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Is Global Warming becoming unstoppable?

Thoughts and prayers Redrob..
Despite everything we know, our current government is still running an economic argument rather than one focused on a sustainable future.
Our children and theirs will be the ones who will suffer a world that could have been very different but for greed, indifference and sheer ignorance.

Not sure I agree with this Redrob

1) CC is here and now. Everyone is being affected either immediately or in the near future. Do we imagine that next summer Australia won't face the fires terrorising the Northern Hemisphere ?

2) The direction we are taking with global warming threatens the existence of our children and future generations. It is that serious.

My "thoughts and prayers" quip were a nod to the vacuous lines offered in sympathy for the foreseeable and inevitable disasters we are seeing around the world.
Absolutely agree Bas, it's why I say "just party".

Very sad for my Grandchildren. I'm fine on the way out.
Unfortunately the picture says it all, the emissions in the background and the spray paint in the foreground, that not only creates emissions but will need emission production to remove it.
I know they are well intended, but it really lacks forethought, it tends to project an image of pure vandalism unfortunately.
Around 15 years ago at ASF I was one of a small number at this site explaining the problems of CC and advocating an understanding of the science. Way back then I used the word "catastrophic" in relation to what was ahead.
Despite what you and I believe to be true there remains a lot of people who are still saying "it's just weather".
Comparatively few of us are currently "suffering" the everyday effects of climate change as they are mostly transient... like bushfires and floods that skeptics wave away. Attribution remains problematic irrespective of the trend having been obvious for decades.
That said, I agree with all your points.
But as @explod points out, we're relatively fine on the way out, but not those coming after us.

That observation is really disappointing..

We are talking about the most critical catastrophic issue facing humanity. The current consequences like uncontrolled forest fires are already spewing billions of tonnes of extra CO2 into the atmosphere.

The current causes of CC like destroying the Amazon, the use of fossil fuel everywhere causes this catastrophe,

And yet.. You chose to criticize the "emissions and environmental damage " of a burning pram and a spray painted call to action as somehow unacceptable ?

If you were a died in the wool climate change denier who criticized activists for not living in caves (look at your CC contribution !!?) I might understand. But your not aren't you ?

Where is the sense of understanding just how bad the situation is and how essential it is to move a Government that to date is simply sabotaging Australia's responsibilities to reducing out CC impact .
It is what it is, they should have gone for a better, more thought out look.
What other observation could one make? I'm just stating the obvious, don't shoot the messenger.
Like I said they are probably well intended, but it isn't a good look, same as protest marches that turn to looting sprees.
I think the young people have to put some thought into how they get their message across.
Maybe if they used social media, to name and shame appliances with a low efficiency rating, placards with messages that actually enlighten people etc.
I'm not criticising what they are saying, I'm criticising how they choose to say it, but as usual any criticism is unacceptable. Unless it is coming from, or directed at certain quarters.

Nope SP. I'm saying that the situation is so dire the protest is, in view, exceptionally pointed and appropriate.

And seriously . Do you believe that naming and shaming low efficiency appliances is a better idea ?

What about the issue itself ? Does that deserve recognition as absolutely desperate? Or as you put it "should we shoot the messenger" for... what exactly ?
Anything you agree with, you find any behaviour acceptable, be it CC, politics or any other subject you are passionate about. So I fully understand your take on it, I've given you mine, simple, move on.
As for the "issue" itself, I have no doubt my carbon footprint would be smaller than most.
W.A to legislate net zero emissions, now all we need is everyone else to do it, then all will be good.
It does sound a bit like feeding the chooks to me, but it will stop the media nagging him. I wonder if Morrison and the other State leaders will follow McGowan's lead?
That would nullify the Greens and kick the can down the road.
From the article:
The WA government says it is considering legislating its commitment to reach net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050.

But Premier Mark McGowan has not committed to stopping new oil, coal or gas exploration or infrastructure in the wake of a new report which has found the Earth is heating quicker than expected and may be just 10 years away from heating up by more than 1.5 degrees Celsius.

Mr McGowan said his government had already committed to the 2050 target.

"We can look at [legislating] that. That's one of the considerations that we're examining it," he said.

"That would obviously bind future governments, but this is the way the world is going."

But when Mr McGowan was asked if he was prepared for the Woodside Scarborough gas project off the state's north-west to be shelved, he said it was complex.

"I realise that a lot of people just say, 'Just stop everything,'" he told ABC Radio Perth.

"If we stop gas in Western Australia, well, basically we shut down a lot of our electricity system, we shut down Alcoa, we shut down a lot of the businesses here.

"It's more complex. You've got to have complex solutions.

