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Interactive Brokers Troubleshooting

hey guys, anyone else unable to log into their account using webtrader? i'm at work so cant use TWS

i only wanna log in to close off my positions before the day's end, cant get in for the last 2 hrs (the simulated acc works)

getting quite annoyed, any ideas?


Call them for a phone trade +61 2-9240-5143
Australian Dividends
Can someone confirm the following.
1. Are Australian dividends are paid in full into my Interactive Brokers account with no withholding tax?
2. Are Australian dividends kept in Australian currency and not converted to my base currency, which is USD?

TIA - moreld
thanks, just did that

they really need to make the webtrader more reliable ;s

Ive never had a problem.
Do you have the security login?
I find it excellent.
At times it does take 30 seconds to load but has never not loaded.
Even when massive traffic on other platforms seem to crash them.
Been on all day never a problem.
Check your internet connection.
hey guys, need some help with an order

I'm trying to sell a CFD, lets call it X. Currently X @ $30. I only want to trigger the sell @ 29. Once triggered, I want to have a stop @ 31 to cover.

Currently I'm using MIT (Market if Touched), but it doesn't allow me to place a stop. (I go work & webtrader doesnt allow you to trade CFDs).

Anyone know an order I can do that places a cover/stop @ 31?

Thanks in advance

Anyone who has sold aussie stocks short, whats the process?
I understand that stock may need to be sourced so i was wondering how long this can take after the sell order has been placed.

Thanks in advance.
Hmmmm ... IB's forex margin is 0.04 ... it is 4 times higher than others offering 100:1 ??? anybody actually trading forex with IB or prefer others ????

Anybody using IB for forex ? how do you actually convert to base currency ?


You convert just as if you are trading, but once you traded, go to Account Window, under FX Portfolio, right click on the pair you used, eg. AUDUSD, Adjust Position or Average Price, change all to 0, then you won't have a running P&L anymore. For smaller amounts, I think less than 20K in general, you convert through IDEAL, whereas IDEALPRO is mainly for trading, but for all amounts greater, they get sent to IDEALPRO anyway. Hope this helps.

BTW, does any know in AmiBroker 5.1, what is the code for companies like Citigroup? I used to be able to just use C, but now it doesn't work, neither does adding the currency code or exchange thing work. GOOG works though Any help appreciated.
NAsX;411007 BTW said:
code for companies like Citigroup[/B]? I used to be able to just use C, but now it doesn't work, neither does adding the currency code or exchange thing work. GOOG works though Any help appreciated.

Not sure whats happening there I have 5.2 just tried 2 mintues ago and C is working ok for me. I had trouble once importing just deleted the folder I use for Interactive Brokers and went through the setup process again might be worth a try.

Anyone who has sold aussie stocks short, whats the process?
I understand that stock may need to be sourced so i was wondering how long this can take after the sell order has been placed.

Thanks in advance.

Hi cutz,
The process after you send your sell order is you wait and wait and wait and nothing, short selling ASX stocks with IB is useless, I have only tried it afew times but never got fills, last time i looked there were no shortable stocks available here anyhow.
Now I just go (long ASX) (long/short US) and i'm happy just doing that there's ample trades to choose from in that combination, Im looking at adding futures s&p500 mini / spi not sure yet a work in progress but if you still feel the need to short ASX stocks then best look for a CFD provider.

It does help, thank you. However, if my logic is correct, doesn't it mean that we are back to square one if the price movement has not change when we convert ????

we buy and sell, then we get profit say AUDJPY. There is a profit of JPY of 100. When we convert if the price is at the price we sell, we are kinda back to square one ???? so we only convert when the market is favourable isn't it ????

so, essentially i want to buy JPYAUD again. I need to check the chart then to convert ????

another revelation ??? hmmmm glad i am on demo, do not want to learn it the hard way ????

so any tips for strategies to minimise this ???

thanks heaps ...

with equities, i usually attach a bracket order by right-clicking after I setup a buy order. Not sure if that applies to CFD orders... but I don't see why not.


IB Webtrader goes down every single day at about the same time. Some US genius has decided it's a good time to do scheduled maintenance of their server. They promised about a year ago they were going to improve webtrader. Never happened.
IB Webtrader goes down every single day at about the same time. Some US genius has decided it's a good time to do scheduled maintenance of their server. They promised about a year ago they were going to improve webtrader. Never happened.

Try using Webtrader on another server. I started using that recently and haven't experience any shutdown for maintenance (usually 3pm est) since.
I use the standalone version of TWS and I notice that the data feed dies at exactly 3:18pm every day. I don't subscribe to any ASX data so it's not that much of a drama for me. It usually comes back online in about 3 - 5 minutes. Is this related to the web version for clients trying to trade the ASX or is it another issue? I dunno but I suspect it may just be system maintenance.

Have a read of the System Status page where it says right down the bottom

*System resets will occur throughout the above periods. Accounts will be unavailable for approximately 1 minute in this period.

While IB offers 24 hour trading, there is a brief period in each business day where certain services may be temporarily unavailable as part of regular system maintenance. This reset period is usually less than 1 minute for most accounts and are scheduled during the times described above.

During the reset period, there will be an interruption in the ability to login or manage orders. Existing orders (native types) will operate normally although execution reports and simulated orders will be delayed until the reset is complete.
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