holds a Bachelor of Science degree in communications-journalism from the University of Idaho, where she also minored in political science.[7][8] Palin briefly worked in broadcasting as a sports reporter for local Anchorage television stations and with her husband in commercial fishing.[3]
Governor Murkowski appointed Palin Ethics Commissioner of the Alaska Oil and Gas Conservation Commission,[19] where she served from 2003 to 2004 until resigning in protest over what she called the "lack of ethics" of fellow Alaskan Republican leaders, who ignored her whistleblowing complaints of legal violations and conflicts of interest.[20][3] After she resigned, she exposed the state Republican Party's chairman, Randy Ruedrich, one of her fellow Oil & Gas commissioners, who was accused of doing work for the party on public time, and supplying a lobbyist with a sensitive e-mail.[21] Palin filed formal complaints against both Ruedrich and former Alaska Attorney General Gregg Renkes, who both resigned; Ruedrich paid a record $12,000 fine.[3]

She is a Republican anti-corruption hero, and most of the people she opposed were entrenched Republicans.

This woman is a breath of fresh air.

The Democrats are in full panic mode, because they know that she will bring her anti-corruption crusade to Washington, where it is the Democrats that are entrenched and most corrupt now.

Amen to that!

I agree 100%. Sarah Palin is just what John McCain needed! Maybe Palin will run for president, after McCain finishes his term.

And....Who should run for president after Palin???...... Answer: Bobby Jindle (Governor of Louisiana)
I agree 100%. Sarah Palin is just what John McCain needed! Maybe Palin will run for president, after McCain finishes his term.

And....Who should run for president after Palin???...... Answer: Bobby Jindle (Governor of Louisiana)

Sarah Palin is more qualified to run the country than Obama is. He has never run anything.
If McCain wins (and I'm confident he will), and then decides not to run in 2012, I will have a tough time deciding between Jindal and Palin. They are both the future of the Republican party. Romney is a good man too.
Wasilla Council proud of the fact that their mayor ( of 18 months ago) has made it to the second top position in the world.

XXX correction she was mayor till 1999 - then took off some time to be a mum presumably - then 18 months as Alaskan governor.

Not sure why they have soldiers on their website? - maybe they use the military for council duties up there ?

Economically - ? who knows
but Ecologically, she sounds like a walking disaster.

PS Wasilla (6.5K) has a population half the size of Bowral (12K)


  • wasilla.jpg
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  • wasilla2.jpg
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... btw , here's what the Bowral coucil website looks like (for comparison)


  • bowral.jpg
    35 KB · Views: 90
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