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Investment implications of Climate Change

adding to the list: (do not hold any)

SciDev Limited (SDV). $0.77. Is involved indevelopment and application of both chemistry and process control for solids-liquid separation. SciDev brings in technology, chemistry, management and manufacturing capabilities to solve pressing operational and environmental issues for the mining, construction, water treatment and oil & gas markets.

Carbonxt Group Limited (CG1). $0.19. is a cleantech company that develops and markets specialised Activated Carbon (AC) products, primarily focused on the capture of mercury and sulphur in industrial processes that emit substantial amounts of harmful air pollutants. The Company produces and manufactures Powdered Activated Carbon and Activated Carbon pellets for use in industrial air purification, waste water treatment and other liquid and gas phase markets.

Leaf Resources Ltd (LER). $0.065. Leaf Resources Ltd, formerly Leaf Energy Ltd, is an Australian company with a vision, turning waste biomass into cellulose derivatives, bioplastics and green chemicals through Leaf Resources Glycell Process. The Company target markets are USA, Australia, Malaysia. Recently raised capital and changed tack; acquired Essential Queensland, which is commissioning its first plant for xtraction of pine chemicals at Apple Tree Creek facility, in Qld.

A similar story to LER, & better developed:
Nanallose Limited NC6. $0.18. Is involved in R&D and promotion of the Company's microbial cellulose technology. The primary focus has been directed towards the development of their Plant-Free viscose-rayon fibre (Nullarbor), as a replacement for water-thirsty cotton. Also developing a commercial supply chain of microbial cellulose from a variety of waste streams. In January, it filed a joint patent application with Grasim Industries Ltd for a high tenacity lyocell fibre made from Microbial Cellulose. SP jumped from 5c to 20c
OK I think the Green Energy thing is getting more legs ie momentum is increasing. I have been caught before though and a quick read of the link helps me being over zealous. I have linked it in case others might want some review of Green in the past.. (it is a small thread) Comments from 2015 & 2019. I think some of the old tech initiatives may resurface.

Green Stocks Review | Aussie Stock Forums
OK I think the Green Energy thing is getting more legs ie momentum is increasing.
As a fundamental observation:

Wind and solar PV have won the race so far as "new" renewable energy sources are concerned alongside the long established albeit volume constrained options of hydro and biomass. They're being deployed on a sufficient scale to say they're the benchmark against which anything else will be measured.

Versus any system involving solar energy producing steam or things like wave power. There are still companies having a go but ultimately it's no longer a case of developing a viable option, we have two in the form of wind and solar, but rather that anything else will need to beat them to gain any real market.

On the storage side, batteries are current flavour of the month and in the context of being grid-connected they certainly are viable for short term storage, generally up to 4 hours worth seems to be attractive to owners commercially for new developments. Beyond that though for longer term storage pumped hydro has a definite cost advantage. Anything else will need to prove itself versus those two.

For things which move there's more space for something new since whilst current batteries do work, it would be seriously pushing the limits to get a large plane up in the air powered by them. There's still a strong incentive for R&D in this area (current batteries are good enough for cars though certainly).
Have taken a long term position in Cfoam, ASX CFO just before end of year.
Entry was $0.027 I believe.
Watched it travel up to $0.060+ but resisted the sell.
I have high hopes for it progressing over the next few years, as does @finicky
The main takeaway was CFO is using/ turning coal into other products without burning it, thus locking up the carbon.
Looking ahead, the coal mining industry would no doubt be supportive, as would many other groups.
Coal miners are currently feeling the hard brunt of enviro forces, as some investors would be well aware of...
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Salutary learning experiences !! Some like GDY and Carnegie managed to spend money for very little benefit. I notice most of my stocks tend to be remediators rather than green initiatives.

From 2019, I saw @Ann had a list of Power Renewable Electricity Producers. CCE, EWC, GNX, IFN, KPO, NEW, PEA, POW, RNE, VPR, ZEN. So, where are they now?

CCE Carnegie Clean Energy .... $0.02. Wave good bye to their swell ideas. On life support
EWC Energy World Corp ...... In Asia. Funding challenges
GNX Genex Power ............. Kidston and more
IFN Infigen Energy ............. Taken over 2020
KPO Kalina Power .............. Waste heat to power. In Alberta
NEW New Energy Solar ..... Utility-scale solar power plants
PEA Pacific Energy............. Delisted 2019 T/O.
POW Protean Energy....... Was into waves, now vanadium resource and vanadium battery technology (S Korea)
RNE Renu Energy ............ formerly Geodynamics, then bio energy, now exploring transformative opportunities
VPR Volt Power Group ..... formerly Enerji Ltd, is a power generation technology and infrastructure asset / equipment developer
ZEN Zenith Energy ............ delisted; T/O in 2020 by Elemental Infrastructure BidCo
Sadly,many are just narratives, with less ip than i could provide....
CCE Carnegie Clean Energy .... $0.02. Wave good bye to their swell ideas. On life support
Love the puns. There was some very serious effort and operations created and trialled, but has gone underwater in more ways than designed.
RNE Renu Energy ............ formerly Geodynamics, then bio energy, now exploring transformative opportunities
Geodynamics using Hot Rocks was another well trialled effort became operational and ultimately was going to power a very small town as proof of concept. Then there was a big bang down the hole and it went to sheeet. Still work being done years later with remediation of the sites. I note on another thread Twiggy Forest suggesting geothermal a possibility for power creation in his green steel concept. Careful Twiggy.

