It started heading down about 3.3% they had a broker on SKY Business talking about the fact that JB used to be a cash positive busness yet was now leveraged 100% leveraged in debt. I'm not sure if they were his exact words but something to that effect.
Lolz, what an idiot (the analyst) JBH debt is about $250m. The vast majority of which was used to buy back 10% of the shares on issue.
There still spinning awesome amounts of positive cashflow.
The results look impressive if you dont take into consideration the $$$ set a side for restructuring Clive Anthonys. Which has turned out to be a bit of a drag on the company and stock, but now that its mostly taken care of they can continue to focus on other things.
Will be interested to see how they go with there music streaming service set to start in FY12.