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Israel - Palestine

Noco's standard link to Andrew Bolt. Can't you think for yourself?

Hamas are not after sympathy, they want their land back. What is wrong with that principle???

When Israel blows the f*ck out of Gaza, the jews just say that is "standard" warfare, so don't condemn the Palestinians for using what ever means they have to fight back.

Good on you Macquack......typical comment by you when you don't like someone else's opinion....attack the poster with intent to discredit....How low can you go?

The Arabs and the Palestinians are still licking their wounds from the 6 day war 1967 when they attacked Israel and were well and truly slaughtered.......If they had wiped out the Jews in 1967 and occupied Israel, would the aggressors then given back the land to Israel?...So now the Palestinians are paying the price for their stupidity.

The Israelis occupied the Golan heights, the West Bank and the Gaza strip for strategic purposes to prevent further aggression by the Arabs....Not sure why they gave the Palestinians back the Gaza strip but of course in modern warfare those occupied territories really do not prevent aggression.

We will have to agree to disagree.

Get a clue noco, no one is doing anything about anything that happened in 1967, the world has moved on, considering that the 1967 population of gaza was around 300K and now stands at around 1.7 million, the Israelis need to deal with their Palestinian citizens in a realistic fashion...or get real with a 2 state solution as negotiated in 1967.

It seems that there is insufficient room for two states.

Israel has a solution to that problem!
Good on you Macquack......typical comment by you when you don't like someone else's opinion....attack the poster with intent to discredit....How low can you go?

Not as low as the Israelis. They have set the new benchmark.
Not as low as the Israelis. They have set the new benchmark.

And the Palestinians haven't? Setting up bomb HQ's under hospitals/schools? Talk about taking a cheap shot. What about the tunnels they have constructed? Reports of up to 40% of GDP has so far been spent on this. What a joke Hammas is.
Not as low as the Israelis. They have set the new benchmark.

Macquack. are you a Muslim or do you have middle east origin?...if you don't want to tell me, that is fine....I am just curious.

You seem to be so bigoted and a hater of the Jews......You seem to believe Hamas are not a terrorist organization and can do no wrong.....Hamas have already stated, they want to destroy Israel come hell or high water......It looks like they have selected hell for the Gaza people with all disregard for the their safety.......They do not care how many Gaza people get killed so long as they get world publicity and sympathy and they have been very successful at it until now.
Not as low as the Israelis. They have set the new benchmark.

I'm sure Herr Hitler would have agreed with the Hamas supporter's benchmark. He said;

See more at:
G’day all, first post and after reading many well thought out and written views, I feel I want to share my personal view and experience living in Israel for a number of years. I remember occasionally sirens (incoming missiles) blaring and we just ran into the nearest bunker, I was quite anxious because I personally have never experienced anything like that coming from Aus, after the 3 or 4th time I shrugged it off to the point I wouldn’t even put my beer down. I use to traverse back and forth into Gaza and Israel, the Palestinians work in Israel and seem quite happy and I saw many genuine friends who got along and speaking with many people from both sides they wanted the same thing peace but both opposed the extremist groups. Hamas’ sole objective is political power and they will intentionally use Palestinian women and children for their own global gain and exposure. The extreme Jews or orthodox Jews who believe they are god’s children will not accept anything other than waiting for the Messiah, they don’t recognise the state of Israel, they don’t pay any taxes etc. So until these 2 selfish minorities accept what is the best for all people in that region I highly doubt there will be peace in the Middle East. Just my personal view
So until these 2 selfish minorities accept what is the best for all people in that region I highly doubt there will be peace in the Middle East. Just my personal view

Sums it up pretty well. Baddies fighting baddies. Neither will listen to anyone else, so they should just slug it out themselves.
Sums it up pretty well. Baddies fighting baddies. Neither will listen to anyone else, so they should just slug it out themselves.

I know this all about Israel and Palestine and the stupid loss of life, but what about Syria, Iraq and Ukraine?
I know this all about Israel and Palestine and the stupid loss of life, but what about Syria, Iraq and Ukraine?

Indeed, it's all about people fighting for beliefs, freedom, power, land, revenge or whatever else they see fit to fight about.

I'm just grateful I live in a reasonably civilised country and can only despair of the barbarity that still exists in other parts of the world.
In relation to the latest resumption of hostilities after the recent 72-hour truce, a simple question.

Who fired first ?

They don't have a brain in their heads....they can't sit down and talk about it with the useless United Nations or the world court, they prefer to talk with the gun and where does it all get them in the end.

Wars achieve nothing except a tremendous loss of life.

I have said it before, with the amount of money that is spent on fighting wars, it could feed every starving man, woman and child in every third world country....there is no need for poverty...there is plenty of food and land for every one....why in the hell do they have to fight about it?

It is all about power trying to will their ideologies and beliefs on some one else.......just as the various faction of Islam fighting each other and all because one has different beliefs to the other.

If they stayed off their knees 5 times a day and did some work for a change, the they might just get some where.
In relation to the latest resumption of hostilities after the recent 72-hour truce, a simple question.

Who fired first ?

Hard to say but likely to be Hamas as wounded / dead kids on news networks around the world seems to be working for them, then again Israel believes its enemies respect strength so hard call I would think who would you believe?
Hard to say but likely to be Hamas as wounded / dead kids on news networks around the world seems to be working for them, then again Israel believes its enemies respect strength so hard call I would think who would you believe?

Maybe Israel should turn the other cheek....concentrate on knocking out the Hamas rockets with their defense shield for a week or two and then perhaps Israel might just start to get some world sympathy and turn the tide against Hamas.
Maybe Israel should turn the other cheek....concentrate on knocking out the Hamas rockets with their defense shield for a week or two and then perhaps Israel might just start to get some world sympathy and turn the tide against Hamas.

I suggest a line of tanks on the Israel-Gaza border. While they are not firing they are not hurting anyone, but the intent is clear...
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