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Islam: Is it inherently Evil?

Bintang the tag I am referring to is

"The most authentic form of Islam being practised today is by ISIS."

Just where did you find this line or is just a personal piece of creative writing ?

The answer is interesting basilio but I will have to leave it to your own research as I am no longer going to participate in this thread.

Very immoderate words from a Moderator. I will not be posting to this thread anymore.
Then perhaps we can all agree that this thread should be finished

I agree with Calliope, Bintag and Pixel that enough is enough.
When the moderator of a debate displays the level of bias that you have shown there is no point in the debate continuing.

Just for the record, pixel is not the moderator of the debate. He is a moderator of the forum. He is not required to be objective in a discussion, especially one on religion or politics, and is entitled to participate and present his point of view. The only time a moderator is expected to be objective is when they are acting as a moderator.

Like all other ASF members, moderators are expected to obey the forum rules, and I see no evidence that pixel hasn't. Moderators are volunteers, not employees, and should not have their right to participate in discussions affected because they are prepared to give their time to assist in enforcing the forum rules.

This next part of my post is directed to all thread participants generally:

The problem with this thread, as with many other threads on political and religious topics, is the lack of respect shown by some towards others participating in the discussion. There is no reason to malign or denigrate others because of their beliefs and opinions. I understand that political and religious topics tend to stir the emotions, but that is no reason for not discussing the topic at hand in a mature, civil and respectful way.

Address your remarks to the content of someone's post, rather than them personally. Debate and discuss, do not insult or attack others. It's not hard to treat others with respect and civility in spite of any philosophical differences you may have.
Thanks for your support, Joe;

Yes, I do have my own opinions on all religions; and I do not see the need to hide them. I only try to express them without becoming personally offensive. Whether I agree or disagree with statements made by fellow members, I try to argue the topic, not the person. That has nothing to do with bias for or against members.

On re-reading my posts, I do find one statement where I slipped up. The reference to whinges about freedom of speech could have been worded and targeted better. I apologise, especially to you, bintang, if it caused offense. Be assured it wasn't aimed at you at all. I thought we were finally getting closer to common ground when you offered the first list of "different shades of Islam". It would be a pity if my frustration over repetitive bickering were to stop you, or anybody else, from participating.
I have nothing to say regarding the matter but I did find this video earlier in the week.
Is of an ISLAM holy day. Involves slapping knives onto their back.

Not very Gory but still NSFW

What about fanatical Philippinos nailing themselves to a cross re-enacting the crucifixion of Jesus, same idiocy, different religion.

My bolds:

In a bloody display of religious devotion Roman Catholic fanatics in the Philippines have had themselves nailed to the cross as the Christian world marks the day Jesus was crucified.

The gruesome real-life re-enactments of the crucifixion, which are held every Good Friday in the Philippines, are frowned upon by the Catholic church but have become freak tourist draws.

One of the participants, faith healer Arturo Bating, spread his arms and maintained stoic calm as he was hoisted onto a wooden cross atop a sandy mound. He then had 10-centimetre nails driven through his palms.

Pretty stupid, but at least they are doing it to themselves, not other people.

Saudi Islamic law.

Islamic and Evil - Absolutely.

How Saudi Arabia’s harsh legal punishments compare to the Islamic State’s
So trust me, you're wrong about Muslims and Islam... and man, you do not want to live in a country where the majority think like you do about them or any other group either.

Like the majority of Islamic nations.

I posted this link yesterday on a couple of threads - now I'm posting it here as well to get the message out to as many people as possible.
Islam is a religion, but it's a lot more than that - it's a dictatorship of repression and evil, and we're completely off our heads if we welcome it into Australia with open arms. By doing so we'll only increase the speed with which this poisonous dictatorship destroys our freedoms and subsequently our quality of life.
Not to mention our economy.....does anyone seriously think that a country ruled by the backward mentality of Islam can have a strong and vibrant economy?!

The easiest way to bring Islam into Australia?....keep importing Muslim immigrants en masse!
Muslim immigration to Australia must stop. Sure, there will be howls of protest, maybe even some violence, but there will be a lot more violence in the long run if we keep going down the same road as France and dozens of other European countries who are now regretting their mistake of laying out the welcome mat to Muslims.
It's no stretch of the imagination to suggest that civil war could come to some of these countries as a result of their failed Islamic experiment.
The easiest way to bring Islam into Australia?....keep importing Muslim immigrants en masse!

Banning all migrants from receiving any welfare and family tax benefits for 10 years will dry up the supply very quickly.
And here's a couple more videos that show what's in store for us and more particularly for our children and grandchildren, unless we wake up and start pressuring our politicians to take responsible decisions.

Don't think it can't happen already is happening here little by little, slowly but surely.

We'll lose this fantastic country called Australia and we'll lose our wonderful lifestyle unless we open our eyes and confront the problem.
My bolds.

Now that's a common sense solution. But we know politicians don't have any common sense.

For the sake of our future children we need to stop this cancer of Islam from within. Australia is not too bad at the moment compared to other countries (especially Europe) but we cannot be complacent and take the risk.

There is just no upside for Australia of importing more Muslims, only future pain.

Islamophobia I have but I am thinking about the future of Australia.

Anyone who thinks this will all go away over time is mistaken.
I am reposting the following from ‘The Abbott Government’ thread as it is perhaps more relevant here.

Look at those countries that freely let them in and they are in a much much worse state then we are.

The fuse of contempt by muslims for non-muslims was lit by Muhammad himself 1400 years ago and has been burning ever since. Most people in the West (i.e us dummy kafirs) are blissfully unaware of this in the same way that they are unaware that the Muslims living in our midst practice ‘taqiyyah”, which means Holy Deception. Here is a quote from Ali Sina (an Iranian, ex-muslim who is constantly living with the threat of death because of his criticism of Islam)

Practicing Muslims come to the West and pretend to be moderates. They say everything you want to hear but secretly plan for your destruction. They smile; are friendly and amiable; they even pretend to be patriotic. However, their only objective is to make Islam dominant. They talk the talk, but will not walk the walk.
Lying as a strategy to advance Islam is called taqiyyah, or “holy deception.” Under taqiyyah, a Muslim is allowed to lie and say anything to pull the wool over the eyes of the non-Muslims and deceive them.

Here is an example of how Muslims lie to us in the West. This video is about blasphemy laws in Pakistan. The lies of the Pakistani Mullah to the Western television interviewer could not be more blatant.

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Islamophobia I have but I am thinking about the future of Australia.

There is nothing wrong with being islamophobic.
It is not racist or hateful but rather it is a healthy state of mind.
It means you have an intelligent instinct for survival.
There is nothing wrong with being islamophobic.
It is not racist or hateful but rather it is a healthy state of mind.
It means you have an intelligent instinct for survival.

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