Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Is Global Warming becoming unstoppable?

Lomborg, Curry, Pielke, Happer etc are not non-science Robee.
Where is the science these folk bring to the table? They offer no explanation for the present warming.
. Robust science is about discovery, not excluding all that does not fit your political agenda....
Again, where is the "robust science" of those you quote?
Fact is, I haven't really got time or the patience for debate with extremists, but I don't mind posting some relevant links from time to time when I feel like it.
All you need to do is to link to the science which explains what is happening, and you have never done this.
And I do find y'alls responses interesting too, especially the constant smear and ad hominem.
You continue to use words inappropriately as you seem unable to distinguish a personal affront from a critique on your comments.
LMAO I can't believe you just posted that.

Get off Desmog Blog and out of the echo chamber Robee.
LMAO I can't believe you just posted that.
Get off Desmog Blog and out of the echo chamber Robee.
At some point you might actually use climate science to back whatever it is you believe, but I always give credit for consistency, and wrt to vapid posts you deserve a great deal.
It's getting hotter colder... for a spell... make the most of it before it's gone :)


It's getting hotter colder... for a spell... make the most of it before it's gone :)
This dang weather is just unstoppable :speechless:.
Maybe we should consult with Lomborg, Curry, Pielke, or Happer to see what they forecast?
I know its not relevant but broke recorded records here yesterday 30 degrees C how did you cope SP?

I was surfing a couple of days before and nearly died of hypothermia, then there was the beach closure due to the 3m great white..........sorry carry on gents :)
I know its not relevant but broke recorded records here yesterday 30 degrees C how did you cope SP?

I was surfing a couple of days before and nearly died of hypothermia, then there was the beach closure due to the 3m great white..........sorry carry on gents :)
Well I'm sitting in the dark in central Mandurah(power failure), writing this by the light of a torch, while it is pi$$ing down outside, bring back yesterdays
Actually it is nice sitting here in the dark, just the sound of the Tivoli DAB radio, the torch, the laptop and a stubby.
Life's good.
Not real scientists are they Robee

Maybe, maybe not.
It's just they talk total and utter rubbish about CC.

Well maybe not utter rubbish.:cautious: . Just convoluted, cherry picking, quasi denial shite intended to persuade willing bunnies to believe that nothing serious is actually happening with our climate and that we can all rest easy. Putr up our feet. Have a beer. It's all cool folks.:cool:

I should be "amazed" that Wayne proudly protests the "scientific" credentials of this handful of quasi/total denialists but refuses to accept the work of the other thousands of scientists who recognise just how dangerous a situation we are facing. But I'm not of course. Goes with the territory.

Not to mention the total studied ignorance of the simple facts of extreme heat, consequent unprecedented fires, droughts, extreme climatic conditions around the world. It is happening every day.

But in Wayne's world it doesn't happen does it? It's like hearing Donald Trumps insane, repetitive denials of reality. And of course it never will because Wayne has made it clear that he will never, ever acknowledge that perhaps we are facing a crisis which is changing everything - and certainly not in a good way.
It's just they talk total and utter rubbish about CC.
He tried the classic appeal to authority. However, given I have seldom seen his posts credible wrt to many such concepts, he may not have been aware it was what he did.
The science contributions of those in denial of what is occurring make for fascinating reading. They spend a greater amount of their time nowadays looking for a line in a calculation, or a point from original research, which they can cast doubt on (because they no longer do research themselves). They use the proven tactics of the tobacco lobbyists and now big pharma to cast doubt on any research which is contrary to self interest.
What they do not do is actually prove their case. And this is where the gullible are sucked in to narratives which they prefer, rather than reality.
Those who post in forums around the globe who are in denial of climate science are so easy to spot.
  • Their language is typically derogatory - eg. using terminology such as "alarmists" - and they latch onto outlandish claims derived from misunderstandings of science.
  • They prefer to link to media headlines (or worse) from sites which have no record of referencing climate science contributions, rather than draw from peer reviewed scientific publications, journals or conferences.
  • They cherrypick data because that's what someone else did and it seemed to make the point they wanted, without realising that trends and context would make their points trivial.
  • They seem incapable of linking to any science papers to confirm their comments have a legitimate basis and prefer to rely on discredited claims in the hope they are not called to account.
  • And they obfuscate and derail threads when the going gets tough.
Ahh appeal to authority.

Nice parry.

Here's more appeal to authority. It would be nice if you guys would actually watch it, then appeal to your authority in response . ;)

Ahh appeal to authority.
Nice parry.
Here's more appeal to authority. It would be nice if you guys would actually watch it, then appeal to your authority in response . ;)
More of nothing - you are full of it!~
Asked to present something showing you are credible on this topic, and that was it?
Well I'm sitting in the dark in central Mandurah(power failure), writing this by the light of a torch, while it is pi$$ing down outside, bring back yesterdays
Actually it is nice sitting here in the dark, just the sound of the Tivoli DAB radio, the torch, the laptop and a stubby.
Life's good.

Someone likely stole the copper wire are the tyres still on your car I always do my wheel nuts up extra tight :) I noticed they have razor wire along the train-station fence now.

Garden enjoyed the rain but looking like another grim year

More of nothing - you are full of it!~
Asked to present something showing you are credible on this topic, and that was it?
You can't post without childish ad hom Robbee.

Ridd is on the money, but you can't accept what doesn't fit the narrative.

I've got lots more, but probably wasted on someone who is an acolyte a 16 yo with difficulties who believes she can actually see co2 molecules and magnifies her own footprints with stupid symbolism. :laugh:
You can't post without childish ad hom Robbee.

Ridd is on the money, but you can't accept what doesn't fit the narrative.

I've got lots more, but probably wasted on someone who is an acolyte a 16 yo with difficulties who believes she can actually see co2 molecules and magnifies her own footprints with stupid symbolism. :laugh:
Please learn that what you think is an ad hom is most definitely not, as you have got your terminology consistently wrong.
Moreover, you quote total irrelevances on a regular basis because you have shown no capacity here to understand climate science.
Whatever it is you have more of, based on possibly thousands of your posts to date, it is not climate science.
Parliament has razor and machine gun posts with concrete bastions to deter ram raids on pot-plants and stacking the Opposition benches with Adani enemies.
I actually think Adani is stuffed, they cannot get loan support and the costs of renewables, wind solar etc is now cheaper than coal. For steel making yes but don't think theirs is up to that category.

And China just recently decided against going ahead with more than 100 coal plants they had in the pipline.

The deniers are far far behind but in trying to stop the global warming damage we all are.