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Interactive Brokers Troubleshooting

Even if IB don't show market depth, it does exist and is possible that other orders were filled before it reached your order.

Unless the market trades at least one tick below (or above if short) your stop price (meaning ALL orders at that price are executed), there is no guarantee that your order will be one of those that were actually taken.
Trading EURUSD on IB with the account base currency as AUD. Profits are deposited in USD, however with the AUD racing past USD parity I have lost money due to the USD sitting in my account being worth less.

Any advice on the best setup/process for this scenario? Perhaps change base currency to EUR or USD? or maybe instead of changing I should be converting my USD into AUD at the end of every trading day instead of weekly or monthly?

Any tips at all most appreciated.

Converting more regularly seems to be the way to go, unless you have a particular view on the USD/AUD pair as well.

There's no reason to expose your P/L to currency movement. Whether you are running an import/export business or trading FX contracts.
Yes ours are down as well.
It is not only IB
My CFD account is working OK, so it's not the exchange, as when the SFE went down the other day. Trader Workstation says hkfarm and aufarm down, though eurofarm is OK.
IB dropping out all morning but seems to be OK now.

Webiress was not affected, neither was IG's CFD.

Didn't understand why IB is blaming ISP?? Surely all their clients who called up are not with the same ISP? Or are they blaming their own ISP??
We just logged out and back in.
All is back to normal now.
I'm logged into TWS on my backup lappy with my backup NextG connection, can't login with my ADSL connection still though, have a dynamic IP address so will reboot the modem after the close and see if picking up a new IP address works...... oh well, makes life interesting
Looks like everyone was having the same issue - I rang Hong Kong and was actually on hold for about 5 min which is very unusual so I thought that something was going on but when I spoke to Mary she said they weren't having any issues their end. Anyway, didnt take long to get back up and running but never really that much fun when these things happen.
All good here again on my main connection. Got my orders through at the close on my NextG backup then switched the ADSL modem off for a couple of hours, had a couple of glasses of red and switched everything on again and all honky-dory. The world is always a better place after a couple of glasses of Kangaroo Island Cab. Sav.

I figured it out, for stop orders IB is using the Ask price and it seems for Limit orders it is using the bid.

I have just joined IB and want to trade some forex futures contracts for the mid to long term on a margin account.

If there is anyone who trades with TWS in an IB account that can help me get going in setting up my screen and navigating TWS, and lives in Melbourne Australia I will pay $100per hour for the help and advice.

Hi, apologies this is going to be a bit long so, I sent these questions to IB but curious to know if anyone here could help me out or is having the same probs.

I have been trading on my account with Interactive Brokers for the last 2 weeks giving it a trial run before I put more capital in to trade how I normally trade, I have already racked up $3grand in brokerage in this 2 weeks and this figure will be a lot more once I start trading my usual size so I want to be 100% confident with IB and have these questions:

1. I am being prompted to upgrade the account as I am using an old version and I am told the older version will no longer be supported soon. However the newer versions do not allow for 1 click dealing which is essential for my trading. Is there anything I can do about this? Is interactive brokers looking into how to allow this feature available for its clients, as scalping without 1 click dealing is pretty useless and Im sure a lot of business will have to look elsewhere.

2. I trade the SPI which is the Australian futures market on our equity index. The pre-open auction for this market is at 9.50 everyday the markets opened, can I participate in the auction? There are auctions both at the reopen in the mornings at 9.50am, and also at 5.10pm. I use booktrader and it seems I can not enter orders until after the auction. Also is there a way I can see the indicative price that the auction will open at based on the orders in the preauction, this is not shown on IB, and I usually just have to wait till the open and be surprised as to the opening price.

3. After 4pm, usually between 4pm and 4.30pm, the data for the ES (US futures eminis on globex) drops out a few times, this is happening every day around this time, is there a way to stop this. Also around this time I also get purple lines around every cell on every open interactive brokers window (book trader, the main workstation, etc) and I can not enter or exit trades, this is happening everyday and its making it very dangerous for me as I am often in a trade at this time and can not exit. Is there a reason this is happening, and how can I go about fixing this problem?

4. My computer makes a sound to alert me that something is happening with Interactive Brokers usually disconnection of data or something like this, however I have so many windows of Interactive Brokers open (charts, booktraders, trades, etc) and I do not know what I am being alerted for, this is wasting a lot of time, as I am worried I might not be receiving data or I am being filled for an order, and I manually have to go through every window to see what the issue was, is there anyway that when my computer makes the sound I can quickly check what it was informing me about?

Many thanks for any help!!

1. Ninja trader can get around it I think. See post here. On the bright side, if I can remain parallel to that red line it would still be a good year.

2. Dunno. There's a check box for "participate in auction" or something along those lines for stocks but not sure about futures.

3. Their server resets everyday around that time. The simple solution might be just avoid those 5 minutes.

4. I believe you can customise sound effects for each action... if not on TWS then NT will def do it.
thanks skc, whats the link for the ninjatrader post, it didnt come up. Is it a free platform or monthly/one off cost?

I just called up IB, they reckon I cant participate in the auction because they only start receiving the data at 9.50, to be honest though they didnt seem like they knew what they were talking about.

Its not IB that have taken away one click its TT. You need to pay NT a subsciption and 0.10 USD per side. Or use TT @ $1000 per month or someone else, or pm me and I can help. imp:
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