Another that went quite some way towards a Green solution was Ceramic Fuel Cells CFU, even built a factory in Germany for production of fuel cells. Companies were going to build washing machine sized generators sell excess power to the grid and have all the heating and hot water you could want. Not listed anymore but I think there are some held interests somewhere. Bink Bonk. 37 page thread CFU - Ceramic Fuel Cells | Aussie Stock Forums
You are dead right jbocker a lot of hard work and effort, blood sweat and tears would have gone into Carnegie, by a lot of dedicated people, but it wouldn't have been from lack of effort that it failed.
As @Smurf1976 has posted cost rep Kw, solar/wind wins it hands down, cost per Kw over time hydro wins it, wave power falls into the nice idea but cost per Kw isn't competitive at this time.
You are dead right jbocker a lot of hard work and effort, blood sweat and tears would have gone into Carnegie, by a lot of dedicated people, but it wouldn't have been from lack of effort that it failed.
It rusted. Marine fouling. Also an unpredictable three dimensional sinusoidal movement. Doomed.

On GDY, that company is the proud claimant to the only measured manmade earthquake in Aust, at 2.1 on Richter scale, from one of their attempts to fracture at Innamincka, I recall. Just don't call it fraccing, which is immeasurably worse.
Yes it all becomes "flogging a dead horse", thankfully the Government saw sense and stopped pouring taxpayers money into a lost cause.

It's a shame that media pump priming, keeps things going far longer than they should, not saying that innovation shouldn't be supported but not at the detriment of something that is proving more successful.
This joint venture is worth keeping an eye on in terms of investment opportunities around protecting our natural capital.

Joint venture looks to invest billions in 'natural capital' projects to help combat climate change​

Founding partner says ‘investing in the resilience of nature is investing in the resilience of the economy’

A push to better recognise the economic value of “natural capital” – water systems, biodiversity, soil and carbon stores – has prompted the creation of what aims to be the world’s largest investment firm dedicated to projects that help the planet.

Multinational financial services giant HSBC and Pollination, a boutique climate advisory and investment firm, announced a joint venture that they predicted would meet a multi-billion dollar demand for environmentally friendly investment beyond renewable energy.

In a statement on Wednesday, they said the new body would back projects in areas including sustainable forestry, regenerative agriculture, water supply improvement, bio-fuels and “blue carbon” capture in oceans and coastal ecosystems.

Martijn Wilder, a Pollination founding partner and former chair of the Australian Renewable Energy Agency, said the newly created HSBC Pollination Climate Asset Management would accelerate investment that could help combat climate change and build biodiversity while generating long-term returns for institutional investors.

Coles joins Woolworths and Aldi in using 100% renewable energy within 4 years. Also taking a range of actions in house to use less energy and more decisively to a fossil free future.

Supermarkets are big power users - and leaders. I think many other orgs will look at the figures and follow.

This is Woolworths announcements of its strategy to zero emissions. Like other supermarkets the ROI by moving to renewable and recyclable products is part of their decision.

Aldi has also stated it will use 100% renewable energy by the end of 2021.
Again like the other supermarket chains it is redirecting unused food to foodbanks etc.
NSW is facing unprecedented flooding. One could say these were Acts of God but all the science is recognising that Global Heating is creating extreme weather conditions as well as ongoing climate change around the world. Intense rain events are part of these changes.

The economic consequences of these events? Let's see.
But its not unprecedented, is it...

Unlike El Nino years, the impacts of La Nina often continue into the warm months. In eastern Australia, the average December-March rainfall during La Niña years is 20% higher than the long-term average, with eight of the ten wettest such periods occurring during La Niña years. This is particularly notable for the east coast, which tends to be less affected by La Niña during the winter months but can experience severe flooding during La Niña summers.

The presence of La Niña increases the chance of widespread flooding. Of the 18 La Niña events since 1900 (including multi-year events), 12 have resulted in flooding for some parts of Australia, with the east coast experiencing twice as many severe floods during La Niña years than El Niño years


Yes La Nina events result in heavier than normal rainfalls and associated flooding. The point about CC is that it adds another layer of extreme weather conditions on top of what has been considered "normal" . The rainfall figures in NSW up to Feb have already previous records and that is before the completion of this event.

There will be consequences of CC and heightened extreme weather conditions - whether drought, extreme heat waves, or extreme rainfall events are occuring.

Just check out the insurance companies.

The current rain event in NSW is still unfolding beyond all experiences in living memory.

Insurance companies taking a beating as the floods in Eastern Australia worsen.
It will be interesting to see how flood damage is treated and costed . After the floods (like the bushfires in 2020) the insurance companies will reassess the cost and coverage of flood affected areas. Watch out for uninsurable districts.

There will also be (upward) adjustments to everyones insurance premium to cover the costs of this disaster.
Satirical but not untrue. Historical "One in a 100 year" events are now happening with disturbing frequency.
The cumulative effect on the economy, infrastructure and financial institutions will be testing.

NSW Residents Facing Fourth Once-In-A-Hundred-Year Event Since Last January

As flood waters continue to rise across the state, residents of New South Wales are weathering their fourth once-in-a-lifetime event since the start of last year.

Penrith resident Helen McMannis said she would be telling the grandkids about the floods of 2021, after she’d finished telling them about the floods, smoke, bushfires and global pandemic of 2020.
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