It is between a buyer and a seller acting on the same scale
( You might say timeframe )
The length of the coast line (potential profit opportunity) depends on how you measure it ( how long is the coastline )
A trader that reacts at a smaller scale has higher potential for profit than one who reacts on a larger scale ( You might say day trader / End of month trader )
Even with perfect foresight, ( that is their trading has perfect timing )
one may be buying when the other is selling
Not only different scales
But different information drivers
Classical Economics
Adam Smith’s theory was politically motivated
For that reason, he assumed individuals behave uniformly
In reality, they don’t
What classical economics does not capture
Different players have different time horizons
They will have different present value calculations
So when a piece of news come out, which says the value of a company will go up by 10% this year
A long term trader may decide to buy
But a short term trader may sell
Relative values are more important than absolute values
Different Expectations for Different People
Different People could act differently to the same piece of information
Evidence, though not a proof:
Go into a bank and ask the manager:
How much does it expect a trader to earn?
How much does it expect a portfolio manager to earn?
The former is certainly higher than the latter
So the latter must use a higher discount rate in present values calculation
Richard Olsen
+ leverage
+ trading always happens only at the margin
Shares do not have to trade to change in value
No one makes what the other loses
In fact trading is a win win
because traders operating on different scales
and on different information
provide liquidity to each other
when trading activity ceases or becomes homogeneous
then the markets are lose lose
( Importance of the technical position RDW)
A intra day trader might buy or sell
to a pension fund
both can be winners
or EOD trader to a EO-Month
They can all have correct profitable
All providing liquidity