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International markets traders banter

Mind you, this 'big lie' has been going on for what... 5 years now, and some people made fortune out of it. If you were just passive index investor you would done well. So it's only a matter of perception. It's the $$ at the end that count, and i certainly being smartarse i was (am) got the ass end of it. One of the best bull runs in history and i decide i want to learn trading... naaah, investing is just so boring.... Sheeesh!! If it was not for this knowledge i have now i would become buddhist monk or join the army... polar opposites, who cares!

So the future is looking bright chaps, just in case i got you worried...

PS: Markets don't lie, i am referring mostly to fundamentals.

All of the above.
All of the above.

Ha, ha...., i truly, truly wonder what's in store for you in the near future, perhaps few years... Either be recruited for a hedge fund or start you own. What about your own prop shop? I know of a trader who started his own broking house. Or are you just content to plug along which is perfectly fine. (i am sure this theme was revisited in the past...)

Was reading story about Steve Cohen from SAC, recently renamed to Point72 after the accusation of insider trading (wasn't him). Took home 2.8 billion last year. He actually trades with his team around him. Low key management style and actually mostly trades. Simply amazing.
Ha, ha...., i truly, truly wonder what's in store for you in the near future, perhaps few years... Either be recruited for a hedge fund or start you own. What about your own prop shop?

God no. I'd have to buy a suit and actually commit to turning up each day and all for a pay cut..... I don't think so.
Tightest Arvo range on the HSI for at least 90 days, even after the PBOC add some more funny money to the fire.

Morning ses wasn't much either! end result? Whipsaw Willie!!!

Tightest Arvo range on the HSI for at least 90 days, even after the PBOC add some more funny money to the fire.

View attachment 59439
Morning ses wasn't much either! end result? Whipsaw Willie!!!

View attachment 59440

What do you make of the injection?

Does not appear to be anything related to solvency and appears more akin to a TLTRO arrangement. Targeted stimulus. Scalpel rather than broadsword. Arrangements have already been put into place for a similar purpose, if required, for the various local government financing bodies. Surprising HSI did not express a view one way or the other. Less than 1% of GDP in terms of monetary stim.

Welcome to QE/Credit-easing/expanding-the-monetary-base China-style.
'Alibaba IPO seen sucking money out of Hong Kong stocks'

'...Those stocks have suffered a pullback in recent days, he said, perhaps because some Hong Kong traders are selling them in order to ”” you guessed it ”” buy into the Alibaba IPO.'

The show starts on Friday. Would you invest in highly regulated, censored, government strangled internet market... One change in policy and you are stuffed. But then again when did share price have anything to do with common sense... This will be interesting.
What do you make of the injection?

The junkies have been demanding another hit and they got a wiff of smoke from a second-hand pipe. Don't think they are happy with such a small response.

Considering the volume yesterday and tight range the jump higher was being very well capped by sellers. Either waiting for disappointment from last nights fed statement or pegging it for another go lower. Chinese stocks had an even worse reaction. They spent half the day in the red. It has been a strong run since May for the Seng on the back of the news about the stock link up with Shanghai. So hard to tell if the underlining Chinese worries are starting to be a concern or we are just taking a breather.
Good call TH. Next question: will 24140ish hold? My call: small bounce... and then another push lower...
The junkies have been demanding another hit and they got a wiff of smoke from a second-hand pipe. Don't think they are happy with such a small response.

I thought the Chinese usually inject some liquidity ahead of the 1 Oct national holidays week... so I really didn't think it was anything too much out of the ordinary :dunno:
What the hell was that? Thought I heard the squawk guy say something but didn't quite catch what it was, or was it not news/data?
Whatever it was, I was unfortunately on the wrong side of it ....

ps. At least I had the common sense to close my positions .... this time

Yeah I had offers up above the market when it exploded, not quite high enough though, was around 80 ticks or so on the dax, it reacted like it was some news, but didn't catch what the guy said on the squawk, might have just been a big sweep, but he said something right when it happened, so not sure what triggered it.

AFAIK that spike was related to an ECB announcement regarding voting rotation for monetary policy meetings.

Busy night!!
Yes, that's what it was, he mentioned something about ECB and voting, cheers for the link.

I think I need to read up on that stuff because I don't get why that would cause an 80 tick spike

This piece from a CNBC article might explain it better:

For European futures it's worthwhile to keep an eye on when ECB meetings/reports/speeches are coming up.
Whatever it was, I was unfortunately on the wrong side of it ....

ps. At least I had the common sense to close my positions .... this time

You weren't alone Barney!

I had a !@#$% of a time trying to meet the margin thanks to my FSP failing to keep me informed of changes to their platform.
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