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John McCain

28 May 2006
Just to balance the Obama thread ok?

Fighter/Tough/Determined/Disrespectful of Authority/Leader of Mavericks

Only Average Academic

An honest comment about what was happening with napalm bombing in Vietnam

Yet during imprisonment, a predictable reaction to more bombing

On marital fidelity :-

His disrespect for formal govt procedures (but who knows if it is really attributable to an inner hawke?).

Political maverick

Sounds like he’s against racism - and for giving the indigenous Americans a fairer go

Doesn’t like the Christian right.

….. the keating 5 (4 democrats and McCain) - survives corruption allegations

Prepared to work with Democrats (more of that maverick tendency)

Doesn’t like corruption in campaign financing (just the problem NSW has at the moment)

Nor pork barrelling

Hates the tobacco industry

The fight with Bush in the 2000 primaries


The 2000 battle between Bush and McCain for South Carolina has entered American political lore as one of the nastiest, dirtiest, and most brutal ever.

(McCain lost to Bush who had to appeal to the religious right)

so much for this old history... Sounds like
a) you'd be a brave man to guess which way he would jump,
b) or to write him off,
c) a rough diamond,
d) doesn't sound like he's a hypocrite,
e) one tough dude.
gee whiz, how do you link - in one answer - being a POW , and being investigated for corrupt / negligent behaviour

I like the guy. Everytime I hear him speak he actually says something meaningful, minus the cliches, minus the spin, minus the gloss. He comes across as genuine and WYSIWYG.

He is not liked much by the conservative right of the Republican party. He is more centrist (but still right of course) than others. He seems quite progressive despite his age and background.

I think he would make an excellent President.

Are you happy with his philosophy re Iraq?
McCain comes across here as a right lulu

Vietnam Veterans Against McCain

John McCain Losing His Cool
John McCain Lies at Fox Debate and is EXPOSED by Ron Paul

you like his little ditty at the end?
sung to beachboys song " Bar Bar Bar Bar-bar-baranne"
"bomb bomb bomb bomb bomb Iran"

yeah John - real funny.
Just the man the world needs at the top.
The more I see of this bloke the less I like him.

Try watching those youtubes in post #9

and then tell me
a) you'd trust the man, or
b) that you'd accept his word (were he President) about going into another war somewhere, Iran maybe.

or post #1, where he happily ignored the president and the Navy Secretary to finance a new supercarrier...

the man would be a loose bull / cannon in a world china shop. (imo)

PS what's he got to hide about releasing documents about the MIA files for instance? - did he (postwar) threaten the Vietnamese that if they disclosed details of his time as prisoner then they would regret it?.

Those vets and authors and investigators put up a pretty convincing case that he's not to be trusted (imo)
Strikes me he'd resort to what so many of these top echelon "leaders" do and claim " national security / secret", and to hell with freedom of information - and/or just proper honest information about anything for that matter
Couldn't agree more.. I don't trust him at all.. in fact, I sense something almost 'wrong' about him. Nothing concrete, maybe just that sixth sense you have about some people from that look in their eye, demeaner, or the like.

Old man clinging to old values and old rheotoric, who will be required to steer the United States out of one of the most difficult period's they may have ever faced in modern times - economic, and strategic.. He may actually turn out to be just as bad as George Bush, and dare I say it, even worse so! If American's vote this man in they may be well regretting it soon enough - ala. GWB.
he has arnie and Stallone behind him so he must be good
2020 (Now hold your breath here) re John McCain I agree with everything you have said. Yes, that's right. I do actually agree with you 100%.

I don't actually like any of the three candidates: McCain for the reasons you have outlined, Hillary because she seems to have such a precarious relationship with the truth, and Obama because he lacks experience to go with his impressive rhetoric.
gr8 we agree on something -
as far as the three candidates go..
a) you only get three choices - eenie, meenie, or miney. - there is no moe ok.
b) of all those qualities, I find the least offensive to be the "inexperience" bit - especially as Obama can choose an experienced running mate. Also I would put the emphasis on "impressive" (and brilliantly so) - rather than "rhetoric".
c) I also recall various politicians winning in Australia - including Bob Hawke who had the luck to win just before Australia won the America's cup, granted - and the reality of that phrase "change the govt, change the nation" was tangible in my opinion. Therefore I am perfectly prepared to believe that a clean and clear headed motivator like Obama will achieve miles more than Hilary or McCain could do, with all their alleged experience, and in their wildest dreams. (imo)

PS be fascinating to see who Obama chooses for a running mate yes?
Hi Julia and 2bobs,

Our own most experienced leaders have been Joh, Menzies and Howard. So much for experience. Another Republican, let alone a right-wing war-monger in his dotage would be disastrous. The democrats over time have consistently had a greater social conscience , and god knows America needs it. Hard to glean policy through all the non-substantive ra-ra, but from what I've seen and read to date, I hope Obama gets the guernsey. Be good to see Al Gore stick his hand up for the Vice-Presidency. Failing that I think Kev should consider "annexing" the States, and perhaps selling it China.
.1. I hope Obama gets the guernsey. Be good to see Al Gore stick his hand up for the Vice-Presidency.

2. Failing that I think Kev should consider "annexing" the States, and perhaps selling it to China.
1. Obama and Gore? - lol - chalk and cheese in the oratory stakes yes. ?
Then again, Gore will make Obama's speeches sound even better you reckon.

2. gee skint - not biting, lol. I get into enough arguments around here.
A good candidate, a great person, he'll be a worthy president.

I don't actually like any of the three candidates: McCain for the reasons you have outlined, Hillary because she seems to have such a precarious relationship with the truth, and Obama because he lacks experience to go with his impressive rhetoric.

Not much to worry about then Jules, I'm tipping Gore will be the next President, with Obama as vice.. Skint alluded to it in an earlier post, but he's on the money!! I think you'll find Gore has been planning this for some time, and you'll note he has been raising his profile gradually over the last 12 - 18 months or so..

I wasn't too fussed about the next 'Big Dog' as I'm just happy to see the end of Bush.. but the more we see of each of the 'currently' running candidates the less I like the look of them, although they've got a tough job trying to appeal to each and every facet of the poplace.. Look forward to Gore wiping the floor with them..



obama 10/11 (better than evens) = $1.91
mccain 69/50 = $2.38
hillary 11/2 = $6.50

For interest ..

21 Mar (bit over three weeks ago):-
Barack Obama 11-10 = $2.10
John McCain 44-27 = $2.63
Hillary Clinton 19-5 = $4.80

10 Mar (about 5 weeks ago) :-
Barack Obama 10-10 (= evens) = $2.00
John McCain 42-24 (= 7-4) = $2.75
Hillary Clinton 18-4 (= 9-2) = $5.50

Summary - Barack and McCain tightening in last 3 weeks, Hillary's odds lengthening
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