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Israel - Palestine

I just feel that Iran (used to be referred to as Persia) and knowing their deep hatred towards Israel & the Jews could see this as a "now or never" moment in history to make/leave their mark which unfortunately could easily trigger WW3 imo

Maybe. But, Iran isn't mobilised or prepared for major modern warfare. No force projection or significant logistics capability. Sure, they could fire off some long range missiles and keep supporting some rag tag militias but they are pretty well trapped geographically. They're not going anywhere. If they do something really nuts, it will give the Saudi's an excuse who will be supported by the US, so maybe that's the trigger. If Iran went 'now' now, I think they'd be toast. With all this happening, China might be the ones that take advantage of the situation and start blockading Taiwan. That's the start of WW3.
The expansionism of Israeli settlers in the West Bank. They are not in the West Bank to xuck spiders

This '$100m house' in the West Bank comes with a problem: Some days, its owners can't leave​

So he's a liar or an idiot?

Turned down $100 million so he can keep his family in poverty under the watch of the military? ....yeah right.
So he's a liar or an idiot?

Turned down $100 million so he can keep his family in poverty under the watch of the military? ....yeah right.

Yep. Money can buy you anything can't it ? Strange isn't it ? How people can stay so stubborn for a principle .
Their history. Their land. Their community.
Interesting article on what has happened in Israel under the current coalition government.

The Terrorists' Secret Advantage Was Israel's 'Idiocracy' | Opinion

... The country of 10 million boasts stellar achievements. It hoovers in Nobel Prizes and ships out Netflix hits. In 2021 its innovative tech sector attracted venture capital at about half the level of all of Europe – with a population 40 times smaller. In 2022, it boasted a higher per capita GDP than Germany, Britain, or France. And yet that same year it succumbed to total idiocracy: Israelis handed power to a motley crew that lined up behind Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, then and now facing trial for bribery.

In the government that resulted, as in the Mike Judge film, the only qualification appeared to be incompetence.

The finance ministry was handed to a religious fanatic who believes the economy should be run by the laws of the Torah, and for good measure calls himself a "proud homophobe" and wants to segregate Jews and Arabs in maternity wards. Since his main goal is oppression of the Palestinians, he was also put in charge of the West Bank, as if Israel had no interest in keeping that front quiet.

A leading rabble-rouser who boasts of multiple convictions, including for supporting terror groups, was awarded his least suitable station in the world: national security minister. Another extremist who hates the media was made communications minister. And the country's leading enemy of the rule of law was made minister of justice.

The coalition immediately started to wreck the place. Unprecedented sums were funneled to fervently religious schools that refuse to teach students math, science, English, and world history. And more than 200 laws were tabled to wipe out judicial overview of the government, including one that would have allowed the coalition to bar the opposition from running for office.

The Israelis who account for almost the entirety of the GDP have been protesting all year. Many warned that the Putinization effort created such toxic divisions that Israel's sworn enemies would be tempted to attack. These warnings, including by the country's leading past and present security chiefs, were ignored. Critics—from combat pilots to startup CEOs—were invited to leave the country by "Cabinet members" who might struggle to find China on the map. The currency fell by 20 percent, but jubilant disdain for the "elites" drowned out all else, a surefire sign of idiocracy at work.

My Jewish friends (reasonably devout religious Jews FWIW) have been complaining about this very thing, Israel is very much a divided society in common with most of the West.

Bad juju.
My Jewish friends (reasonably devout religious Jews FWIW) have been complaining about this very thing, Israel is very much a divided society in common with most of the West.

Bad juju.

There was a conversation about the role of the Ultra Orthodox/extreme Right wing Jewish community being included in the 2021 Israeli government. The above story just highlights how inflammatory and destructive that influence has been.
These are not people open to reason.
Benjamin Netanyahu has said "a date has been set for a ground incursion into Gaza" but he won’t reveal it yet.

In a televised night-time address on Wednesday, the Israeli Prime Minister described the war against the Palestinian terror group as a battle of “light” versus “darkness” and said Israel would “realise the prophecy of Isaiah”.
Why hasn't Israel charged into Gaza ? Very thoughtful analysis comes to the tentative conclusion that the military is not happy with unclear expectations from the Government. It also discusses and rejects other possibilities.

Analysis: Why hasn’t Israel launched a ground invasion of Gaza yet?

The current ominous lull might be an indication of a standoff between Israel’s civilian leadership and the military.
Since time immemorial, officers obeying higher orders, imperial, royal or civilian, want those to be clear, well defined, without doubts and uncertainties. When civilian authorities order the army into action, they must outline the strategic goals and the fallback options if the primary goals prove elusive. Generals want their orders in writing so that after the battle, responsibility for eventual shortcomings or failures can be honestly apportioned.

In the case of Israel, the generals certainly want the cabinet to tell them what it expects the forces to do and what the politically acceptable level of losses and casualties is. It is Matkal’s job to plan for all eventualities, but it needs to be told what the policy is.
messy world.

Russia President Vladimir Putin sought to intervene in the Middle Eastern conflict on Thursday by inviting senior Hamas and Iranian leaders to Moscow.

In a move condemned by Israel as an “obscene step” that “gives support to terrorism”, Russian officials met with the terror group who praised them for taking an “active role” in the war.

Ali Bagheri Kani, the deputy foreign minister of Iran, the main foreign sponsor of Hamas, was also in Moscow for talks
No surprises there.. as been saying for a while now that any escalation in this war will lead to Arab nations uniting together aided by strong support from Russia to all turn on Israel (as alluded too in Bible prophecy)
Three weeks of continual bombing of urban areas. Wall to wall rubble currently housing around 7000 dead - mostly women and children
The survivors are still being being bombed and starved. At some stage cholera will break out.


How to win friends and influence people.
correct Iran is Persia (part of the Middle East/Western Asia) but they'll unite with the Arabs and Russia.

It would take quite a bit for the Sunnis and Shiites to unite. Can't see it happening.

But, we were allies of Russia in WW2, fought against Germany (most of us Anglos are actually Germanic) in 2 wars and one of our most important friends now is Japan, who chopped a lot of Australians heads off in the Pacific War.

It might be the enemy of your enemy is your friend type of thing here.
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