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International Index Trading

Yeah I've noticed that about Europe- some days seem great, others are almost like a holding pattern until the U.S opens. Think I might have to try and find a way to play the gaps on the SMI & FTSE- seems like the only time of day where there will definitely be movement.

Check out the bund too. That can be a fun contract to trade. FWIW

IB code GBL

I don't like the CAC-40 not enough band for buck.
The FSTE is good .I disagree about it being to choppy i dont think its as whippy and taily, as the DAX most times.
I suppose it depends on your time frame and what your trading plan is.


I don't like the CAC-40 not enough band for buck.
The FSTE is good .I disagree about it being to choppy i dont think its as whippy and taily, as the DAX most times.
I suppose it depends on your time frame and what your trading plan is.


fair point onemore, just have to look at the first couple of hours today on Dax & FTSE to compare. FTSE definitely the better place to be the last couple of days anyway

Cheers for the feedback onemore

Probably will try and look at getting something similar going to my SPI methods- basically will be looking for the quick pops up and down within a trend, and will be looking at sub 30 minute hold times(quite often a lot less). So I'll probably be looking at 1 minute charts, maybe 2 max, will have to see what I can come up with to suit my very impatient style of trading

Don't think the ESTX is going to be suitable for that style of trading, and the DAX might need a different approach. The SMI and FTSE seem to be clear winners based on the minimal data I've got right now. Because I'm a dirty cheap so and so, I have skimped out on the data I'm getting from IB, so don't really know how the FTSE depth is at this stage- for some reason I get the full depth for the SMI with the Euronext level 1 market data, and it looks pretty nice- more than enough for the small retail punter, but not so many contracts sitting in the depth that it will get congested at the 1 level.


Check out the bund too. That can be a fun contract to trade. FWIW

IB code GBL

Cheers Wayne, just fired a chart of it up. Looks like we have another contender
SMI looks interesting. I've not looked at that one before.
some of the MT4 brokers cover FTSE Prof, cash & futures - so you could get some historic data there. I'll find out which ones
Hope you didn't get caught in the death spikes on the HSI this morning trembling hand.

For anyone who wasn't watching,

T&S just after the open went something like this


And all of this happened in the space of about 7 seconds
and not one to be left behind in the competition for world's wildest index, the H-shares went on a 200 point rally...... in about 20 seconds.

Shame really, these markets were quite good to trade earlier on in the year

Actually Prof. I am loving the action. Doing better $ wise than anything I have ever traded before. Funny thing is though I've been losing on the SPI!!

It seems the fast and furious action on the HSI which I'm getting more accustomed to has messed up what I'm doing with the SPI. :screwy:

No complaints though. A buck is a buck no matter where it comes from.

yeah the SPI is pretty sedate by comparison, it's a big switch going from one to the other, something I struggled with as well.

Been trying to figure out what has changed with the HSI recently- volume isn't noticeably higher than it was previously in the higher timeframes, however punch up a 15 second chart and there is a huge difference in how much trading is going on compared with May. It's almost like there has been an explosion of 1 lot scalpers over the past couple of months, and they have replaced some of the bigger players. Either that, or some of the bigger players have changed the way they approach the market.

A couple more days, and I might be able to figure something out for this thing.

decided to fire up the sim for the afternoon session on the HSI. Went 4 and 2 for 100 points. The important part for me was that max heat on a trade taken was 12 points, and didn't need a stop of bigger than 16 for any of the setups.

Think I may have found a way back into this thing

Bring on Monday!

Sorry professor. You will have to hang out till tomorrow for the Hang Seng. Just like me. I'm pretty disappointed that they are closed today. Going on a holiday next week for a month and really going to have withdrawals from the mad action on the HSI. I'm completely hooked on it now. And now that's one less day to juice some action from.

yeah didn't realise until after I posted that that they were shut! Wasn't until Saturday morning that I realised it was a long weekend here too
gee Hang Seng is strong today, futs currently up 1100 to 28,260, thats nearly 8000pts since Aug low
gee Hang Seng is strong today, futs currently up 1100 to 28,260, thats nearly 8000pts since Aug low

Yep its pretty weird going long an Index that gaps up more than 2% after 6 weeks of straight up gains and still getting 1.5 % out of it

On any other index that would be a short on the open every time. But not this crazy thing!!

How did you go today Professor?
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