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Israel - Palestine

Yes the thing is, many come here for a better life, but no one knows where their allegiances lie, untill hostilities flare.
Then it becomes home grown issues.
Ya think?

The religion of peace has form (and a free rein), so wouldn't have taken any clairvoyant ability to predict certain hostilities.
Ya think?

The religion of peace has form (and a free rein), so wouldn't have taken any clairvoyant ability to predict certain hostilities.
Yes it will be interesting to see how inclusiveness is viewed, when push comes to shove and people are called upon to standup for Australia.
The first world war was full of volunteers.
WW2 was the first time Australia had conscription.
The Vietnam war was the last war, where conscription was used and the soldiers returned to a hostile reception.
Hopefully war doesn't eventuate, but if it does, it will be interesting to watch Australians response to the call to duty and how the media deal with it.
I really can't see how Israel can not invade Gaza to try and defeat Hamas and take back the hostages. What's their other option? Just accept 1400 civilians killed? It's the equivalent of 4200 Australian civilians killed in a day.

But, the consequences seem to be pretty disastrous. I suppose these were similar questions asked prior to previous tipping points.

Some of the headlines tonight look pretty bleak. Hopefully the Middle East digs itself out of this one. Not sure how with Sleepy Joe at the wheel and Xi probably sitting back with popcorn happily watching Europe and the ME fall apart.

Reminds me of an excellent 2016 war film Hacksaw Ridge about dilemma of a young man going to war as a christian thus refusing to handle any weapons nor to shoot/kill anyone so he becomes an heroic medic saving lives instead. One of the best films I've ever watched.
Hmmm way back in past centuries a King would lead from the front sending his army into war but how times have changed... as these days Politicians call the shots sending others to their wars whilst they stay far away from harm's way (you won't find any Politician taking up arms or risking their life in anyway).
Yes my wife's grandfather was a stretcher bearer in France in WW1, he left from Albany in W.A with his brother, he never talked about it.
But did get affected by mustard gas and was shot apparently, I only met him a couple of times before he passed away.
I've been to hacksaw ridge Okinawa, it wouldn't have been a nice place to be during the war, certainly a hard place to gain ground.
Mrs Trawler at the top of Hacksaw Ridge:

There is a notice board at the top explaining Desmond Doss and his service.

A view from the top and what the U.S forces had to scale, under heavy fire.

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Very thoughtful analysis.

Is the US about to blindly march into yet another catastrophic war?

Moustafa Bayoumi

A ceasefire from all sides, along with the immediate and safe return of all the hostages, is what’s necessary now – this is hardly a difficult concept to grasp

Perspective of an Australian family trapped in Gaza.

Australian man trapped in Gaza says he is risking his life to buy essentials for his family

By Nabil Al-Nashar
Posted 4h ago4 hours ago, updated 3h ago3 hours ago

Australian family returns to Gaza apartment to survey damage after explosions.
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An Australian man says he is risking his life to buy essentials for his family trapped in southern Gaza, after three failed attempts to escape the territory that is under intensifying aerial bombardment by Israeli forces.

Key points:​

  • The man said they were running out of medication for their son and food was hard to get
  • The family of four has been moved to southern Gaza
  • The government said it was trying to negotiate a way out for Australians in Gaza

The Adelaide man, his wife and their two children, aged seven and 10, were visiting relatives in Gaza for the first time in 12 years when Hamas launched a terrorist attack on Israel by air, land and sea on October 7.

The man — who requested anonymity for security reasons because he works in a "sensitive industry" in Australia — said the four-week holiday, which was meant to end on October 20, had turned into a struggle for survival after he says Israeli aerial attacks destroyed the family home.

"One day we were at my in-law's and a warning came that the soccer ground across the street would be bombed," he said.
"We had 15 minutes to evacuate.

Yeah, probably not a good idea then, to skip over the border and massacre teenagers at a peace rave, and innocent families in their kibbutz then?

Or are you part of the "river to the sea" bloc?
One of my favourites too & a very difficult decision for an individual in that environment.

Can't deny I didn't cry in some parts
Nice of you to share that. Thanks sptrawler.
After seeing Hamas release hostages, where they are then presented to the media saying they have been treated well, I think I'm starting to see the game plan of Hamas now.

When Hamas carried out those attacks, my first thought was how dumb of them to do that knowing the consequences to come to them & their people.

Yet in the mind of the general public worldwide, Israel seems to be the bad guys. Despite what happened on the 7/10.

I also found that the worlds reaction has been bizarre to these events but it has somehow worked in Hamas's favour.

Meanwhile, bombs & planes are hammering Gaza making the Israelis look bad.

I'm now thinking that this reaction is what they were hoping for. To perpetuate the hate for Israel & Jews.

They obviously don't care about the consequences to the people they're supposed to represent. This is a recruiting tool for them!

I remember similar scenes & circumstances occurring after 9/11.

I'm starting to think that Israel has stuffed up on so many levels.

Their intelligence to prevent this from ever happening & their response to this. We'll see.
I got to about the 6min mark and he started talking about Satan and I though, hmmm, I'm in the wrong room.
Haven't watched the vid, but in the original tongues, it means "adversary" or "opposer", rather than some supernatural entity (usually), which could be entirely appropriate in the secular sense.


A study of the Hebrew and other languages of the era could actually be quite illuminating.
But, the consequences seem to be pretty disastrous. I suppose these were similar questions asked prior to previous tipping points.

The point of the lebanon war was to destroy the control of the PLO which was successful.

That gave rise to Hezbollah far more powerful and dangerous than the PLO.

Unintended consequences.
I just feel that Iran (used to be referred to as Persia) and knowing their deep hatred towards Israel & the Jews could see this as a "now or never" moment in history to make/leave their mark which unfortunately could easily trigger WW3 imo
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