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The Milankovitch Cycles and their effect on Climate Change
You know the SUN around the earth .... nope ... Earth around sun, universally accepted even by NASA and every space agency on the planet.
What happens when every 35,000 years if you have Mega Fauna pumping out of massive trees and CO2 levels crash, and the event you seem to be alluding to is WHEN the last variation in the orbit around the sun, and its radiance FALLS and hence the Ice age you allude to. Not a real one, but yep, for a while ... things got cold.
Any scientist KNOWS this. Knows it without any doubt. Knows it was the cause of the ice age you allude to. CO2 measured via ice bubbles was at a low for the past million years when this one occurred. Hence the well known impact of CO2 on solar absorption was at ALL TIME lows in the last million years, then hit with a Milankoviitch cycle where the sun pumped out less energy to the earth and HENCE the double whammy of ultra low CO2, and the TILT and WOBBLE .... at this extreme occurs every 35,000 years or so !!
Enjoy ..
and YES this is addressing your ice age 100,000 years ago. Not invented, not able to be debated as the course and history of the Earth moving around SUN is not open for debate. Nor are CO2 levels via the bubbles in ice cores going back around 1 million years.
LOSS of 6% IRRADIANCE is about the norm ... basically a winter upon a winter ... the cycle 41,000 years, and another the earths actual cycle and its orbit ... again measurable ... two extreme periods ... one is where the TILT is at its maximum irradiance and the other extreme ... oblique and heliun furthest from the sun and MINIMUM solar irradiance.
The latter ... again, is called the WOBBLE of the orbit of the Earth around the SUN.
Its what causes seasons, and summer and winter, but in a bigger sense is this winter and summer ... is also in a massive cycle around the sun measured over 41,000 years.
This b the way has been know, accepted ... unchanged since I think 1690.
1690 !! The year 1690 ...
Oh and the next one is 10.500 years in the future.
Cores show the temperature cools and warms 4-10 degrees for a period of time years. But if one goes back ... temperature is a mere part of the climate change issue and naturally, YES we do warm and cool ... but CO2 is directly linked to the extinction events, clearly and without any doubt via fossil records of these extinctions. OR maybe that is to be also denied.
We warm and cool over a period of say 5000 years, NOT 200 years. The 5000 years of the apex and the other end, cooling are 5,000 years out of the 41,000 year cycle.
This cycle is only one of the many natural phenomena affecting climate change. If you look at the climate data over the last few hundred thousand years it does not follow a slow, steady, regular pattern. It is chaotic and has rapid fluctuations and sometimes stable periods.