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Imminent and severe market correction

ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzz ... Huh ? ..... Wha ?


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Forward 'expecting' more like it. Both up and down. Second half recovery by whose accounts? Are we in the middle of the 'second half recover?' Once again, maybe the records are factored in. Foreclosures at a record what?
Forward 'expecting' more like it. Both up and down. Second half recovery by whose accounts? Are we in the middle of the 'second half recover?' Once again, maybe the records are factored in. Foreclosures at a record what?

'Expecting' based on the probability that things can't get any more worse, which is not yet certain, so they hope & pray mortgage foreclosure in the US......the highest it's ever been ie a record?

Every second story on Marketwatch or Bloomberg or ??? quote some analyst or economist who is predicting recovery. For some reason they all seem to have selected this half of the year for the recovery, but a nagging little thing called the real economy keeps getting in the way? Do a Google for "second half recovery"

Damn Green Shoots.

Unca ObamaSan needs a good dose of Rudds Red Roots!!!

This thread is most probably redundant. It seems those who are convinced of "imminent and severe" are conservatives who can't get their arms around the notion that the "left" in the form of China, Obama and Rudd are steering us through the crisis created by the privileged (and often clueless) of this world. What's more these interlopers are spending our hard earned taxes, goddam it.

Unless China/Asia fall over, another 9/11 event or along those lines, we won't see the ASX at 3900 again. So hop on board fellas or wait for a few hundred of points rest at some time, but imminent and severe ain't going to happen.

Comprehensive economic policies with some debt when it is needed (get over it, won't kill us) will also fix some schools, hospitals and those things the conservatives couldn't give a rat's **** about. It's win win guys

Aha...obviously a young'n of a socialist persuasion soon to be lining up at the nearest soup kitchen.


I laughed so hard reading your post beer came out my nose!!! Hahahaha.
Thanks, I was having a down night but the combination of beer and your post has shocked me out of it!!
Best of Luck

Aha...obviously a young'n of a socialist persuasion soon to be lining up at the nearest soup kitchen.


Either that or very rich

Those that saw opportunity amid all the fear have now been rewarded.

The only thing I can't get my arms around is the Fat Debt Lady (Mrs Creosote ?)
Look into the data from China - made to order to what ever the Central Committee require?

Some debt - please sir, can I have some more??


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Note, most debt occurred during supposedly conservative reigns of Republicans. Obama is between a rock and a hard place. I think what he is doing is good and will allow the debt to be reduced over the medium term.
Note, most debt occurred during supposedly conservative reigns of Republicans. Obama is between a rock and a hard place. I think what he is doing is good and will allow the debt to be reduced over the medium term.
How will he/they do that
How will he/they do that

Raise taxes!! Won't be popular such as the medicare levy that we have.
There is plenty of wealth in the US. Firstly he has to kickstart the economy.

Bush lowered taxes and raised spending.

I would expect Obama to raise taxes and lower spending eventually by getting out of all the wars they are engaged in and reduce defence spending. The old different priorities routine.

If you look at the budget in relation to defence spending it is astounding the USA can afford it. Just shows what a superpower they are.
(apologies for adding to the bear pr0n)
but Mr Black Swan say Obama taknig wrong way

Bear pr0n - conjures up an interesting image

Taleb summary(from link)
  • We're all in denial
  • We're replacing private debt with public debt.
  • We're not dealing with the cancer in our banking system.
  • We're not making the structural changes we need to make.
  • We're not being aggressive enough about restructuring debt (debt for equity swaps).
  • Bernanke is a wimpy Greenspan sycophant
  • Obama's rewarding the fools who got us here (Summers, Bernanke, Geithner)
  • The banksters are taking over again
Other vid opinion
Bear pr0n - conjures up an interesting image

oo-er don't want to go there!

this bearish f-undie stuff makes for a great story, but as Ivant knows you can't trade off it, gotta respect the market and wait for signals

Of which McHugh today reckons the markets are lining up a batch of Hindenburg's for us, but likely not till later in the year
this bearish f-undie stuff makes for a great story, but as Ivant knows you can't trade off it, gotta respect the market and wait for signals

Agree.... best to trade what is in front of you. But because I have a bearish outlook, people seem to think I can only trade in one direction

I also agree with a lot of what UF is saying about the debt.

On taxes


Well, SHOOT!

GREEN shoots, that is!!

Pardon my inane ignorance, but IF the *world* is relying on China to help pull its head out of its :arsch: , why the response of "No Big Deal" when the 2nd Shock Wave from a recent Chinese Market Quake appears to be breaking over us?

Oh yeah. Everyone is sipping their dailly tincture of Obama'sGreenShoots & Rudd'sRedRoots?

Anyone care to explain what is happening to the CSI300 (volumes tanking, values tanking)?

IF markets are forward looking (as we are told by experts), then surely, what is happening in China NOW is going to flow through into the REAL economy within 6mths?

Man, I am so dumb. Enlighten me....


  • China CSI 300 20 Aug 2009.jpg
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