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Islam: Is it inherently Evil?

Anyone hear the news about the Jordanian pilot?
Here is some background info which was uploaded to the web in Dec 2008.

I don't think it's any secret that ISIS is inherently evil.
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I don't think it's any secret that ISIS is inherently evil.

President Obama’s reaction to the news about the Jordanian pilot:

Whatever ideology they are operating under is “bankrupt.”

Well that's interesting. So Obama doesn’t know what ideology ISIS is operating under.

Perhaps he hasn’t yet figured out what the mnemonic ISIS stands for. Here is a clue:

ISIS = Islamic State of Iraq and Syria
President Obama’s reaction to the news about the Jordanian pilot:

Whatever ideology they are operating under is “bankrupt.”
That execution is horrific. I had to see if they did actually do it. I have seen horror movies and stuntmen depicting this but it wasn't a movie, it was an execution beyond what I believe is conceivable by human beings.

Their claim to be Islamic doesn't necessarily make it so.
Jordanians are also in the majority Muslims, yet they consider ISIL a barbaric abomination.
Their claim to be Islamic doesn't necessarily make it so.
Jordanians are also in the majority Muslims, yet they consider ISIL a barbaric abomination.

There is no governing authority that determines who is Islamic or not. They are just as entitled to call themselves Islamic as any other group who use the Quran and Hadith as their spiritual dogma. There is nothing that ISIS have done that cannot be justified by some passages in these documents. The fact that others might interpret them differently or use them in a different context doesn't make ISIS wrong. It is no different to the Westboro Baptist Church. They quote the old testament scriptures to justify their homophobic and other activities, but one would be hard pressed to prove that their interpretation is not as valid as that of other mainstream Christian sects.

A recent Pew research poll showed that their was a majority or substantial minority of Muslims in many predominantly Islamic countries that approved of:

- killing apostates
- stoning to death homosexuals, atheists and adulterers
- killing those who insult Mohamed (insulting includes not accepting he is the true Prophet)

So what is true Islam? We in the West (at least most of us) would agree that anyone who holds one or more of the above opinions as barbaric. Yet we do not hear claims that they are not Islamic to hold such beliefs. We simply prefer to ignore the reality staring us in the face.
"She's buried chest high"

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"Nessrrin" the young woman who produced that video that Tisme has cited seems to be an amazing person. I found the the last post she put on You Tube as she was hounded out.

Agai n well worth watching
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"Nessrrin" the young woman who produced that video that Tisme has cited seems to be an amazing person. I found the the last post she put on You Tube as she was hounded out.

She outstrips me in the bravery stakes. I can't imagine how hard it is to criticise something that is so ingrained in the psyche, especially with all the practiced barbarity that goes on.
She outstrips me in the bravery stakes. I can't imagine how hard it is to criticise something that is so ingrained in the psyche, especially with all the practiced barbarity that goes on.

The sad thing is that the women victims of Islamic barbarity have been abandoned by what should be their supporters in the West.

- The feminist movement is completely silent.
- Political leaders of all persuasions, though they may voice condemnation of the extremists, ignore the everyday barbarity perpetuated in countries like Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Yemen and some North African countries. Even so called moderate states like Indonesia (Aceh in particular)and Malaysia are not immune to administering some of the punishments depicted in the video.
- and maybe the greatest hypocrites of all, many so called "liberals" in the West, people and institutions, who have caved in to political correctness and are unwilling to call out this injustice against women. We have had universities in the UK and US who have agreed to segregate women from men in the audience at the behest of Islamic speakers. Even students at Yale tried to prevent Ayaan Hirsi Ali from speaking at the behest of their Muslim Students Association. Ayaan Hirsi Ali, like the lady who made the above video, is an outspoken critic of the treatment of women in Islamic countries. She, herself being the victim of FGM, speaks out against such practices and has to have personal bodyguards to protect her whenever she appears in public.
ISIS are a cancer in Islam, not because they go against Islamic scripture, but because they draw on it so effectively

Muslim clerics who issue a “letter to al-Baghdadi” or a lengthy fatwa to delegitimise Isis miss the mark unless they understand the invigorating nature of this violent ideology. While Isis uses manuals such as Naji’s book, it references religious texts and stories. Muslim clerics should recognise that theoretical fatwas cannot sufficiently counter what I call “kinetic” sharia, consisting of stories and actions carried out by authoritative Muslim figures in early Islam, on which Isis relies heavily to justify its ideology.

Isis has reached new depths of depravity. But there is a brutal logic behind it

So true. After the Paris murders we had the hypocritical spectacle of world leaders standing with linked arms in defence of the right of satirists to express themselves, including representatives of Saudi Arabia and Egypt, both vile practitioners of human rights abuses.

A few days ago, I came across a lone suggestion on the internet which said:
"How about 'Je suis Nigeria'?"

Says it all, really.
The sad thing is that the women victims of Islamic barbarity have been abandoned by what should be their supporters in the West.
I watched a video a couple days ago showing a Muslim woman pleading with ISIS to give the Jordanian pilot the khazouk which is an impalement of the you know what. The females such as this could be fearful and act this way to appear united or they could be like the males and be actually consumed with hatred. This could be the last large scale return to barbarity this modern world sees.
It’s time to fight religion: Toxic drivel, useful media idiots, and the real story about faith and violence

Some quotes very relevant to what is discussed here.....

