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Israel - Palestine

Thoughts and prayers..

Israeli airstrikes kill more than 100 as assault on Gaza widens

‘Safe’ evacuation zone of Deir al-Balah is hit amid some of the deadliest fighting in the war

Bethan McKernan in Jerusalem
Tue 26 Dec 2023 00.00 AEDTLast modified on Tue 26 Dec 2023 08.09 AEDT

The Gaza Strip is facing some of the deadliest fighting to date in the present war as Israel expands its offensive just days after the UN security council passed a resolution calling for more aid and urgent steps for a sustainable ceasefire.

More than 100 people were killed in Israeli airstrikes late on Sunday in the centre of the besieged Palestinian territory, including at least 70 in bombings that hit a residential block in the Maghazi refugee camp near Deir al-Balah, health officials in Gaza said.

Deir al-Balah was also hit overnight despite previously being identified by the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) as an “evacuation zone” for Palestinians fleeing the fighting.
The Palestinian Red Crescent published footage from al-Aqsa Martyrs hospital, in Deir al-Balah, showing dazed and bloodied children covered in rubble dust. There were also dozens of white body bags.
At the scene of the attack on Maghazi, people screamed and shouted in the dark as they tried to dig for survivors from the collapsed buildings.
“We were all targeted,” Ahmad Turkomani, who lost several family members, including his daughter and grandson, told the Associated Press. “There is no safe place in Gaza anyway.”
The Israeli military said it was reviewing the Maghazi incident.
Israel does its best to minimise civilian casualties by dropping leaflets, sending text messages and using other means to warn Gazans to get out of harm’s way. Hamas by contrast does its utmost to keep Palestinians in harm’s way — often at gunpoint.
Once Hamas is destroyed, Gaza is demilitarised and Palestinian society begins a deradicalisation process, Gaza can be rebuilt and the prospects of a broader peace in the Middle East will become a reality.

There will never be peace in this area until Israel is allowed to be a country that will not be attacked by its neighbours because of generatinal
in-bred hatred.
Attack me and I will retaliate somewhat swifter and harder.
Anyone who condones collective punishment will look foolish when they are on the receiving end of the same, Palestinian or Israeli.
Anyone who condones collective punishment will look foolish when they are on the receiving end of the same, Palestinian or Israeli.

I don't know whether you are serious, a fool, brain washed, or poorly educated. Let me explain my confusion I have of you and your two mates; The three of you show support for multiple middle eastern countries that are ruled by a religion that dictates death to anyone that questions the ancient writings of Islam, a religion that puts men as leaders and woman as their slave. You stand up for Hamas, a group that puts its beliefs before the people of Palestine, Hamas that teaches children that killing a Jew or non-believer will send them to heaven, Hamas a group that hides its fighters and weapons amongst civilian infrastructures that include hospitals and schools.

Israel is doing the world’s heavy lifting. To deny that is to deny the truth and by extension to say that countries such as Australia, Britain, New Zealand, the US, liberal Western democracies, would willingly invite Hamas to our shores, into our schools, homes and parliaments.
If that is your view, then you are not my countryman. You have a different hope for Australia’s future than I do.

Time to get rid of dual citizenship.
Attorney-General Mark Dreyfus is unable to say whether Australia was aware one of two Australian brothers killed by an Israeli air strike in Lebanon may have had links to Hezbollah before the proscribed terrorist organisation claimed him as one of their own.
“We are aware of the announcement made by Hezbollah claiming links to one of the Australians killed. We are seeking to establish the facts. However, Hezbollah is a listed terrorist organisation under Australian law.”

Ease up
Go easy on the insults, I thought you were a decent bloke.

Sorry to offend you for being just a little bit humane about the ongoing slaughter of civilians, but as you have pointed out they are Muslims so who gives a f***.
Ease up

Go easy on the insults, I thought you were a decent bloke.

Sorry to offend you for being just a little bit humane about the ongoing slaughter of civilians, but as you have pointed out they are Muslims so who gives a f***.

Please forgive me for unleashing my hatred of extremism.

I care, I have quite a few friends that are of the Islamic faith, one is an Imam and he is like a father figure to me. None are members of the Hamas or sanction Hamas beliefs and doctrines.
An open air prison?

Or what Hamas has managed to FUBAR through gross stupidity?
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