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Imminent and severe market correction

I expect Roubini is much smarter than i... but a massive and prolonged deflation rewards the responsible savers and i just dont think the responsible will be rewarded and the irresponsible punished... that would just be too good to be true

plus china would then be able to buy EVERYTHING so logic says hyperinflation when the usd collapses

"logic" LOL

I am becoming increasingly scared because i am leaning this way also

Do folks think we are overusing the term "hyperinflation". I think we are. While I would never discount true hyperinflation in one or more anglo economy, "high" inflation being probable after a period of deflation, I strongly doubt we'll get true hyperinflation in the anglo economies.

That said, we must be vigilant for early signs of it in the commodities markets.

Roubini is in the unfortunate position of having made a good call, and now everyone is watching. No, I don't think severe deflation is possible, because although you can destroy credit you can't destroy fiat money. Likewise, I don't think hyperinflation is possible, because that would mean printing physical bank notes with lots of zeros on them.

But I do think a default on the US T-bond and the USD is possible. In that case USD financial assets would drop very, very fast as people try to get out. Watch for May-Jun 2009.
More gloom from Gloomberg
I think you might want to reconsider that view, FWIW.

Deflation requires a reduction in the money supply. I said it's not possible to destroy fiat money once created, in the sense you can't destroy 10% or 20% of the money. Money can change ownership, but once created it's indestructible so long as the system survives.

It is possible to destroy the currency as a whole. There are many ways to do that, with Zimbabwe and Iceland showing a couple of possibilities. France had the Franc, New Franc then Euro, so the old ones are "destroyed" in a sense.

It's also possible to destroy the value of currency.

There are hints that both Europe and the Fed have a "master plan". Europe wants the USD to collapse and be replaced by a new non-US system. The USA wants to devalue its debts and retain its role as the global reserve currency. Not everyone will get what they want.

I see this reaching a climax by around the middle of next year: summer 2009. There are many steps along the way. These are very smart guys who don't care if they look stupid while they get exactly what they want.
Germans reject Keynesian self destruction.

Deutchland uber alles!!
Doesn't that article explain exactly why Germany is able to "keep its powder dry" rather than join the Keynesian gravy train?

What good will Keynesian-style countercyclical stimulus packages do to inspire the frugal German consumer? It's easy for Merkel to criticise, but who will buy all the BMWs that employ such a large number of Germans?

Well, not many will be MEWed for quite some time, that's for sure.

However I'll take the A4 Cabriolet off my neighbor's hands at the right price. It will have to be cheap, because Audi drivers have won themselves an even worse reputation than Beamer drivers... (deservedly in my observation).

I was thinking of going and supporting their breweries and bratwurst industry soon too.
I was thinking of going and supporting their breweries and bratwurst industry soon too.
Me too, but unfortunately the Great British Peso doesn't go as far as it used to

So instead I'm off to Geneva in an hour or so to support their fondu, chocolate and knife industries
There lie Germany's big problems as the emancipation of East Germany and its industries, has made it the most industrialized European country.
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