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Is Global Warming becoming unstoppable?

Fair enough.
Whatever rocks your boat and makes you happy.

I think it's a bit the other way though.

The more I see the obsessive behaviour of posting Greta memes everywhere, the more I feel like it's a way of affirming bonds between sect members.
Yeah, bonding between sect members... LMFAO at that one.


Romm ... Two belly laughs within two posts. ASF is getting comedic!

Let's see you debunk The Rog with actual empirical data, rather than specious and -well it's barely even specious - BS.
Let's see you debunk The Rog with actual empirical data

Your source .... is a joke even to climate deniers ... data to a political science person ?

Keep up the good work on the fringe of the flat earth society
Your source .... is a joke even to climate deniers ... data to a political science person ?

Keep up the good work on the fringe of the flat earth society
Let's see the data Mr Smear
Let's see the data Mr Smear

Is Global Warming becoming unstoppable?

That is the title of this thread, not .... if climate change is real ... or the science real. Please go to the flat earth thread and debate with fellow types on say the Fake news climate change thread.

I am sure you will find lifelong friends there along with deep thinkers.
That's not an argument...

Stump up with the data bro.
can feel threatened by a 16 year old who holds zero power to enact change.

She is 17 now ... as of 3rd Jan .... be afraid ...

This flattering picture, photo shopped, came from the Washington times .... not the post ... a bastion of Trump and his beliefs. Basically a few steps above say the Australian or Age here ... or Fox news. Washington times is where the Trump conspiracy theory about Obama not being American came from.
This is the reality, unfortunately.

And this:
From the article:
China’s growing appetite for new coal-fired power stations has outstripped plant closures in the rest of the world since the start of last year, data shows.

Elsewhere countries reduced their capacity by 8GW in the 18 months to June because old plants were retired faster than new ones were built. But over the same period China increased its capacity by 42.9GW despite a global move towards cleaner energy sources and a pledge to limit the use of coal.

Christine Shearer, an analyst at the NGO Global Energy Monitor, said: “China’s proposed coal expansion is so far out of alignment with the Paris agreement that it would put the necessary reductions in coal power out of reach, even if every other country were to completely eliminate its coal fleet.”
The country has a pipeline of 147GW of coal plants that are either under construction or suspension but are likely to be revived, the report says. This is more than all existing coal plants in the EU combined and almost 50% higher than the 105GW of capacity planned in the rest of the world
Much as I have had concerns about fossil fuels since the 1980's and do consider that we've got a rather serious problem with CO2 and other greenhouse gases, comments like this do sow the seeds of doubt in my mind.

If everything withstands scrutiny then there's simply no need for anyone to silence dissent. Let them claim whatever and if there's no factual basis to it then there's nothing to be fearful of.

That goes for any subject. The moment someone tries to hide something, that's a huge red flag that you'd be wise to look closely.

Few ... take the time to look.

Most trust our goverment to do that.

Smoking and its threat were well known in 1950.
The people who supported and denied any issue did very well fully supported by massive funds for 50 years ... supported by even the goverment.

The dire threat of climate change has been well known for a similar time. The science since 1856 ...
The evidence ... predicted outcomes worsening has been occurring to only be denied by the "Smoking Lobby" Now called the climate denial lobby.

Expecting a goverment to act morally when its fueled by corruption in the case of the USA ?

Our own, openly supports the genocide in Yemen and USA where 250,000 people died in 2019 and 13 million starve ... you expect ours to act ?

Things will not change when the leader, our current PM takes a lump of coal into parliament in 2017 and tells offended people who understand science ... not to be afraid.

That lump of coal was formed over a million years and in his hand he held IS and WAS compressed vegetation and CO2 that corrected the last extinction event.

Holding up a dead child from Yemen .... would be about as smart ..When someone is so stupid not to even understand that, we all deserve to send our kids and grand kids to hell on earth. They deserve it with such stupid leaders and such gutless voiceless parents and grandparents, let alone displayed stupidity on their part.

Maybe our PM can go chant at church and make it all better. Or send our kids to Yemen, possibly a holiday for his family in 2020 with the Trumps, I am sure Baron will enjoy it ?
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Yes the earth is flat ...
Yes I agree. The only thing that has me puzzled though is that no matter how much I try I can never get to the edge, to peer over.

NASA did not go to the moon ....
I'm with you, of course they didn't. It was all staged at a Hollywood film lot.

Your opinion is actually valued on the above topics.
Well thank you kahuna1, you are such a nice person.
Talking about going to the moon, how come they could do it 50 years ago, using slide rule calculations, and they cant do it now?
Even when they had the space shuttle and the space station, they couldnt do it, it does make you wonder doesnt it.
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