Rarely have murderers so clearly manifested their motive. With the exclamations they made as they carried out their atrocity ”” “Allahu Akbar!” and “On a vengé le prophète Mohamed, on a tué Charlie Hebdo!” (The prophet Muhammad has been avenged, we have killed Charlie Hebdo!) ”” the attackers explicitly told us they were killing for Islam, and imparted precisely the lesson they intended: Do not insult or ridicule our faith or you will pay the supreme price.


Worse still is the offense that denying faith’s role in atrocities inflicts on commonsense. No one doubts people when they say their religion inspires them to attend mosque or church, make charitable donations, volunteer in hospitals or serve in orphanages. We should take them at their word when they name it, as did the Charlie Hebdo assassins, as the mainspring for their lethal acts of violence. We should not toss aside Ockham’s razor and concoct additional factors that supposedly commandeered their behavior. The Charlie Hebdo killers may have come from poor Parisian banlieues, they may have experienced racial discrimination, and they may have even been stung by disdain from “the dominant secular French culture,” yet they murdered not shouting about any of these things, but about “avenging the Prophet Muhammad.” They murdered for Islam.
Nobody Dares Admit That ISIS Crimes Are Based on Islam - Video from MEMRI TV

Short extract. Full video below:

…. Nobody should be shocked by what I am saying. All the evidence and references that ISIS provides to justify its crimes, its barbarity, and its horrifying, criminal, and despicable violence …... claiming that they can be found in the books of history, jurisprudence, and law, are, indeed, to be found there, and anyone who says otherwise is lying.
When they kill a person claiming that he is an infidel, when they rape women, when they kill prisoners, and when they slaughter and decapitate people, they say that the Prophet Muhammad said so. Indeed, the Prophet said so!

None of those clerics who purport to be moderate, …. have the courage – not a single grain of courage – to admit that these things are indeed to be found in Islamic sources and are morally wrong.

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The Japanese are certainly anti Muslim and have strict rules to prevent their foot hold in that country.

Australia should have taken a leaf out of their book but it is too late now.

Japan - some interesting facts.

* In just ten years??? Hiroshima returned to what it was economically vibrant before the fall of the atomic bomb.

* Japan prevents the use of mobile phones in trains, restaurants and indoors.

* For first to sixth primary year Japanese students must learn ethics in dealing with people.

* Even though one of the richest people in the world, the Japanese do not have servants. The parents are responsible for the house and children.

* There is no examination from the first to the third primary level because the goal of education is to instill concepts and character building.

* If you go to a buffet restaurant in Japan you will notice people only eat as much as they need without any waste because food must not be wasted.
* The rate of delayed trains in Japan is about 7 seconds per year!! The Japanese appreciate the value of time and are very punctual to minutes and seconds.
* Children in schools brush their teeth (sterile) and clean their teeth after a meal at school, teaching them to maintain their health from an early age.
* Japanese students take half an hour to finish their meals to ensure proper digestion because these students are the future of Japan.
The Japanese focus on maintaining their culture. Therefore,
* No political leader or a prime minister from an Islamic nation has visited Japan not the Ayatollah of Iran, the King of Saudi Arabia or even a Saudi Prince!
* Japan is a country keeping Islam at bay by putting strict restrictions on Islam and ALL Muslims.
1) Japan is the only nation that does not give citizenship to Muslims.
2) In Japan permanent residency is not given to Muslims.
3) There is a strong ban on the propagation of Islam in Japan
4) In the University of Japan, Arabic or any Islamic language is not taught.
5) One cannot import a 'Koran' published in the Arabic language.
6) According to data published by the Japanese government, it has given temporary residency to only 2 lakhs, Muslims, who must follow the Japanese Law of the Land. These Muslims should speak Japanese and carry their religious rituals in their homes.
7) Japan is the only country in the world that has a negligible number of embassies in Islamic countries.
8) Muslims residing in Japan are the employees of foreign companies.
9) Even today, visas are not granted to Muslim doctors, engineers or managers sent by foreign companies.
10) In the majority of companies it is stated in their regulations that no Muslims should apply for a job.
11) The Japanese government is of the opinion that Muslims are fundamentalist, and even in the era of globalization they are not willing to change their Muslim laws.
12) Muslims cannot even rent a house in Japan.
13) If anyone comes to know that his neighbor is a Muslim then the whole neighborhood stays alert.
14) No one can start an Islamic cell or Arabic 'Madrasa' in Japan .
15) There is no Sharia law in Japan .
16) If a Japanese woman marries a Muslim, she is considered an outcast forever.
17) According to Mr. Kumiko Yagi, Professor of Arab/Islamic Studies at Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, " There is a mind frame in Japan that Islam is a very narrow minded religion and one should stay away from it."

The Japanese might have lost the war, but they are in charge of their own country.

There are no bombs going off in crowded business centers, "Honor Killings," nor killing of innocent children or anyone else.

Something to think about.
So the sarin attacks in 1995 didn't really happen? The JRA is just a figment of the imagination?

There are no bombs going off in crowded business centers, "Honor Killings," nor killing of innocent children or anyone else.

Something to think about.

What a complete and total ignorant statement.
So the sarin attacks in 1995 didn't really happen? The JRA is just a figment of the imagination?

What a complete and total ignorant statement.

Really...20 years ago????????...Can you disprove the contents of that statement?
I heard recently that the US paid compensation after a wedding procession was devastated by a drone attack in Yemen.The US commentator said that they all knew that the rise in Islamic extremism in the west was "blow-back"or revenge.
I believe that the US are actively bombing in at least 6 Muslim countries at the moment.
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