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Is Global Warming becoming unstoppable?

I can appreciate your passion about the subject. Any harsh words on my part are withdrawn.

Two quick wickets have fallen, we are stuffed.

PS on reading the Immigration thread I see you called me a muppet again.

Withdrawall withdrawn.
I can appreciate your passion about the subject. Any harsh words on my part are withdrawn.

Two quick wickets have fallen, we are stuffed.

PS on reading the Immigration thread I see you called me a muppet again.

Withdrawall withdrawn.

If you can't vent on friends, what's the World coming to, I like your posts they make me go back to basics.
Like I said, if the Governments had kept all the assetts, it would be a disaster worse than the NBN. IMO
When I was a lot younger, I was told to install a diesel power station in a remote town, the generating equipment was absolute $hite.
I complained to the point of being told, "if I don't shut up and make it happen, I would be sacked", well 20 years later I went through the town with the caravan and the diesel station had gone.
Skid mount compact gas turbines are there, I wouldn't have complained about the shite I had to install if I had known, like I said they are well ahead of the game.
By the way if i don't vent on you, I'll probably vent on the missus that ends up worse.
Now we are over the warm feel good $hit, ATM there is no way they can keep shutting down the coal fired plant, the storage and renewable generating capacity is way behind what they are shutting down. IMO
But having said that, I live in W.A which is an island, thankfully.
I have no ideological agenda with public versus private ownership but I do see one huge problem that cuts across most of this.

Competition has become an article of faith and an objective in itself rather than the means to an end it should properly be.

Competitive markets are of benefit if, and only if, they drive efficiency gains. That’s the bit being overlooked in Australia and which will ultimately lead us to recession. There’s no point in a competitive market if the outcome is less efficient then a natural monopoly which is exactly where all this has ended up.

Ideological agendas were put in place with privatisation (and SA's big renewable push) and they both failed.

Give it back to the scientists and engineers.
On the news this morning,

Spanish floods washing everything away; and

Florida cyclone worst to ever hit the area.

Ok, who's coming to the party, LNP missing
On the news this morning,

Spanish floods washing everything away; and

Florida cyclone worst to ever hit the area.

Ok, who's coming to the party, LNP missing
It's too late - we're stuffed. The party's over.

Long term the planet will be OK after it consumes us and rebuilds itself.

The only choice we have is how we witness the inevitable destruction.
If you can't vent on friends, what's the World coming to, .....

Refer to the thread titled "Is ASF a racist, homophobic and misogynistic forum?"

My interpretation :- Rumpole readjusted his collar and cuffs after getting a gee up because he didn't want to **** the complaining mob and add fuel to the fire for diminution of the discussion lounge.

Robust debate and non conformist opinions are a endangered concepts these days and even infecting the greatest group of contrarians ever = (traitor) baby boomers
Ideological agendas were put in place with privatisation (and SA's big renewable push) and they both failed.

Give it back to the scientists and engineers.

Not scientists and engineers directly but to must needs "build from scratch" nation builders of old like the Forrest family and post war reconstruction eras. The currency of present day governance nation building has brakes and accelerator applied in response to political popularity which is endemically inefficient and wasteful of resource and finances.

We need big thinkers, strong leadership, pride and a can do population that is more interested in moving ahead instead of novelty distractions like plastering rainbow stickers on car windows and protesting for compensation of hurt feelings.
It's too late - we're stuffed. The party's over.

Long term the planet will be OK after it consumes us and rebuilds itself.

The only choice we have is how we witness the inevitable destruction.

If the population was reduced the problem would go away in proportion for demand. Feed the world they said.
If the population was reduced the problem would go away in proportion for demand. Feed the world they said.

What we need now is a nice little nuclear war.

Bye bye US, Russia and China, that should reduce the population a bit, and the nuclear winter will account for a lot as well.
If the population was reduced the problem would go away in proportion for demand. Feed the world they said.
That would be true if humans were causing the problem in the first place.
Trouble is so many of us are denying even the existence of warming - let alone the causes.

I've renovated my man cave in preparation for this summer in West Sydney.
11m underground, cool, free power... silent as the grave. Temp range 16 to 22 degrees
I've got a man cave in our new place, it's also sub terranian....should be quiet and cool. Our whole house is electric and we'll be covering the roof with if I could just get that tesla...
I've got a pool, it will save my life one hot day when the power fails.
"On the news this morning,

Spanish floods washing everything away; and

Florida cyclone worst to ever hit the area.