He said Woodside was "moving a long way in the direction of removing emissions".

But given Chevron failed to meet the emissions targets for its Gorgon LNG project off the Pilbara coast, it was suggested to the Premier these emissions targets were important.

"So, you want me to close down the gas industry?" he asked.
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Morrisons reply.
From the article:
"I won't be signing a blank cheque on behalf of Australians to targets without plans," Mr Morrison said.

"Blank cheque commitments you always end up paying for, and you always end up paying in higher taxes."

Mr Morrison said he would provide an update on what the government expected to achieve in emissions reductions by 2030 ahead of a major international climate conference in Glasgow, Scotland later this year.
Absolutely crystal clear isn't it ?

Climate Conspiracy Theorists Say It Is Suspicious That Every Single Research Paper Says The EXACT Same Thing

A group of climate change conspiracy theorists has uncovered a set of strange patterns and repeated terminology in research papers which they say is highly suspicious.

“If you look back at the research papers from the 1980s and 90s, and then compare it to the papers in the 2000s and more recently, what you’ll notice is a very clear pattern,” climate sceptic Oliver Willonsbury said.

“They are saying basically the same thing over and over and over again. It’s a pattern. If you’re not looking for it, you won’t notice it. But for those of us adept at identifying patterns and understanding symbology this is pretty clear evidence of a well-coordinated conspiracy”.

Willonsbury pointed to a report in the 1990s that warned of ‘temperature increases’ and then compared it to a report from last year which used the same terminology. “See there – ‘temperature increases’. You’ll see that term used again and again. Sometimes it will be ‘temperature rises’ or ‘increased temperatures’, but it’s basically the same thing. ‘Man-made’ is another term that we’ve seen used across all reports. This is clearly some sort of sophisticated code or messaging”.

He said the repeated terminology was clear evidence that the reports were linked in some way. “Is this a coincidence? I don’t believe in coincidences. I think the fact that all of these so-called scientists are independently coming up with these same words, these same findings, it’s a message. It is very suspicious. And it stretches back for decades”.

Morrisons reply.
"I won't be signing a blank cheque on behalf of Australians to targets without plans."
All these years in government and still Morrison has no plans.
That sums him up.
"Blank cheque commitments you always end up paying for, and you always end up paying in higher taxes."
Apparently he keeps forgetting about his largesse to cover covid. Hundreds of billions of dollars and what did he buy?
And today he had a fantastic opportunity to say what government was doing to combat climate change, but could only tell us that the private sector is doing the heavy lifting.
I think that the narrative has to focus on facts and not fantasy, it is in everyone's best interest to achieve net zero, but it has to be done in a transparent and open way. Not just saying net zero by 2050 and then kicking the can down the road.
This article in today's paper actually had some very pertinent points, I've been selective, to condense the issue I'm making.
But I think there is a plan, time will tell.
Between now and the election, I have a feeling there will be some very interesting announcements.
From the article:
Mr Morrison promised stronger action after the United Nations released an exhaustive scientific study that warned of “code red for humanity” from dangerous climate change, but he stopped short of unveiling new measures to cut emissions.
“I will not be asking people in the regions of this country to carry the burden for the country alone,” Mr Morrison said.

“I will be ensuring that we have a plan that addresses their critical needs, that addresses their anxieties, and seeks to bring the whole country with us on this very important task that we have together.”
“We will make that very clear about what Australia is achieving and what we intend to achieve. And we will make further statements about that between now and that summit,” he said in Canberra on Tuesday morning.

While United States President Joe Biden has set a net zero target for 2050 and United Kingdom Prime Minister Boris Johnson has a 78 per cent target for 2035, Mr Morrison argued other countries had not achieved their previous promises and China was responsible for big increases in emissions.

He also argued for greater transparency from all countries at the Glasgow summit on the grounds that others did not match Australia in producing quarterly reports on emissions from every sector of the economy.

“Our emissions have fallen by 20 per cent since 2005. We are the only country to our knowledge that engages in the transparency of reporting our emissions reductions,” he said.
Apparently he keeps forgetting about his largesse to cover covid. Hundreds of billions of dollars and what did he buy?
Funnily enough, I would say despite the hundreds of billions spent trying to protect people from the financial impact of covid and the recession, he has lost vote.

But as I said in my last post, it will be interesting what both parties have to say, in the lead up to the election.
Should be a great contest IMO.
“Our emissions have fallen by 20 per cent since 2005. We are the only country to our knowledge that engages in the transparency of reporting our emissions reductions,” he said.

Apparently if you take out the stopping of land clearing the number isn't down by 20% by up by 7%.
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