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International markets traders banter

Just LOL.

Who said Bots are a bad thing????!! I'm having a day out... and thats just 45 min....

Yeah you actually know what you're doing. Have you ever felt like everything is against you at any point in your life? Or has everything gone super smoothly and successfully like it seems to with your trading, impressive
Yeah you actually know what you're doing. Have you ever felt like everything is against you at any point in your life? Or has everything gone super smoothly and successfully like it seems to with your trading, impressive

Sh!te Sam anit nofin easy in this world.

Most people who look like they have made it and done it easy have in fact failed a few 100 times before. Yet still pick themselves up, brush off he dust and bruises and then throw themselves into something again and again with 100% effort. While most just have half a whack, hit a rough spot and give up.

Ya gotta enjoy the struggle to conquer the struggle. :whip
Tokyo on holiday today, no news, Friday..... fade everything?

Think it would take something unexpected in China today to move anything
HHI wants to leap into a short covering rally but the HSI is cramping its style...
I should have been thinking short once we failed to take out the high....the Seng wants to fill that gap now...
yeah crazy stuff.

T/H my spiny senses are tingling here, horrid number and the equities have turned bid and now the treasuries and our bonds look sooo heavy.

not saying we wont turn around a fraction from here but just seem as if 'something is up'

Apparently some dude from HSBC is saying, the more disappointing the economic numbers, the more chances of a targeted stimulating measures.

It's like much of pre-taper action when bad economic news = taper delay = equity rally.
Apparently some dude from HSBC is saying, the more disappointing the economic numbers, the more chances of a targeted stimulating measures.

It's like much of pre-taper action when bad economic news = taper delay = equity rally.

Yep we have had a month now of these poor China numbers and are 12-14% lower than when they started. The "surprises" are now being read as consistently bad enough for stimulus.
It's interesting to be observing just how much worse than expected data they are allowing to come out in a row.
Usually they drip two negs out then a surprise positive to stem the blood flow.

Perhaps it is so bad that it's just not possible to hide it any more with government backed over building.

There will no doubt be stimulus at some point.
As we all know they have reserves.

It's just how long they allow it to run down.

But in the end they will not be able to control it.

It's ridiculous that people try to think of possible scenarios trying to make out there is not a property bubble like the world has never seen before. It's so obvious, so in your face, it beggars belief!

What's unique about it is that it is not all credit so the pressure will not necessarily be on having to sell but simply on holding a bad investment forever which is what they will do, apart from the ones who get out first.

The hard part will be what to do next in order to fake growth because it aint going to be a consumer society.

So what will it be? A 1000 years of stagnation?
Anybody got a website which has clock for all the major timezones in an easy to view manner?

Like imagine if you were sitting at a proper trading desk and you'd have all the clocks up on the wall saying 'Tokyo/china/sydnye/London/new York etc' im looking for one of those in internet web page form.

May be something like this? It's a desktop widget.

And some old suff here
My versions of win7 have the gadgets already. You can have as many clocks as you like....
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