Ok, who's coming to the party, LNP missing"

So further to the news this morning we just saw on this evenings news a very intense storm in Queensland. Heavy hail and extreme winds. Vic 7 news

We must party while we can.

Who's denying it?

My man cave 10m x 4.5m, is at ground level on bottom floor facing the water, sound proofed, heavily insulated, Jason recliners, 7.2 sound system with 1970 bigarse speakers, fridge, big screen, air cond, etc. Xp Coupe sits in the room next door same size room. ....... now I'm thinking of bringing excavator in seeing as you and Canoz have endorsed subterranean = three caves!!!
Ya need a party entertainer, handyman or trooper to keep watch?

I'm available.
Ya need a party entertainer, handyman or trooper to keep watch?

I'm available.

You can join all the other males in the area who help themselves to my digs, fridge and tools.
You can join all the other males in the area who help themselves to my digs, fridge and tools.
Are you fair dinkum.

Did you see the size of those Qld hail stones. They had some nearly that size in Sydney a few years back which we thought was just a fluke. But this adds to my festival mentality. And yes, lets get together.

Maybe we could make a killing for Joe by turning this site into an escape, enjoyment, (silver coin counting) and ignoring anything contrary to what we feel endangers our fidelity.
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Thse underground digs sound "cool" - in every way. Just hope they don't turn into crypts folks.
But on the thread topic this analysis offers an insight into the latest UN Climate Report.

How to Understand the UN’s Dire New Climate Report
It tries to find hope against a backdrop of failure.

Robinson Meyer Oct 9, 2018

Men perform a ceremony on the drought-stricken bed of Poopó, a lake in Bolivia.David Mercado / Reuters

People must be burned out on major climate reports, and can you really blame them? Every year, it seems, yet another group of scientists compiles what we know about climate change. And every year, with few exceptions, the broad outlines of that knowledge seem worrying. But nothing ever really changes—and so our ongoing apocalypse becomes not only all the more terrifying, but also all the more tedious.

That burnout is understandable, but I urge you to pay attention to—yes—a new report released this week by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, the UN-convened coalition of climate scientists from around the world. Whereas previous assessments have warned of our hideous overheated future, this one does something different: It tries to sketch a better one.

The report articulates what seems, from the vantage point of 2018, like a best-case scenario for climate change. It describes what the world will look like if it warms by only 2.7 degrees Fahrenheit, or 1.5 degrees Celsius, by the end of this century. Meeting that target would require humanity to abandon coal and other fossil fuels in the next decade or two—an economic transition so abrupt that, in the IPCC’s words, it “has no documented historic precedents.

This lukewarm world would still suffer many of the consequences of climate change. There would be more deadly heat waves, more heavy rainstorms, and more intense and frequent droughts. Yet some of the phenomenon’s most catastrophic symptoms, including dozens of feet of sea-level rise and planet-wracking extinctions, might be averted.

The report, in other words, lays out humanity’s last best hope for managing climate change. But it does so against a backdrop of generational failure.
And one way to get on with the business of averting a hot house planet.

Clean up climate change? It’s just good for business.

An ominous report by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change said that government policies alone will not ensure the “unprecedented” societal changes needed over the next decade to stem climate change. (Rob Griffith/AP)
By Steven Mufson ,
Brady Dennis and
Chris Mooney
October 12
If the world’s largest companies live up to the promises they’ve made to slow climate change, together they could reduce emissions by an amount equal to those of Germany.

The corporate pledges gained new attention this week after an ominous report was issued by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, which said that government policies alone won’t ensure the “unprecedented” societal changes needed over the next decade to stem climate change.

That puts the onus on the business sector to clean up a mess it helped create.

To a greater extent than ever before, the best interest of many businesses and those of the planet are aligned.

“We’ve gone from saying ‘it would be nice to do, but it would cost us’ to saying ‘if we don’t do it, we won’t be able to grow, we won’t be able to have tomorrow’s economy,’ ” said Andrew Steer, president of the World Resources Institute (WRI). “Business leaders, they realize that.”

As Feike Sijbesma, chief executive of the Dutch multinational company Royal DSM, put it: “We need to future-proof ourselves.”

The report said that holding the rise in global temperatures to 1.5 degrees Celsius above preindustrial levels — as set forth in the Paris climate agreement — will require creating entire new industries to remove carbon from the air as well as the overhaul of the vast energy infrastructure that has been built over more than a century.
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